Quizwiz - Ace Your Homework & Exams, Now With ChatGPT AI (2025)

U.S. History: An 1869 presidential pardon was granted to this man, due in part to a plea by the Medical Society of Harford County, Maryland?

Dr. Samuel Mudd

Flowers: Found from Mexico to Peru, these orchids bear the name of a horrific figure from Eastern European history & the movies?

Dracula Orchids

Native Americans: The Havasupai are the "guardians of" this?

Grand Canyon

Supreme Court Cases: Dobbs v. this city's Women's Health Organization overturned Roe v. Wade?

Jackson, Mississippi

National Past Time: This adjective precedes "Free State" in the name of a polity formed in the 1920s with Tim Healy as governor-general?

Irish Free State

First-Time Responses: The first woman to represent Arizona in the Senate, this Democrat is known for her retro fashion?

Kyrsten Sinema

Lakes: Named for a princess, this lake in Banff National Park is the pearl of the Canadian Rockies?

Lake Louise

Galaxies: These 2 "clouds" are satellite galaxies of the Milky Way?

Large Magellanic & Small Magellanic

Divide: Writer A.C. Greene said West this state begins at the Brazos River?


Lit: At Hogwarts, this madam, first name Poppy, is a nurse who is good with a healing potion?

Madam Pomfrey

State Capital: Fromagination & Camp Randall stadium?


Words: Buccaneers abandoned people on islands this way that begins with a color?


8-Letter: Like a friendship without benefits?


Flag: This state's white flag has 13 stars in a circle around an anchor & the motto "Hope"?

Rhode Island

History: This late U.S. diplomat was the architect of the Dayton Accords that brought peace to the Balkans?

Richard Holbrooke

Lit: He wrote "Mash"?

Richard Hooker

Opera: His score for "Der Rosenkavalier" includes several Viennese waltzes?

Richard Strauss

Unfriend: One who used the same stream as another led to this word for a competitor?


Chem: It's radon's chemical abbreviation?


"Sc": The OED includes this alliterative cartoon-derived term for a bite of food given as a reward?

Scooby Snacks

Grime: Stinking this is a type of disease caused by parasitic fungi on plants; an indecent magazine is said to contain it, too?


Snap: The hinged "jaws" of this flower are pried open by bumblebees, its main pollinator?


TV Show: Choo-choo! Daveed Diggs, Sean Bean?


Book Sequels: The title of Jack Higgins' sequel to this World War II-set adventure yarn ends "...has flown"?

The Eagle Has Landed

1890s: In 1891 the ancient order of Hibernians marched up Fifth Avenue for the first time in their parade celebrating this holiday?

St. Patrick's Day

Hair: Tiny muscles called arrector pili in our follicles make our hair literally do this, as a ghost in Shakespeare promises to do?

Stand On End

Doomsday Book: In "Station" this, "of all of them there... that night, the bartender was the one who survived the longest. He died three weeks later"?

Station 11

Search High & Low: High:As an adjective, it's lofty; as a verb, it means to soak, like a teabag?


Poet Ryme Time: Lord Alfred's blessings?

Tennyson's benisons

Nursery Rhymes: "Pussy cat, pussy cat" went to London because this person is there?

The Queen

Sci-Fi & Fantasy: A "Star Trek" homage, this colorful John Scalzi title refers to clothing soon-to-die crew members wear?

The Redshirts

Historical Movements: The May 4th movement began with 1919 protests in Beijing against decisions of this peace conference 5,000 miles away?

Treaty Of Versailles

Bottom Line: "What immortal hand or eye, dare frame thy fearful symmetry?" ends the poem about this beast?


Acronyms: NAIRU is the lowest possible rate of this in an economy before it starts to lead to inflation?


Polish History: In 1943 an uprising against the Nazis took place in this largest Jewish enclave in Poland?

Warsaw Ghetto

What is the last name of the Japanese Royal Family?


Dinosaur Names: This dinosaur was about 2 feet long & has a name meaning "tiny thief"?

a Microraptor

Dogs: This dog breed named for its distinctive mustache-like facial hair comes in miniature, standard & giant varieties?

a Schnauzer

"A": To be "taken" this can mean to be caught by surprise or to have your ship's sails filled with wind from the wrong direction?


13-Letter Words: This plural noun is a French word for a set of clothes or accessories?


Portmanteau: Artificially induced trance state + rock roller of myth?


FURNITURE: Here's a chair designed by this pioneer of the mission furniture style?

(Gustav) Stickley

Chess: His name signifies "newcomer", & this relative newcomer sparked accusations of cheating after a 2022 upset of champ Magnus Carlsen?

(Hans) Niemann

Lit: In "An Act of Vengeance" by this Chilean author, Dulce Rosa plots for 30 years, gets her chance & things turn out different?

(Isabel) Allende

Authors: She followed up "The Song of Achilles" with the equally mythological "Circe"?

(Madeline) Miller

Long Hall: Publisher of The Liberator, he founded the New England Anti-Slavery Society in Boston at what was called the Black Faneuil Hall?

(William Lloyd) Garrison

Awards: These music awards are named for a chairman of Canada's Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission & spelled like a Roman goddess?

A Juno

Welcome Back: The Brits call this type of airline ticket a return?

A Round Trip

Album: "Rehab" &"You Know I'm No Good"?

Back To Black

University: Anthracite+fence opening?

Coal Gate

Ike: In retirement, Ike enjoyed painting, golf & spending time with Mamie at their farm adjoining this military park & battlefield?


Soil: As its name suggests, it's a layer of soil that remains frozen year-round?


River: It's the river flowing beneath Bangkok's Rama VI Bridge?

the Chao Phraya

"i" on art: 19th century artist William West dramatized the book of Exodus in these people "Passing Through the Wilderness"?

the Israelites

Charity: A Catholic charity called Caritas Rome is the beneficiary of money collected from here, over the years averaging about $3,500 daily?

the Trevi Fountain

Learning: This job-finding & networking website, "the world's largest professional network", provides new skills via its learning section?


Beers: Singha beer from Thailand uses a mystical one of these beasts on its label?


2 Vowels In A Row: A diphthong is a sound made by combining 2 vowels, like the "AI" in tail or in this word for the head of a committee?


King: The younger brother of French kings Louis XVI & Louis XVIII, this king the X ruled in his own right?


Being: It's a goat-bodied, flame-spewing monster of Greek myth?


Business: AFLAC is the American Family Life Assurance Company of this Georgia "C"ity where it's headquartered?


Begin & End With C: It describes an opera like "The Maid as Mistress", or can mean any funny performer?


TV Themes: "Somebody said it could be here, we could be roped up, tied up, dead in a year"?


Friends: This type of friend comes after "Food Lover's" & "Pokemon Visual", 2 books that offer guidance?


What To Do: Part of this job was issuing ukases, like the one from 1821 claiming all fishing rights off what's now Alaska plus most of British Columbia?


Flowers: Wordsworth was inspired by these golden flowers "fluttering & dancing in the breeze"?


3 Letters, 2 Meanings: It can be a big barrier, or the female parent equivalent of sire?


6-Letter Words: Yes, Dan, there are 2 "P"s in the middle of this word for the snazzily attired?


Tech: A USB drive is a type of this computer accessory?


Phrase: This phrase meaning something currently in fashion has its origins in a special ice cream offered for a certain span of time?

Flavor Of The Month

Slang: Popularized in a Vine video, "on" this "f"ive-letter word means stylish or perfectly executed?


Geology: Used in the Stone Age for spear points & arrowheads, this form of quartz later found a use in firearms?


Poker Hands: The lowest straight you can get is A-2-3-4-5, known as a "bicycle" or this, a fundamental part of a bike?

A Wheel

Music w/ Questlove: In 1975, Parliament released the album "Mothership Connection", an early example of what's called Afro-this-ism, blending Black pride with history & science fiction?


Sequels: It's the fitting 2-word title of Jojo Moyes' sequel to "Me Before You", about Louisa Clark following the death of Will Traynor?

After You

3-Letter Starts With "A": Khan you tell me it was a military commander in Ottoman times?


Cabinet Department: The Office of Pest Management Policy?


Art: This contemporary Chinese artist & activist made the film "Human Flow", about displaced people & refugees?

Ai Weiwei

TV Channel: "Below Deck Mediterranean" & "The Real Housewives of Dallas" are all over its map?


Flags: The stars on this country's flag represent states, 26 of them; unlike the USA's, its "federal district" gets its own 27th star?


Hope: At Scotland's Edzell Castle, the garden spells out the motto "Dum spiro spero"--"while I do this, I hope"?


Hills: History remembers Bunker Hill as the big battle site, but it was actually this hill that saw most of the action on June 17, 1775?

Breed's Hill

Castle: Poland's Malbork Castle is the largest in Europe built with these rather than stones?


Geography: This largest island in Alaska covers nearly 3,600 square miles & yes, I'll have some of its abundant salmon, please?


Ends In "-o": This country formerly declared its independence in 2008 but some EU members did not recognize it?


Unscripted TV: In 2022, much of the Kardashians Season 2 was about this oldest sister's upcoming wedding?


Who played em: Audra Barkley on "The Big Valley" & in the '80s, Krystle Carrington?

Linda Evans

Wet: From playing with my dog near this fatal-sounding type of northeast creek or river, from a Dutch word meaning "channel"?

a kill

"ou": Often mistaken for a primate, this arboreal cousin of the raccoon has a name that goes back to Algonquin?

a kinkajou

Food & Drink: The Punjab region gives us this blended yogurt drink traditionally served in a clay cup called a kulhar?

a lassi

Nose Knows: One indicator of COVID infection learned of in recent years is anosmia, this impairment?

a loss of smell

5 Chances: In an old superstition, to see five of these thieving birds at once meant company was coming?

a magpie

"M": Hatter, Mad or otherwise (8 letters)?

a milliner

How Dare You: You've dubbed me a milksop; I'm peeved, as I prefer this other word that's etymologically similar & a tad longer?

a milquetoast

Duel: Seen here, film director Willy Rozier fought a duel over the negative words of François Chalais, who was this type of writer?

a movie critic

Before & After: Police booking photo that becomes a historic moment as in Ralph Waldo Emerson's line?

a mug shot heard around the world

Watson: Psychologist John B. Watson was a proponent of this -ism that focuses on human reactions to stimuli?


"C": Per Black's Law, you can file this "conduct that defies the authority... of a court" under "C", & you can be held in it too?


Anagram: Mineral: CUR MOUND?


Science Trio: The 3 fundamental forces currently described at the quantum level are the strong, the weak & this one?


Chemistry: When this gloomy outlook follows "electro", it refers to the ability of an atom to attract electron pairs?


"en": It's how the food seen here is being prepared (on skewers)?

en brochette

"mass": From French, it describes an action taken all together?

en masse

"en": Charles-Francois Daubigny was one of the first painters to work this way, meaning outside?

en plein air

"en": Type of bathroom that can only be accessed through a bedroom?

en suite

Cream Cheese: Wrap a tortilla around chicken & cream cheese to get this dish whose Spanish name means "spiced with chile"?


All: A direction-finding device is in this 12-letter word that follows "all"?


Historical Fiction: Eva preserves the real identities of Jewish children during the Holocaust in Kristin Harmel's "The Book of Lost" these?


Patent: Melville Bissell's allergies led to his carpet sweeper; now Bissell makes a model with a HEPA filter, the "P" for this type of matter?


Spot: In the NFL the penalty called defensive this gets the offense a first down & the ball moved to the spot of the foul?

Pass Interference

Santa: Vince Vaughn was older brother Fred Claus to this actor as Nicholas?

Paul Giamatti

Laundry: On a label, the bucket with one line under it means this alliterative setting for clothes that don't need ironing?

Permanent Press

Stage Musicals By Song Lyrics: "I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up, not me!"?

Peter Pan

Theater: In 1904, wearing a harness, actress Nina Boucicault became the first to play this character onstage?

Peter Pan

Name A Past Tense Verb: Our relationship didn't crash, it just actor Fonda-ed out?


Shakespeare Speaker: "I come to wive it wealthily in Padua"?


Lit: 1888's these "from the Hills", Rudyard Kipling's first book of fiction, gives vivid portraits of life in British India?

Plane Tales

Film Tagline: 1986:"The first casualty of war is innocence"?


"P": Any small & unimportant town, also the name of a native people who lived in Connecticut?


Home Computing: Impact & thermal are types of these peripherals?


League Of Nations: In 1921 the League averted war between Finland & this nation over control of the Åland Islands in the Gulf of Bothnia?


Southern Cities: Southwest of Birmingham in the city of Bessemer is an abode with this name reminiscent of a Lynyrd Skynyrd tune?

Sweet Home

FURNITURE: Turn in just about any direction in the type of office chair known as this spinning motion "& tilt"?


Airport: This city's airport bears the name of Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, a pilot?


Castle: Built by the Knights of Saint John in the 1100 & 1200s, the crusader castle Krak des Chevaliers is in this Middle Eastern country?


Hotels: Marlon Brando fell for this Polynesian island during a 1960s shoot & today The Brando is a luxury resort on a nearby atoll?


Shake It Off: "The Private Investigator's Handbook" talks about shaking this 4-letter follower?


"give" or "take": In other words, to remove freedoms; it actually means to be impertinent or go beyond what's allowed?

Take Liberties

Repetitive Music: In an incredible moment of branding in 1982, this Mark Hollis band band found "All you do to me is" this this?

Talk Talk

Tarnish: A scandal may do this to your reputation; it's also a word for a discoloration caused by oxidation on some metals?


Sauce: You can make an easy version of this for your fish with mayonnaise, pickle relish & lemon juice?

Tartar Sauce

Euro: Diocletian's domestic program included these; iugatio was levied for property, & capitatio, for individuals?


Marsupials: Unlike other marsupials, wombats have continuously growing these, with no roots?


Historical Movements: A year before the Arab Spring came the Green Movement which protested for democracy in this city's Azadi Square, but was suppressed?


Mermaids: In DC Comics Superman dated a mermaid who knew his secret identity by using this ability, partly from Greek for "distant"?


Doctor WHO: In Ukraine Dr. Jarno Habicht works to vaccinate people against this childhood disease of rash & cough that's making a resurgence?


8-Letter Word: You may think of data as words & numbers, but digital images are also data & this term can mean information about an image?


Rhymes With Jolly: 1621's "Anatomy of" this sad mood rhymes, "All my griefs to this are jolly"?


Rhyme Time: A really chill gentleman?

mellow fellow

Tree: Screwbean is one type of this tree with wood that makes grill food tasty?


Bribe: In 1982 while leader of this labor union, Roy Williams was convicted of trying to bribe a U.S. senator to kill a new trucking law?

the Teamsters

Ends in "x": 8-letter word meaning to paralyze someone with horror or amazement?


Myth: "I" spy this goddess who "re-pieced" her hacked-up husband Osiris... now that's supporting your boo?


Plural Of: Schema?


"T": A really fast heart rate (11 letters)?


River: Texas' Declaration of Independence was signed in Washington-- Washington-on- this river named for "the arms of God"?

the Brazos River

Bridges: Tradition says that a couple who kisses while passing beneath this Venetian bridge in a gondola will enjoy eternal love?

the Bridge of Sighs

Things: Ferns, amphibians & early reptiles thrived during this geological period from about 360 to 300 million years ago?

the Carboniferous Period

State Quarters: On Connecticut's state quarter, the tree known as this oak displays its majestic reach?

the Charter Oak

Science Prize: Frederick Sanger is the only 2-time winner of the Nobel Prize in this, for work on proteins in 1958 & nucleic acids in 1980?

the Chemistry Prize

Body Human: A tumor on this gland can cause gigantism or Cushing's disease?

the pituitary

Clause: This clause barring a state religion:Ratified as part of the First Amendment, 1791; cited in Edwards v. Aguillard, 1987?

the Establishment Clause

Historic Meeting: An ostensible duck hunt in 1910 was actually 6 guys meeting to plan this central banking authority of the United States?

the Federal Reserve

Differs By A Vowel: The pair found in the name of a large Scottish estuary that connects with the North Sea?

the Firth of Forth

"go": Protruding from the Bosphorus like an appendage from an animal's head, this colorful inlet helped bring wealth to Istanbul?

the Golden Horn

Art: Some depictions show the 1st century A.D. Trung sisters riding elephants to launch a Vietnamese revolt against this 3-letter dynasty?

the Han Dynasty

History: From the 16th to the 19th centuries, the Huron peoples were in conflict with this multi-tribe confederacy to the east?

the Iroquois

Vowel-less Congress: It moved to Kiryat Ben Gurion in 1966: EE?

the Knesset

Landmarks: Pskov & Nizhny Novgorod are 2 of the cities that have a fortress called this?

the Kremlin

Historic Seconds: The 1139 meeting known as the Second one of these councils invalidated marriages of priests, monks & nuns?

the Lateran councils

20th Century America: On November 27, 1924 New Yorkers were treated to the first annual this, sponsored by the world's largest store?

the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Science: This "era" when dinosaurs roamed the earth consisted of the Triassic, the Jurassic & the Cretaceous periods?

the Mesozoic

Title: After losing to Toronto in 1918, this team won its first NHL title the next year & has now won more than any other team?

the Montreal Canadiens

Geography: 2/5 of this nation is made up of areas of land called polders that have been drained & reclaimed from the sea?

the Netherlands

USA: The northernmost point in the lower 48 is this 130-square-mile area on Minnesota's Lake of the Woods?

the Northwest Angle

Frontier Folk: William Green T'Vault, frontier editor, ran Oregon's first newspaper, with this title meaning "onlooker" or "observer"?

the Oregon Spectator

Royal History: Sultan Mehmed V, seen here, was ruling this empire in 1914, but time would soon be running out for both?

the Ottoman Empire

Building: In Rome, the building called this is an ancient but active church; the one in Paris is a mausoleum?

the Pantheon

World Leaders (2022): In office from 2022, the president of this country has taken so many foreign trips a play on his name is "Ferdinand Magellan Jr."?

the Philippines (Ferdinand Marcos Jr., also known as "Bongbong")

Bribe: In Rome in 69 A.D., Marcus Salvius Otho bribed this security force to murder the Emperor Galba & have Otho put on the throne?

the Praetorian Guard

Egypt: Under a peace treaty with Israel, this region was returned to Egypt in 1982?

the Sinai Peninsula

Children's Lit: The collaborations of writer Jon Scieszka & illustrator Lane Smith include the 1992 tale of this odoriferous man?

the Stinky Cheese Man

Bodies Of Water: This strait west of Malaysia is the shortest sea route from India to China?

the Strait of Malacca

Asia: The boundary between Asia & Europe runs through the Bosporus & this other strait to the southwest?

the Strait of the Dardanelles

Lawpeople: The model for Victor Hugo's Inspector Javert, François Vidocq set up this service, from French for "security"?

the Sûreté

Bribe: In 2002 the FBI's Memphis office began an operation called this "Waltz", which paid $150,000 in bribes & convicted several officials?

the Tennessee Waltz

Geo: This continent-spanning road was officially opened at Rogers Pass, British Columbia in September 1962?

the Trans-Canada Highway

Brit Stuff: The monarch's official birthday is marked every June with this parade of regiments wearing lots of red?

the Trooping of the Colour

Corporate Structure: The skyscraper on Broadway named for this budget retailer opened in 1913 as the world's tallest building?

the Woolworth Building

Inventing: In the 1830s Jeanne Villepreux-Power invented this glass receptacle to help her study the paper nautilus?

the aquarium

NEANDERTHALS: Some Neanderthals hunted megafauna like the mammoth, the wooly rhino & this wild ox, the ancestor of domestic cattle?

the aurochs

Historical Movements: The first of several of these movements took 38 Black individuals from the U.S. to Sierra Leone in 1815?

the back-to-Africa movement

FURNITURE: Often wrought iron, a shelving unit that's handy in the kitchen is called this kitchen personage's rack?

the baker's rack

Religion Place: Jesus was a regular shulgoer--the King James Bible says, "as his custom was, he went into" this "on the Sabbath day"

the synagogue

17th Century: Dutch optician Hans Lippershey invented this in 1608, supposedly after seeing one lens held in front of another?

the telescope

"W": In Algonquin lore, this creature depicted here, is a maneater, constantly looking for new victims?

the wendigo

A Lovely Accent: In 2016 Adrián González challenged fellow Major League Baseball players to add the accent marks in their names to these?

their jerseys

Biology: In hibernating bears this rate slows much more than a drop in body temp would explain, with heart rate going from 55 to 14?

their metabolic rate

Counting: Entropy is the crux of the third law of this, devised by German chemist Walther Nernst?


Bob Dylan Lyrics: "We never did too much talkin' anyway, but don't" do this, "it's all right"?

think twice

10-Letter Words: Latin for "easy" gives us this verb meaning to assist in the progress of something?

to facilitate

6-Letter Verbs: The stock markets love this word that can mean, among other things, spend time on & give power to?

to invest

Force: It's the measure of a force that makes an object rotate about an axis, & also a big selling point for heavy-duty trucks?


Fast Words: This French phrase that translates to "immediately" sounds like a noise you'd make in a fancy hotel room?

tout de suite

Light: It means light can pass through an object but gets diffused so objects on the other side can't be seen clearly?


Art: Don't try to pet this cat in a tricky canvas by Louis-Leopold Boilly, who invented this French term?


Doctor WHO: WHO South-East Asia Director Poonam Khetrapal Singh aims to eradicate NTDs, neglected these diseases of warm latitudes?

tropical diseases

Days Of Yore: These lyric poets of southern Europe laid out their rules for poetry in the 14th c. work "Leys d'amors"?


Skin Care: Unlike the Turk, the guy who sends football players to the coach who will cut them from the team, this similar-sounding "T" is much more popular, said to clear up acne scars & decrease UV damage to the skin?


"T" Time: The name of this bluish-green gem reflects the country it was mistakenly thought to come from?

turquoise (from Turkey)

What?: This word meaning "can't understand what was said" appears often in the Nixon library transcripts of Watergate tape?


Workers: Job of Alexei Stakhanov, such a model for Soviet workers that a city & a word meaning "hard worker" bear his name?

A (Coal) Miner

Wet: From walking with my friend Ti-Maurice along 106-mile Lafourche, one of these slow-moving bodies of water?

A Bayou

World History: In what's known as the South Sea this of 1720, stock in a British company skyrocketed, then crashed, "bursting" investors' hopes?

A Bubble

Tree Anatomy: The terminal type of this structure at the end of a twig is all about growth, not leafing or flowering?

A Bud

Ends With Same 2 consonants: Cowboys & their horses hate this "under the saddle", an idiom for any annoyance?

A Burr

Juice Bar: Head to New England for this classic 2-ingredient cocktail made with vodka & cranberry juice?

A Cape Codder

Grimm Brothers: Not the tailor but this worker & his wife make clothes & other items for some helpful elves, who dance & leave, never to return?

A Cobbler

Government: The Off. of Minority Health says disease of this organ, the USA's top killer, takes 30% fewer Hispanics & 30% more Blacks than whites?


Children's Author: Reversing the story of this heroine she created, Patricia MacLachlan was born on the prairie but spent much of her life in New England?

Sarah Wheaton (Sarah Plain & Tall)

Ornaments: With some help from porcupines, Native Americans produced highly ornamental quill work, like this type of shoe?

A Moccasin

In The Novel: An Englishwoman named Adela Quested falsely accuses Dr. Aziz of assault?

A Passage To India

Wearing Food: Long associated with the U.S. Navy & even worn by its iconic Lone Sailor memorial, it has been replaced by a parka?

A Peacoat

"P": In 1739 the Persians stole from the Mughal Empire a jewel-encrusted throne named for this bird?

A Peacock

Onomatopoeia: It's a test signal sent from a computer to check network speed?

A Ping

Friend: The Druzhba ("Friendship") one of these takes millions of barrels from Russian oil fields to European refineries?

A Pipeline

Ropes: One of the 6 simple machines, it can use downward force on the rope, not a spinning crank, to hoist a load?

A Pulley

Native Americana: To many people, this small mammal was a trickster god; to the Powhatan, it was a creator named Ahone?

A Rabbit

Vegetables: Spruce up a salad with slices of the watermelon type of this?

A Radish

First-Time Responses: This type of cymbal keeps steady rhythm rather than providing the occasional crash; we've done that cymbal to death?

A Ride Cymbal

Southern Lit: "Black Thunder" is about one of these events in 1800 planned by Gabriel Prosser, with the goal of seizing Richmond?

A Slave Uprising

Spineless: Animals don't get much more spineless or organ-less or muscle-less than these critters of the phylum Porifera?

A Sponge

3 Consonants In A Row: This narrow passage connects 2 big bodies of water?

A Strait

College Talk: Hegel believed that the progress of thought begins with this, an idea that's followed by its opposite?

A Thesis

Sharp: It's the sharp object in Aesop's tale of Androcles?

A Thorn

Synonyms: This 6-letter synonym for "whirlpool" comes from Latin for "whirlpool"?

A Vortex

Quotes: Former Rep. Jeannette Rankin, to Congress in 1935: "You can no more win" one of these "than you can win an earthquake"?

A War

Venomous Creatures: Entomologist & pain scale creator Justin Schmidt says a sting by this colorful wasp feels like W.C. Fields putting out a cigar on your tongue?

A Yellowjacket

Battle: At this New York battle in the fall of 1777, nearly 6,000 British troops surrendered to Colonial forces?


Island: Reunion Island is a territory of this country?

France (Between Mauritius & Madagascar)

Travel: A legacy of its colonial past, Burundi's currency is this, divided into 100 centimes?


Ike: Opened in 2020, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial is the first public work in Washington, D.C. by this renowned American architect?

Frank Gehrey

19th Century Names: During the Civil War he recruited for the all-Black Massachusetts 54th Infantry, in which 2 of his sons served?

Frederick Douglass

Nobel Scientists: Gerhard Herzberg's 1971 chemistry prize citation noted his work on these highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons?

Free Radicals

Slogans: A Republican slogan of 1856 mentioned, among other things, free soil, free press & him?


Art: Benjamin West took artistic license in depicting "The Death of General Wolfe", an event from this 18th century war?

French & Indian War

World Facts: France's overseas possessions include this one in South America once known for its penal colonies like Devil's Island?

French Guiana

Island: The Marquesas & Gambier islands are 2 of the 5 groups that make up this French overseas territory?

French Polynesia

Census: 1850: All free people listed, not just this alliterative paterfamilias?

Head Of Household

Golden Age: The 11th c. verse of Ibn Gabirol was part of a renaissance of poetry in this language in the golden age of Spanish Jewry?


New Testament: Paul's letter to them is the New Testament epistle with the most Old Testament quotations?


Quotations: In "The Story of My Life", she wrote of the coincidence of one of her ancestors being "the first teacher of the deaf in Zurich"?

Helen Keller

State Capitals: It's about midway between Yellowstone & Glacier National Parks?


Cities: Seen here is the obelisk of this once great Egyptian Sun city?


Molecule: "The first molecule" was a hydride of this element; today it doesn't form many compounds but then hydrogen had no other options?


Fabrage Egg: Made in 1885, the egg seen here has a yolk that held this 3-letter creature with its own ruby pendant egg?


Where'd You Go: A shelter possibly built by this alliterative capt. was found in the 1630s but he was never seen again after a 1611 mutiny?

Henry Hudson

Misc.: In 2023 this transport for millions of young students was celebrated on a new postage stamp?

School Bus

Cream Cheese: As cream cheese goes into cheesecake, so cheesecake goes into this pan named for the clamp on it?

a springform pan

Wearing Food: Short coats & striped stockings were part of this dandyish costume from the 18th century & the song "Yankee Doodle"?


Shakespeare Play: "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me"?


Lit: This character from an 1859 novel symbolizes the Fates, who in mythology spin the web of life, measure it & cut it off?

Madame Defarge (This would be Madame Degarge, from A Tale of Two Cities, knitting by the guillotine, symbol of death)

No. 1 80s Album: Her "True Blue"?


Independant Spirit Awards: Seen here, this actress won for her direction of "The Lost Daughter" at the 2022 awards?

Maggie Gyllenhaal

Snap: In kabuki theatre, a trap door used for dramatic entrances is called a suppon, which means this "snapping" reptile?

Snapping Turtle

Rhymes With A Snow White Dwarf: Make it this adjective that also means attractively & fashionably dressed?


Head Gear: Common in the Victorian era, these became popular again with female factory workers during WWII?


Web: This website named for a family in Faulkner books debunks false claims & checks facts on all sorts of subjects?


Monkey: The most abundant primate of the Amazon region, this type of monkey bears the name of a common rodent of North America?

a squirrel monkey

Greek: In the long run, you'll know General Miltiades lost only around 200 men & the Persians, 6,400, in the 5th century B.C. Battle of this?


Planet: Uranus appears pale blue because the atmosphere is about 2% this flammable gas that absorbs red light?


Country: Tommie Smith & John Carlos peacefully demonstrate at the 1968 Summer Olympics?


National Past Time: This country's first empire lasted from 1822 to 1823, with Agustin de Iturbide as emperor?


Where'd You Go: In 1913 Ambrose Bierce went to this nation during a revolution but soon disappeared; some say Bierce fell at the Siege of Ojinaga?


Double Z: Female singing voice between soprano & contralto?


Art: In 1505 this 1-named artist planned to make 12 marble Apostles for a local cathedral, but he'd be called to Rome by pope-ular demand?


Frog: This cartoon character was likely inspired by a reptile found alive inside a time capsule that was opened in 1928?

Michigan J. Frog

Buy: In 2022 this software giant said it was making a macropayment of $68.7 billion to purchase Activision/Blizzard?


Chair: Office chairs made by Knoll, founded in 1938, are an example of midmod design, short for this?

Mid-Century Modern

Day: In Finnish, this celebration of the longest day of the year is called Juhannus & is a national holiday?


Surnames: This name meaning a grinder of grain is among the USA's 10 most popular surnames?


Transportation: Coach USA's bus service from O'Hare to Mitchell Airport in this city is 70 miles straight up I-94, but it's still called a shuttle?


Grime: It means boggy or swampy ground; as a verb it's what happened to the wagon that got stuck there?


South America: Thousands of years old, large geoglyphs representing plants & animals can be seen 15 miles northwest of this Peruvian city?


Companies In History: In the 1960s Benjamin Rubin of Wyeth Laboratories invented the 2-prong bifurcated one of these that helped eliminate smallpox?


Drink: An Italian count is likely the namesake of this gin, vermouth & Campari cocktail?


Learning: This author's MasterClass sessions offer a case study of his novel "The Graveyard Book"?

Neil Gaiman

Lore: A spider & a trickster god whose origins are in West Africa lives as Mr. Nancy in "Anansi Boys" by this writer?

Neil Gaiman

Golden Age: Born around 470 B.C., this figure from the golden age of Greek culture went around barefoot asking annoying questions?


Spanish Words: To speak plainly, not mince words, is no tener pelos en la lengua, literally to not have hair here?

On Your Tongue

The Civil War: Arthur MacArthur from Milwaukee won the Medal of Honor for a charge at Missionary Ridge shouting this, now a fight song title?

On, Wisconsin!

Element: Blood, sweat & tears all contain this metallic element, the 6th-most abundant in the Earth's crust?


Mummy: Natron, a mineral from dry lake beds that's a carbonate of this element, was used during mummification to dry the body out?


American Streets: Head to West Carson Street in this city & take the Duquesne Incline up to Grandview for a grand view of a few rivers?


Food: Many Latin American dishes start with a base of tomatoes, onions & spices called this, from a Spanish word meaning "to fry gently"?


Actor Role Mixup: Despite being brittle-boned Elijah Prince, I'm still firmly in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Samuel L. Jackson (Elijah Prince - Mr. Glass)

America: The view of this Texas city around the Tower of the Americas might spur some memories?

San Antonio

City Square: Here are some full houses, the Victorian Painted Ladies off Alamo Square Park in this city?

San Francisco

Hotels: The mansion of 19th c. rail tycoon Mark Hopkins was the highest point in this city; the Mark Hopkins Hotel is now on the site?

San Francisco

Ex-State Capitol: It's about time you found your way to this city, part of Silicon Valley & California's first state capital?

San Jose

Nationally Monumental: A monument extending from the Sonoran Desert floor to over 10,000 feet in altitude is alliteratively named this "to Snow"?


U.S. History: Starting in 1821 it was a commercial trail southwest from Missouri; in 1846 Stephen Kearny & his troops used it to invade Mexico?

Santa Fe Trail

History: Returning home in 1493, Columbus stopped in the Azores at an island with this name, also something he'd lost off the Haiti coast?

Santa Maria

All Dressed In White: Initiates in this religion that developed in Cuba in the 1800s wear white for their first year?


Festivals: Since the 1950s towering sculptures have been part of the annual Snow Festival at this Japanese city?


College: In 1927, the year after the woman it's named for had died, this college became officially affiliated with Vassar?

Sarah Lawrence

Rhyming Phrase: This exclamation would literally be the male child of a firearm?

Son Of A Gun

21: Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21 inspired this 1972 Neil Diamond song with "Song" in the title?

Song Sung In Blue

2nd Chapter: Milkman Dead falls in love with Hagar before seeing her face?

Song of Solomon

South America: Nieuw Nickerie & Lelydorp are among the largest cities in this country?


Disney: In "Frozen", he's Kristoff's reindeer pal?


Rank: The founder of the Hare Krishna movement was known by this 5-letter title for a Hindu teacher?


Native Americana: Armaments-wise, Plains Indians had a gull-wing style of these, which they could use on horseback--it takes 2 hands. You try it?

a bow and arrow

Odd Words: From the French, this word referring to a commotion or uproar sounds like there's laughing at the end of it?

a brouhaha

First-Time Responses: An old French word gives us this term for a cut gem that's rounded & polished but not faceted?

a cabochon

Words That Should Rhyme: Proverbial coal mine avian & wheat storehouse?

a canary & a granary

Books: The album "Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy" has "Highly Illogical" & "If I Were" this (& you were a lady, would you marry me anyway)?

a carpenter

"C": A French peasant had to look up to someone with this noble title that includes the French word for horse?

a chevalier

5 Chances: This ornamental design used in heraldry & architecture comes from Latin for "five" & "leaf"?

a cinquefoil

Onomatopoeia: This loud disturbance arose "out on the lawn" in "'Twas the Night Before Christmas"?

a clatter

Prairie: Big on the Oregon Trail, the transport called the prairie this got its name from a white cover resembling part of a sailing ship?

a schooner

"Side": Heavy skirts & modesty were 2 factors in the use of this piece of equestrian gear?

a sidesaddle

Science: Longitudinal wave motion like that of a single pitch sound graphs out to the shape of this trigonometric function?

a sine (wave)

Nose Knows: The ethmoid & the sphenoid are two of these cavities that can drain into the nose?

a sinus

9-Letter Words: There's a "Q" in this word referring to any nickname?

a sobriquet

British Money: You'll find R-E-I-G-N in this word for a gold one-pound coin depicting one who reigned?

a sovereign

Measuring Up: The King James Bible says Goliath stood 6 cubits & this, the distance between the extended tips of the thumb & little finger?

a span

3 Consonants In A Row: If you see Socrates wearing a wristwatch in a play, it's one of these, partly from the Greek for "time"?

an anachronism

Finance: In the longevity type of this offering from an insurance company, the income doesn't start until you hit a specified age?

an annuity

Where Did I Leave My Keys?: The patient had peritonitis from a ruptured one of these; I made the McBurney's incision to remove it & might have dropped my keys?

an appendix

Health: PVCs are premature ventricular contractions, a common type of this, the medical term for any irregular heartbeat?

an arrhythmia

6-Syllable Words: Carl Sagan was a prominent one of these "star life" scientists?

an astrobiologist

Heart: Hello... hello... this test is done with a non-invasive handheld device that uses sound waves to help view the heart's motion?

an echocardiogram

Carats: Catherine the Great owned a 107-carat one of these gems from Colombia; a necklace with a 75-carat version sold for $4.3 mil.?

an emerald

Boating After Meals: To slow things down after dinner, find this type of place to stop the boat, also the name of a big Alaskan city?


Science Trio: Based on how many growing seasons they live, these are the 3 types of flowering plants?

annuals, biennials & perennials

Close To The End: Put 7 letters before "ultimate" to get this word meaning the one before the next to last?


Skin Care: "T" is for tea tree--a drop of its oil in your moisturizer can reduce swelling & let the moisturizer be used as this, the "A-I" in NSAID drugs?


Words That Should Rhyme: As part of the body's immune response, the spleen releases these proteins such as IgM that counteract pathogens?


3 T's: If you can name another 28-letter word with 3 Ts besides this church-related one, we will also accept it with absolute awe?


Fish: To live in frigid waters, the icefish has blood glycoproteins that function as this, also a product made by Valvoline?


Pineapple: Bromelain, an enzyme in pineapples, is an anti-inflammatory that may provide relief from this, partly from the Greek for "joint"?


Chemistry: "D" is for this chemical process seen here in which a liquid is turned to a vapor then condensed back into a liquid?


_s_ss_: This 10-letter type of below-market "property" is more than just a fixer-upper, it could be in foreclosure?


Health: A colonoscopy can diagnose cancer as well as this condition where pockets develop in the sides of the colon?


Add A Letter At The Start: Of a word meaning ready to eat to get this word meaning to complain?


Spineless: Get the crops in, quick! Melanoplus, short-horned these insects, are headed this way, & they look hungry?

grasshoppers (locust)

Colors Of Science: Untreated wastewater from domestic uses like showers & sinks (but not toilets) is classed as this?

gray water

Colors: Some of the oxygen we breathe is created by these of division chlorophyta, which can be single celled?

green algae

The Rest, As They Say: Travelers well know the rest of the rhyming phrase that begins "East or west..."?

home is best

Science: There's no place like this, the regulating process in which equilibrium is the ultimate goal in an organism?


10-Letter Words: This "milky" verb means to make disparate elements similar?


"anti": Founded in 1913, it has the dual mission of "securing justice not only for Jews but for all people"?

the Anti-Defamation League

Pakistan: The 2,000-mile Indus River flows from the Himalayas through Pakistan and pours into this sea, a water flow twice that of the Nile?

the Arabian Sea

Org: Once nearly wiped out for its feathers, the great egret is the logo of this organization?

the Audubon Society

Jerusalem: The First Temple was built around 950 B.C. & was destroyed by an invading army of this empire in 586 B.C.?

the Babylonians

Bodies Of Water: The Kattegat & Skagerrak Straits separate these 2 seas?

the Baltic & North Seas

America At War: Until the Civil War, the January 8 date of this battle of dubious military importance but big morale value was a national holiday?

the Battle of New Orleans

Bodies Of Water: The Komandorski Islands are part of a 1,200-mile arc separating this sea from the Pacific Ocean to the south?

the Bering Sea

Famous Ships: Its wreck was discovered in 1989, 48 years after it had been sunk & 91 years after the man it was named for had died?

the Bismarck

Around The World: The book "Noah's Flood" proposed that the event happened when the Mediterranean burst into this sea 7,600 years ago?

the Black Sea

Climate: This "effect" governs in which direction hurricanes & other storms will spin?

the Coriolis effect

Force: Named for a French scientist, the force also called this effect makes winds blow clockwise around low pressure in the S. Hemisphere?

the Coriolis force

Acts Of Congress: Months before the Emancipation Proclamation, which applied to states, came the April 1862 act freeing all those enslaved here?

the District of Columbia

She Blinded Me: In "King Lear" a bloodthirsty Regan demands that this man be hanged while Goneril screams, "Pluck out his eyes"?

the Earl of Gloucester

February: February 1989:Rev. Barbara Harris becomes the first woman bishop in this U.S. church & in the Anglican Communion?

the Episcopal Church

Room: This type of wicker chair named for the Asian palm stems used to make it?


Animals In French: Serpent à sonnettes?


Left: You saw my text message but didn't respond--you "left me on" this?


Art: This artist donated the proceeds from her portrait of Breonna Taylor to fund college scholarships?

Amy Sherald

Essay: She called a 2003 book of essays "The Opposite of Fate"?

Amy Tan

Huff & Puff: A puff one of these holds the record for most live young born from a snake--156?

An Adder

OED Quotes: The first line of "The Canterbury Tales" is quoted under the entry for this month?


Sea: More properly a lake, this Central Asian sea has shrunk dramatically, due to diversion of its water for irrigation?

Aral Sea

Six Pack: Established in 1968, it's the newest of the 6 Nobel Prize categories?


South America: In March 1736 Charles-Marie de la Condamine landed in what's now this country to determine the Earth's shape & circumference?


Fans Of The Singer: Sheerios?

Ed Sheeran

Stores: Outdoor clothing & gear from this eponymous store out of Washington State?

Eddie Bauer

Annual Events: Feb. 14, its inventor's birthday, is the day to honor this ride on which lovers might not mind getting stuck at the top?

Ferris Wheel

What To Do: This 4-letter order is Latin for "let it be done"; you hear complaints about arbitrary & unfair "government by" it?


Instrument: In 1861 Harper's Weekly reported Major Anderson left Fort Sumter with "Yankee Doodle" being played by drum & this?


Ornaments: A representation of a sea nymph served as this bit of ornamentation on the front of HMS Arethusa in the Crimean War?


River: Rivers that border Manhattan include the East River & these 2 "H" rivers?

Hudson & Harlem

Friend: Embroidery floss is the traditional material to make these, popular in the 1980s & still?

a friendship bracelet

Animal: Forest, one of these at Queensland's Australia Zoo, stands almost 19 feet tall, barefoot?

a giraffe

Alliteration: A weighty raptor of genus Buteo?

a hefty (heavy) hawk

Whirlled: In the King James Bible, the prophet Hosea ominously says that transgressors "shall reap" this?

a whirlwind

Transport: As part of reparations after World War I, Germany provided to the U.S. one of these, the LZ-126?

a zeppelin

3-Letter Starts With "A": "No Exit" has but one?


Head: Allergies, dry conditions & frequent sneezing are top causes of this sanguine event?

Bloody Nose

People: Firstborn of Genesis 4:1?


"B" + 3: To stay or wait?


i before e: Count it--it's equal to about 4.2 joules?


Greek Gods: Our "theory": this primordial 5-letter god, said to be the first to exist, is still at home in war & disaster zones?


Taglines: Target:"____ more.Pay less."?


Dickens: In "The Old Curiosity Shop", this means a miser, even without an initial "skin"?


Trios: The Grammy-nominated "Women in Music Part III" was a production of this trio?


Big: The Waco Surf Park has one of these a mile long; it takes 45 minutes for one round float?

Lazy River

Hit Album: 2020's "Eternal Atake" was a smash for this rapper born Symere Woods?

Lil Uzi Vert

Alliteration: Nearsighted elbow pasta?

Myopic macaroni

Nato Alphabet: 4 letters--a potato in Puebla or Peru?


Confusing: To make a series of campaign speeches, or to baffle another person?


Seasons: Not with its own holiday like the end has, the beginning of World War I is solemnly commemorated?


Science: The epicanthus is a fold of skin at the inner corner of this part of the human body?

The Eye

Orgs: A college conference, or an agency that protects investors?


City: ____ Biennale(founded 1895)?


Same First & Last Letter: A water pipe with a bowl & a flexible tube used for smoking?

a hookah

Cliches Rephrased: An ambulatory Britannica?

a walking encyclopedia

Hobbies: If you know how to crochet you can make yourself this type of scarf that forms a loop without ends, as its name implies?

an infinity scarf

Complete The Pangram: "We promptly judged" this old word "ivory buckles for the next prize"?


Portmanteau: Confused state of tumult + hilarious Harvard magazine?


Music: It's slang for voluptuously attractive; Destiny's Child sang, "'cause my body too" this title "for ya, babe"?


Nutrition: Echinacea & green tea extract are types of these supplements aka herbals whose name tells you they are made from plants?


First Words: Inception is a synonym for this, also an event at the end of a college career?


Words: Lest & because are both this part of speech?


Lies: The Secret Service's USDollars website is for law enforcement & banks to report suspected cases of this?


"D": A payment that's overdue or behavior that's unruly or criminal?


Energy Glossary: Hydrofracking, injecting shale with pressurized fluid to release oil & gas, is short for "hydraulic" this?


Middle "rth": A greater distance away?


Slogans: The FBI's motto is "fidelity, bravery," this?


"i": In silent films they come between shots to narrate the story--or tell you what the characters are saying!?


Words: Small intestine part near the duodenum?


Crunch: Crepitus, crunching in the joints, is a symptom of degenerative joint disease, also called this form of arthritis?


Middle "rth": To toss a ball out of a receiver's reach, or to toss out a monarch?


Fashion Etymology: The name of this feather-shaped pattern comes from the Scottish town where it was made?


Geology: From Greek for "fire", this "flow" is super-hot rock & gas emitted by a volcanic eruption?


Silent Letters: Heck, most of this British synonym for "line" is silent?


Latin Phrase: Originally, this 3-word phrase referred to when a doctor or apothecary substituted one medicine for another?

quid pro quo

"Q": Adjective meaning the most typical (14 letters)?


Nursery Rhymes: Contrarian Mary gets her garden growing with these 2 things & some pretty maids all in a row?

silver bells & cockle shells

Science: The name of this part of a cell is from the Latin for "empty"?


Words From Greek Letters: This "ism" is the philosophical belief that the self is the only thing that really exists?

solipsism (psi)

Ropes: These strong ropes seen here give support to the mast; it's also an old word for another supporter--a corset?


Science: This largest reptile on Earth is amphibious & can weigh over 2,000 pounds?

the crocodile

Close To The End: The play has had its climax, the characters are wrapping things up in this French-named segment--it's almost time to go home?

the dénouement

"oo": A part of the mouth begins this word that means tasty?


2002 Hits: This dance anthem by Pink says, "We'll be lookin' flashy in my Mercedes Benz"?

"Get The Party Started"

TV Channel: "Celebrity Beef" & "Celebrity Game Face"; it's big on celebrities?


Dedication: in 1935 this poet dedicated a self-published work to the 14 publishers who rejected it & called it "no thanks"?

E.E. Cummings

Supreme Court Cases: 2022's West Virginia v. this federal agency went in favor of West Virginia?


Literary Title Character: This teen is the middleman between "Me" & "the Dying Girl"?


Rappers: He's seen here actually in a hoodie around the time of "Doris", his major label debut album?

Earl Sweatshirt

Degree: On a compass, 90 degrees is due this direction?


Search High & Low: High: Also found on old televisions, it means reaching far into the sky?


Upset: You seem this, from the Latin for "to put in motion" & used to describe patients in a disturbed state?


i before e: This old word for a psychiatrist comes from French for "insanity"?


"World": These 5 words complete the Robert Browning "God's in his heaven--"?

all's right with the world

Misc.: By 1934 the New Deal with its administrative creations like the NRA & CCC had been dubbed this food?

alphabet soup

i before e: Encompassing on all sides, like air temperature or some music?

ambient (ambience)

Latin: A statement with multiple possible meanings is this, from the Latin for "to drive both ways"?


Class: Caecilians & newts are members of this animal class?


Nationality Rhyme: A group of soldiers in Trieste?

an Italian battalion

Double Letters: French title for the leader of a monastery?

an abbé

Dickens: "Barnaby Rudge" gave us this clothing & weapon term meaning related to espionage?

Cloak And Dagger

Places: Thought to descend from people of Southeast Asia, the Chamorro make up this place?


Movie Titles: The title of this Ron Stallworth book that became a movie has only 2 Ks?

The Black Klansman

Also An NFL Team: Sautees in a pan, with a slight scorch?


Balkan: Greece & Turkey are on its southern border?


Change One Vowel: Informal conversation about unimportant matters?


King James: From 2 Corinthians: "For we walk by" this, "not by sight"?


Animals In French: Renard?


Bottom Line: The events of Homer's "Iliad" conclude with a funeral for this hero, "tamer of horses"?


Dante's Circles: Second:An intense desire; some do it "for power"?


Bible: The elder daughter of Laban, she bore Jacob 7 children, including Dinah?


Classic Episode By Title: "Patient 4077"?


Fans Of The Singer: Livies?

Olivia Rodrigo

Ends in "i": The name of these mushrooms comes from the Latin for "pig"?


Senior: It's the month in which National Grandparents Day is celebrated?


Novels: 2003 high flyer from Khaled Hosseini?

The Kite Runner

Potpourri: This social media platform was originally called musical.ly?


Rhymes With A Snow White Dwarf: Inclined to be tearful, or a sentimental film?


Anagram: Vegetable: TACO HIKER?


Jerusalem: The Temple was built on the alliterative "Mount" this, also the name of the place where Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son?

(Mount) Moriah

Names: This man made lists, perhaps to cope with depression; a set of lists he published in 1852 made his name synonymous with a type of book?

(Peter Mark) Roget

Born Of Died In 1923: Born: This heavyweight boxing champ from 1952 to 1956?

(Rocky) Marciano

Born Of Died In 1923: Died: This "Divine" French actress in March?

(Sarah) Bernhardt

Jazz: Billie Holiday & frequent collaborator Arthur Herzog wrote this song about a youth "that's got his own"?

"God Bless The Child"

Instrument: The recovered violin here was bandleader Wallace Hartley's; his troupe performed this fitting 1841 hymn as the "Titanic" sank?

"Nearer, My God, To Thee"

Jazz: Despite the sunny title & lyric about easy living, this 1934 Gershwin classic feels melancholy thanks to its minor key?


Jazz: This signature tune of the Duke Ellington Orchestra advises listeners to "take" a particular subway line?

"Take The 'A' Train"

Country Songs: Satan was on the move, "looking for a soul to steal" in this Charlie Daniels Band CMA Single of the Year?

"The Devil Went Down To Georgia"

Poetry: "Do I dare to eat a peach?" muses the middle-aged man in this T.S. Eliot poem?

"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

American Composers: He turned to opera with the 1903 work "Guest of Honor", likely inspired by Booker T. Washington's dinner at the White House?

(Scott) Joplin

5 Hearts: In a novel by this man, Tolbooth Prison in Edinburgh is known as "The Heart of Midlothian"?

(Sir Walter) Scott

Cards: In this form of a popular game, some cards are dealt face up & some face down; it used to have "horse" in its name?

(Stud) Poker

Contractions: This contraction is in the alternate name of the patriotic song "America"?

'Tis (My Country 'Tis Of Thee)

Contradictions: It precedes "brillig" & "the night before?


Contractions: This contraction meaning "between" is often paired with the contraction "'tween" for all your between needs?


American Lit: Her poetry collection "Call Us What We Carry" includes "The Hill we Climb", read at Joe Biden's inauguration?

(Amanda) Gorman

President Speeches: "We have now lived almost 50 years under the Constitution framed by the sages & patriots of the Revolution"?

(Andrew) Jackson

First Lady Firsts: The first first lady to live to 90, she in fact lived to 97?

(Bess) Truman

US Presidents: He was sworn in twice as president within 2 years, first by his father & then later by a former U.S. President?

(Calvin) Coolidge (It was he who had to be sworn in the first time when Warren Harding died and then again by former President Taft.)

Historic People: After a 1789 event, he wrote, "My first determination was to seek a supply of... water at Tofoa, & afterwards to sail for Tongataboo"?

(Captain) Bligh

Author: The Southern Vampire Mysteries, featuring Sookie Stackhouse?

(Charlaine) Harris

Actor: This veteran of TV comedy & time travel movies picks up a big gun in the 2021 action film "Nobody"?

(Christopher) Lloyd

Acts Of Congress: Talk about landmark legislation--a 1935 act authorized national historic landmarks & this Colonial Va. capital was among the first?

(Colonial) Williamsburg

Authors: The Harlem Renaissance could "Count" on this poet known for "The Ballad of the Brown Girl"?

(Countee) Cullen

Translators: Ann Goldstein learned Italian to read Dante & has translated this pseudonymous author whose name rhymes with Dante?

(Elena) Ferrante

3-Named Writers: Shortly before her death in 1924, this author of "The Secret Garden" wrote, "As long as one has a garden, one has a future"?

(Frances Hodgson) Burnett

History: After Robert E. Lee told him to reorganize his men after an attack at Gettysburg, he replied, "General, I have no division"?

(George) Pickett

South Americans: This Brazilian-born woman says she launched the Luz Foundation to bring light into the world?

(Gisele) Bündchen

OED Quotes: The entry for "she" cites "'she-who-must-be-obeyed' commands thy presence" from a work by this adventure novelist?

(H. Rider) Haggard

Authors: Featuring a statue of a man escaping his grave, his tomb in Amiens contrasts with the title of his 1864 adventure novel?

(Jules) Verne (Journey to the Center of the Earth)

History: The 2006 Greentree Agreement, settling a fight by shifting a peninsula from Nigeria to Cameroon was brokered by this African?

(Kofi) Annan

Writer: "To Be Young, Gifted and Black" by this playwright was performed Off-Broadway after cancer took her far too young at 34?

(Lorraine) Hansberry

"B": After continually losing elections for Israeli prime minister since 1948, he won the office in 1977 in what's known as "the upset"?

(Menachem) Begin

Celebrity Relatives: "The Many Saints of Newark" starred him as a younger version of Tony Soprano, a role originated on TV by his dad, James?

(Michael) Mike Gandolfini

Foreign-Born Author: In the 1950s the New York Times said this author "is writing about all lust" & his lecherous narrator "is all of us"?

(Vladimir) Nabokov

River: Sharing its name with a mountain range, this major river of Europe flows into the Caspian Sea at Atyrau, Kazakhstan?

(the) Ural (River)

Decimals: Start counting zeroes: it's how you say one ten-thousandth, decimal-style?


Decimals: In 1938 the AMA signed off on a legal limit for blood alcohol concentration of a rather startling .15; today it's this?


Math: If x = -10, this is the additive inverse of x?


How Often Does It Happen: The appearance of the title Highland village in the musical "Brigadoon"?

100 Years

Year: Rhode Island is the first colony to nix its British allegiance; Goethe publishes "Stella" long before Tennessee Williams?


Year: After capturing New Orleans, David Farragut is given the new rank of rear admiral?


Year: Zola "J'Accuse"s; the Curies discover radium; remember... the Maine goes down?


Year: Trotsky is sent trotting from the Soviet Union; say hello to "A Farewell to Arms"?


Year: The Manhattan Project begins?


Number: Matthew 4 says Jesus fasted for this many days & nights in the wilderness, & he was hungry after; well, yeah!?


How Often Does It Happen: A jubilee year as recounted in the book of Leviticus in the Bible?

50 Years

Number: A standard 88-key piano has this many white keys?


Number: The non-profit, non-partisan news service known as "The" this number covers the state of U.S. education?


Health & Medicine: As of July 2022 help is only a short phone call away with this 3-digit number to the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline?


Rapper: Noted for neckware, he was in Playaz Circle before teaming with Drake to go platinum with "No Lie"?

2 Chainz

Decimals: At Princeton, if you get straight C+es, this is your semester GPA & you might want to do a bit more studying?


Numbers: Psi is this number letter in the Greek alphabet?


Cliche: To mean an overall picture, instead of "the view from" this high, people could say "from 5.68 miles"?

30,000 Feet

Number: There's a period before this number that comes before "Special" in the name of Donnie Van Zant's high-caliber 1970s rock band?


Tech: Thousands of layers of material, like resin, are how one of these creates an object; the RepRap project led to a self-replicating one?

3D Printer

Novel: A Pulitzer winner: Marginality, social; mothers & sons; New Orleans?

A Confederacy of Dunces

Book Royalty: The American author of this 1889 book wrote it after reading Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur" but Malory didn't include time travel?

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

FURNITURE: The name of this piece of furniture comes from the French for "to put to bed"?

A Couch

Crunch: This alliterative crunch in which it's hard to get a loan can lead to a recession?

A Credit Crunch

Billiards: The Mikado's punishment for a pool shark: to play "on a cloth untrue with a twisted" this "& elliptical billiard balls"?

A Cue

Wrong Time: This idiom applies literally if you promise to pay 10 bucks on Tuesday & show up with 9 on Wednesday?

A Day Late & A Dollar Short

Low: With Low Country ingenuity, in 1932 the Dutch built a 20-mile-long one of these to cut off the Zuider Zee & create a whole new province?

A Dike

Heavenly Bodies: After some debate, the International Astronomical Union created this term for objects like Makemake, Eris & others in 2006?

A Dwarf Planet

Witch: It's the term for a witch's aide; it might take the form of a cat or a toad & was said to feed from a witch's mole or wart?

A Familiar

Fashion: Playing doctor, Matt Smith let us know this red felt hat that was popular in Turkey in the 1920s was also cool with time travelers?

A Fez

U.S. History: A 1915 article says of this modern type of woman, "her hair, newly coiled... exposed... her neck"?

A Flapper

"ou": It's a factory where metal is melted & poured into molds & then cooled to create objects?

A Foundry

Geology: "Plucking" is the process by which one of these freezes the bedrock beneath it, cracks it & carries bits away?

A Glacier

Lawpeople: Marshal Thomas Smith of Abilene was famous for keeping order without this, as noted by famed Abilene resident Dwight Eisenhower?

A Gun

Micro Fish: Pretty fish filed under "G" include Garibaldi, once called marine goldfish, & this one, also called rainbow fish--fancy?

A Guppy

Fish: With a distinctly shaped keppy called a cephalofoil, this shark has been known to swim in schools as large as 500?

A Hammerhead

It Has A Name: A feature of the bottle gives this party-size amount of liquor, 1.75 liters, its name?

A Handle

Eating Idioms: If none of you responds correctly, "I'll eat my" this, even if it's a chupalla?

A Hat

Bird: Boasting a nearly 5-foot wingspan, the red-tailed this bird of prey can reach speeds of 120 mph in a dive?

A Hawk

Animal Phrase: Angry like a certain insect:"Mad as a ____"?

A Hornet

Inventing: Britain's Air Ministry ridiculed Frank Whittle's idea for this type of engine in the 1920s, but by the 1950s no one was laughing?

A Jet Engine

Carats: Using a ruby rod, Theodore Maiman built the first working one of these in 1960?

A Laser

Spanish Art & Artists: It's an old Spanish word for a pretty young woman; Goya painted several, including some "on a Balcony">

A Maja

8-Letter Word: It's the feature that populates online forms with your birthdate, phone number etc. when you put in your name?


Plate: This "colorful" phrase referred to cheap diner meals of yore & the item they were served on?

Blue Plate Special

Tech: Windows users do not want to encounter BSOD, this colorful but fatal-sounding error?

Blue Screen Of Death

Medical Drama: There's a statue in Central Park of this heroic sled dog for helping run a diphtheria antitoxin to remote Alaskans in 1925?


Eight: More than 40 million people live in the Dhaka Division, one of 8 in this Asian country?


Famous Names: In 2001 he published a book called "Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall"; in 2002, "Existencilism"?


Butte: Grizzly Bear Lodge is another name for this butte that rises 1,267 feet above Wyoming?

Devil's Tower

Shakespeare: In "Macbeth", it's not healthy for this man to be in a scene with first, second & third murderers but at least his son Fleance escapes?


Species: The tongue of this largest mammal can weigh as much as an elephant; its heart can weigh as much as a car?

Blue Whale

Homer: Now honored by a plaque in a station in Roxbury, Horatio J. Homer was this city's first Black police officer, for 40 years from 1878?


Chemistry: This word means treated to increase porousness (before "charcoal") or to speed up waste breakdown (before "sludge")?


Dedication: Though his son would star in kids' books, this Brit dedicated "The Red House Mystery" to his dad, a fan of detective stories?

A.A. Milne

2022 Hits: After wishing his coffee "had a little shot of Jack", Walker Hayes sang he was just trying to "stay out of" this 2-letter group?


Org: 2020 marked the 100th birthday of this organization, premier defender of our constitutional rights & freedoms?


Science: Following a bone marrow transplant, in 2019 a patient was declared free of this virus, for only the second time ever?


President Speeches: "That cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion"?

Abe Lincoln

Phrase: Let's "bend" to this expression that refers to the more prominent space on page 1 of a newspaper?

Above The Fold

9-Letter Words: One of these "after the fact" helps commit a crime & subsequently may be charged with obstruction of justice?


Anagram Occupations: April is the cruellest month: CUT A CANTON?


Learning: khanacademy.org offers courses in the "linear" type of this, including topics like vectors & matrix transformations?


Where: On Dec. 16, 1773 this body of water sipped on 342 chests of tea formerly belonging to the British East India Company?

Boston Harbor

Idea: The institute named for this 18th c. Scot says his radical insight was that national wealth isn't gold but productive capacity?

Adam Smith

USA: As well as a building material, it's a structure made of it; the Avila one is the oldest existing house in Los Angeles?


Myth: Accidentally grazed by one of Cupid's arrows, Venus fell in love with this handsome youth?


Adverbs: From Latin for "against", it's the harmful way in which medications can sometimes affect you or interact with other drugs?


Radio: In 1924 Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover said the quickest way to kill radio would be to use it for direct this?


College Talk: The U.S. has sent personnel called military these to provide training in places like Vietnam & Chile?


Second Cities: In 1880 the British defeated indigenous forces in the Battle of Kandahar, now the second-largest city in this country


Line: Named for a 19th century British diplomat, the 1,640-mile Durand Line is today the border between these two nations?

Afghanistan & Pakistan

Contradictions: Britannica notes that this word "can be used to mean am not, are not, is not, have not & has not"?


Travel: In 1936 the Clipper was the first of these sleek, silvery travel trailers made of aluminum?


Dutch: In the U.S. it's the name of a cleaning product but for Dutch fans, it's a leading soccer team named for an ancient Greek hero of myth?


Homer: A gold mine promoter named Homer Pennock gave his first name to a city in this state?


Transportation: 100 years ago in 1923, Warren Harding drove a spike to complete the railroad named for this state, today with majestic bridges?


College Town: The University of New Mexico, where classes began in 1892, before statehood?


Myth: They were the 3 furies?

Alecto ("unceasing"), Tisiphone ("avenging murder"), and Megaera ("grudging")

Russian Authors: His 1995 autobiography "Invisible Allies" described his last years in the Soviet Union before he got deported?

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Saints: Egyptian martyr whose symbol is a spiked wheel, not a library book, St. Catherine of this city?


3-Named People: This 3-named naturalist came up with the natural selection theory around the same time as Darwin, spurring Darwin to go public?

Alfred Russel Wallace

Science: The seaweed called giant kelp can reach 200 feet in length, but it's still just a type of this simple organism?


Contradictions: It begins a 5-word Shakespeare title?


College Football: Baylor ended up in better hands than Ole Miss in the 88th Sugar Bowl underwritten by this insurance company?


History: On March 27, 1802 Britain & France signed a treaty at this city whose name begins with "Ami"; they stayed friends for 14 months?


Science: Molybdenum adds strength to steel as part of one of these substances composed of 2 or more elements?

An Alloy

Odd Words: This symbol found on your keyboard gets its name from "and per se and"?

An Ampersand

Sea: The Amundsen Sea lies along the western side of this continent?


Legal: A right of way is a type of this, which generally means an acquired right to use another person's land for a special purpose?

An easement

American Lit: Loosely based on historical events, this 1985 Cormac McCarthy novel is subtitled "The Evening Redness in the West"?

Blood Meridian

Anagrams Of Each Other: A cherub & to gather, like information or grain?

Angel & Glean

Geo: You can go from "A" to "Z" crossing the 660-mile border between these 2 southern African countries?

Angola & Zambia

Pony: Mollie, who misses wearing ribbons in her mane & eating sugar cubes, represents the petite bourgeoisie in this novel?

Animal Farm

Historical Fiction: A flier in her own right, she's the subject of Melanie Benjamin's bestseller "The Aviator's Wife" & we need her first name?

Anne (Morrow) Lindbergh

Awards: June Foray, voice of Rocky the Squirrel, helped create an award for animation; it was her husband who named them this?


History: Prophetically, around 30 B.C., these 2 lovers founded a club called Those Who Will Die Together?

Antony & Cleopatra

Feb 14: 1835: Formation of the first Latter-day Saints leadership group known as the "Quorum of the Twelve" these?


Food: Gravenstein & Winesap are varieties of these?


Library: Ashurbanipal, book lover & king of this ancient kingdom ruled from Nineveh, built the world's first known library in the 600s B.C.?


Election Day: On election night 1948, the Chicago Tribune went to press with this banner headline for the next morning's edition?

Dewey Defeats Truman

Europe: This isolated region on the Peloponnese became synonymous with a rural paradise to Greeks & Romans alike?


Science: This Greek gave his name to the law that says a body in fluid is acted on by force proportional to how much fluid it displaces?


Historic Names: The word lycée for a French public school goes back to lyceum, which was the name of a school founded by this ancient philosopher?


Ballet: Ballet dancers in the preparatory position called "bras bas" hold these down low, as its French name says?


Words: Inhalation of &/or massage with fragrant essential oils is part of this practice meant to enhance well-being?


Chemistry: Orpiment, formula As2S3 was a longtime aid to painters as a yellow pigment, but not now, due to this, the As?


Cartoon: A close-up of the clenched fist of this PBS character before he punched D.W. became a giant meme of anger expression?


Ladder: It means you verbally expressed an idea clearly; it also is this type of portable ladder with a series of locking hinges seen here?


Title: Chaim Potok's "My Name is" this traces the inner struggle of a young Jew whose artistry conflicts with his Orthodox faith?

Asher Lev

Cliche: Lake Superior State U.'s 2022 overused "banished words" include this phrase that follows an embarrassing query really about oneself?

Asking For A Friend

Workers: The Tolpuddle Martyrs were 6 British farm workers who were sent far away to this land in 1834 for trying to start a union?


Sports: Named for a onetime Brisbane Lions coach, the Leigh Matthews Trophy goes to the MVP of this?

Australia Football League

College Towns: Georgia, not Greece, should be on your mind with this city, known for bands like the confusingly named of Montreal?


Dictators: Around 546 B.C. Pisistratus took power as tyrant of this city & ruled there for 2 decades?


Lit: This oldest member of the 3 Musketeers in Dumas' novel is revealed to be the Comte de la Fere?


2-Word Science Terms: For actinium, it's 89?

Atomic Number

Doomsday Book: This Canadian tells of Snowman, possibly the last human, in her novel "Oryx and Crake"?


Word: The Latin for "increase" gives us this 7-letter word meaning to enlarge in size or strength?


Bird: Facts about this seabird: Its 3-letter name has 2 vowels, it has short wings & webbed feet & it stands upright on land?


Nimoy: In "The Handmaid's Tale", this main "Aunt"-agonist strives to indoctrinate her captive charges into subservience?

Aunt Lydia

Astronomy: Like Earth, Saturn gets this kind of spectacular polar light show, a Latin word for "dawn"?


Adjective: Stern or stark; it describes an academy in the title of the fifth book in "A Series of Unfortunate Events"?


State Capital: "The Live Music Capital of the World"?


Horses On Wheels: Subaru's utility vehicle the Brat got its warmest welcome in this country, where it was renamed the Brumby after a wild horse?


Island: Christmas Island is a territory of this country?


Pen Names: After moving from Russia to the U.S. in the 1920s, Alissa Rosenbaum adopted this pen name with the same initials?

Ayn Rand

Something That is: Blue: A crow was said to take a whole day to fly from one horn to the other of this American folklore creature?

Babe the Blue Ox

People: Looks like this composer has pictures of his kids: Catharina, Wilhelm, Carl, Leopold, Elisabeth, Gottfried, Regina...?


Word History: Makes sense--it once meant the piece of wood behind others in a fireplace; now it's a bunch of unfilled orders?

Back Log

Myth: Frigga got an oath from fire, water, iron, you name it, to not hurt her son, this Norse god of light, but things got hairy anyway?


County Seat: Towson, Maryland:Of this charm county, we guess?

Baltimore County

Book About Her: "The Matriarch", this late mother of six?

Barbara Bush

Inventions: 1917's "Elements of Trench Warfare" said this Old West item was "difficult to destroy" & "difficult to get through"?

Barbed Wire

Miami Vice: This superstar of stage, song & screen was seeing Don Johnson when she cameo-d as a pedestrian who caught Sonny's eye?

Barbra Streisand

Stage Musicals By Song Lyrics: "There is a sucker born every minute, each time the second hand sweeps to the top like dandelions up they pop"?


Directors: "Austin Powers" director Jay Roach plays himself when this hit man-turned-actor lands a big audition?


4, 4: Here's what this mountaineering setup looked like in 1909 on an expedition by an Italian duke and a more recent one?

Base Camp

_s_ss_: Unjustifiable, or lacking crucial elements on the field at Dodger Stadium?


Tree: The flowers of the African sausage tree bloom at night for visits by these flying mammals, their principal pollinators?


Business Partners: In the 1850s a German immigrant borrowed $60 from a pal for his optical goods shop; J.J. & Henry partnered up to form this brand?

Bausch + Lomb

3 Letters, 2 Meanings: A body of water, or a deep, drawn-out howl?


Angle: Also 3 letters, this feature is similar to a bow window, but with sharp angles instead of a gentle sweep?

Bay Window

Symbols: In 1851 this rodent, symbol of its nation, was featured on Canada's first postage stamp?


Days Of Yore: Used centuries ago by Irish monks who craved discomfort, a clochán is also known as this insect domicile hut?

Beehive Hut

Beers: Trappist monks in this small European country make Chimay & use the income to support their charitable works?


Invasion: Germany's August 1914 invasion of this country, beginning with an assault on Liège, brought Britain into World War I?


Franklin: Ben's discoveries led to the lightning rod & to the end of the electrocution of more than a hundred of these colleagues of Quasimodo?

Bell Ringers

Animal: Delphinapterus leucas is the scientific name of the marine mammal that also goes by this name from Russian?

Beluga Whale

Geography: If asked "Have you seen" this, don't say, "No, Ben hasn't called me"--it's a mountain, the highest in the U.K. at 4,400 feet?

Ben Nevis

Words: A point of reference from which measurements are made, it was once an actual notch or line made on a permanent object?


Mexico: In October Mexican people celebrate ethnic identity on this dia, meaning "day of the people"?

Dia De La Raza

Dedication: P.G. Wodehouse honored his editor in this dopey gentleman "Sees It Through": "I shall get a very good lunch out of you"?

Bertie Wooster

Bible: Also the home of Mary & Martha, this town near Jerusalem is where Lazarus was raised from the dead?


Movie Quote: From the '80s:"I want my 2 dollars"?

Better Off Dead

"B" + 3: A coffin stand?


Crunch: Supercomputers crunch numbers in the form of this "large" 2-word buzz term for the tidal wave of digital information?

Big Data

"big": Actually a complex of hills, this Utah formation was named after a song about a hobo living the sweet life?

Big Rock Candy Mountain

"big": Carmel is the northern gateway to this California region that was home to Henry Miller?

Big Sur

"B" + 3: To cheat out of money?


Home: Xanadu was the name of a palatial estate in "Citizen Kane"; the estate owned by this Microsoft billionaire has been dubbed Xanadu 2.0?

Bill Gates

Inspiration: The Altair 8800 & its creator, Dr. Ed Roberts, inspired these two teenage pals from Seattle who became famous?

Bill Gates & Paul Allen

Beatles: "I'm The Greatest" had Ringo sing, "Yes, my name is" him, "the one and only" singer in Sgt. Pepper's band?

Billy Shears

Nato Alphabet: A nymph deprived of speech?


"mass": Term for the total plant & animal life in a particular area?


Doomsday Book: The blindfold returns in--& on--"Malorie", the sequel to this "avian" horror novel?

Bird Box

Medical Folks: Helen Taussig developed the first treatment for cyanotic infants, this alliterative syndrome?

Blue Babies

Everything That Goes With It: This kind of sauce or dressing has gone with Buffalo wings dating back to their 1964 origin story?

Blue Cheese

Elemental Hit Parade: Know it's No. 83 & used in fire-detection equipment & you'll be taking care of this, every day! Taking care of this, every way!?


Before & After: To prepare to do something unpleasant by chomping down on a 200-mph rail transport?

Bit The Bullet Train

Art: This 5-letter word follows "wood" in the printing technique used by Japanese masters like Hiroshige?


Lit: Poet & playwright Amiri Baraka is considered the founder of this 1960s & '70s movement, BAM for short?

Black Arts Movement

Geo: The independence-minded breakaway region of Abkhazia borders the eastern shores of this sea?

Black Sea (Abkhazia part of Georgia)

Roles: In "Endgame" this Avenger makes a heroic sacrifice & takes a terrible fall in order to obtain the Soul Stone?

Black Widow

Good Luck: This southern legume is thought to bring luck when eaten on New Year's Day?

Black-eyed Peas

The Rest, As They Say: "It's a poor craftsman" who does this; how's a hammer going to respond anyway??

Blame His Tools

2 Words, one with "i". one without: Without an I, an adjective describing a shade like indigo becomes an action that shades you crimson?

Bluish & Blush

No. 1 80s Album: His "Don't Be Cruel"(& it's not Elvis)?

Bobby Brown

Wine: High alcohol content leads to the big mouthfeel called "full-" this, used of wines such as Montepulciano?


Africa: Battlefields of this war include Spioenkop in the Kwazulu-Natal province?

Boer War

Friends: French for "good friend", this 2-word phrase can refer to a buddy or to a girlfriend?

Bon Ami(e)

"B": This word meaning a spectacular mining find was given to the creek where gold was found in the Klondike in 1896?


Brief Lives: Stole into existence in 1910; she was the first half of a noted couple; got lead poisoning via police in 1934?

Bonnie Parker

"oo": This brand of British gin says every batch is made with "labour and patience"?

Boodles Gin

Actors: Lance Reddick played a cop on "The Wire" & on this Amazon Prime drama as Chief Irvin Irving?


Role In Common: Sorrell Booke & Burt Reynolds, in charge in Hazzard county?

Boss Hogg

____ & ____: In a nursery rhyme the Sparrow admitted to killing Cock Robin with these 2 objects?

Bow & Arrow

In this sport: Eight-count, accidental butt?


2-Word Science Terms: It says that the volume of a gas varies inversely with the pressure on it at constant temperature?

Boyle's Law

Dinosaur Names: Because of its longer front legs, this tall dinosaur was given a name meaning "arm lizard"?


Memoir: Susannah Cahalan chronicled her descent into madness while struggling with an autoimmune disease in this 2012 bestseller?

Brain On Fire

10-Letter Words: Containing a body part, this compound word happens when people get together to come up with ideas?


Drinks: Creme de cacao & half & half are 2 other ingredients in this brandy cocktail, a favorite of John Lennon?

Brandy Alexander

Metals: Rubbings are hand-made copies of the engraved plates of this metal that adorned many an old tomb?


Brest: Brest is in this region of France that extends west into the Atlantic & whose administrative center is Rennes?


Poker Hands: This hand has the 5 highest ranked cards in poker; the Ten, Jack, Queen, King and Ace?


Wear: You can put on your best Irish accent while wearing these perforated leather shoes of the same name?


Science: Corrosive with a pungent odor, this element extracted from seawater is liquid at room temperature?


NYC Subway Stops: Flatbush Avenue! The No. 2 train's stop for the college named for this borough! Please step away from the closing doors?


Names In U.S. History: This father was the only man among the 13 plaintiffs in a class-action case filed in 1951?


Fans Of The Singer: Hooligans?

Bruno Mars

BID: In 2020, an unnamed bidder spent $4.2 million for the so-called EID MAR coin, minted by this assassin?


Science: Some scientists think Uranus' atmosphere may compress carbon atoms into these, putting the ice in ice giant?


Art: From Rubens & his workshop, "The Lion Hunt", "The Tiger Hunt" & this Roman goddess "& her Nymphs on the Hunt"?


Spanish Art & Artists: Aged almost 90, Picasso painted himself as one of these before a huge crowd, holding a sword as if it were a paintbrush?


Sports: Nickname of late Texas football coaching legend Oail Phillips?


Micro Fish: The 1.5" goby here is named for this insect, unrelated to the tuna brand of the same name?


Advertising: This chain has rolled out a new "You rule" slogan but the commercials still say you can "have it your way"?

Burger King

State Stuff: A state sport of Colorado involves racing these small donkeys?


Word History: Its obsolete meanings include meek & obedient; its solete meaning is bosomy?


Haircut: This very short haircut evokes the sound of the electric clippers?

Buzz Cut

Where Did I Leave My Keys?: Could've been at the Deerfield, Illinois HQ of this co. (before it moved to Texas) that makes the center-pivot 440 backhoe loader?


Dragons: Tasting a bit like kiwi & pear, dragon fruit grows in Mexico & Central America on the Hylocereus species of this


What To Do: In the gospel of Luke, "There went out a decree" from this ruler "that all the world should be taxed"?

Caesar Augustus

Americana: Sometimes confused, these 2 groups of descendants in Louisiana with French ties give their names to 2 types of cuisine?

Cajun & Creole

People: Frontier diarist John Hunton wrote that this Wild Bill Hickok friend was "among the commonest of her class"?

Calamity Jane

US History: The Compromise of 1850 admitted this Western state to the Union, with slavery banned there?


Tech: A 2012 pilot program by police in Rialto, California used BWCs, body-worn these?


Galaxies: There are "only" about a billion stars in our closest neighbor galaxy, a dwarf galaxy in this big dog of a constellation?

Canis Major

Tree: Couroupita guianensis is known as this tree, after the type of old-time artillery projectile its fruits resemble?


Classical: In 1724 Bach composed more than 60 of these musical pieces that were meant to be sung, as opposed to a sonata?


Euro: Sent to convert the Anglo-Saxons, St. Augustine became the first archbishop of this in the 6th century?


Boundaries: Often cited as the southernmost point of South America, this rocky headland marks the northern boundary of the Drake Passage?

Cape Horn

Astronomy & Geography: At the winter solstice, the Sun is in Sagittarius; it once appeared in this constellation, giving a geographic feature its name?

Capricorn (At the winter solstice, the Sun is overhead at noon as far south as the Tropic of [*].)

Taglines: Instagram:"____ and share the world's moments"?


Climate: A byproduct of using fossil fuels, it's the main greenhouse gas affecting Earth's climate due to human activity?

Carbon Dioxide

Also An NFL Team: A "Sacred College of" these meets in the Holy See?


Author: The "Outlander" series?

Diana Gabaldon

Sax: The classic sax line from this 1984 No. 1 hit by Wham! begins, Wa-wa-wa-wa, wa-wa-wa-wa, wa-wa-wa-wa, wa-wa-wa?

Careless Whisper

Pop Music: Her song "You've Got A Friend" came out the year after her pal James Taylor sang of "lonely times when I could not find a friend"?

Carole King

Africa: Head to Tunisia to visit the ruins of this city whose name means "new town", founded around 800 B.C.?


Capital Offensive: The Vandals plundered this North African capital in 439, though the Romans had "destroyed" it 6 centuries earlier?


Americana: The ballad of him begins, "Come all you rounders if you want to hear a story about a brave engineer"?

Casey Jones

Homeric: She's the loveliest daughter of the king of Troy; the tale of the curse of having her prophecies doubted is post-Homeric?


Heavenly Bodies: Schedar, the brightest star in this constellation, is one of the two bottom points in its distinctive W shape?


Castle: Home to the Vatican Observatory, this castle complex was first used as a summer papal residence in the 17th century?

Castel Gandolfo

Language: This language that's official in Andorra is related to both French & Spanish?


White Lightning is a brand of what 5-letter waterproof filler and sealant?


Drink: The name of this Spanish version of champagne literally means a wine cellar?


Sports: It was said, "2/3 of the earth is covered by water, the other third is covered by Garry Maddox", specialist at this MLB position?

Center Field

19th Century Science: Once thought to be a planet, the first asteroid was discovered in 1801 & named this after a Roman goddess?


National Parks: A national monument in California's San Joaquin Valley honors this founder of a union?

Cesar Chavez

Words: This symbol of Judaism is Hebrew for "life"?


College Town: The University of Virginia, which Jefferson envisioned as his "academical village"?


The Chase: This activity that takes your dog around in a circle can be a sign of boredom & lack of exercise?

Chasing His Tail

Body Language: If you mouth off to someone, you give them lip, or what the Brits call this other facial part?


Soup: Popular in chowder, this East Coast variety of clam has the name of a fruit pit?


C to D: A man's overcoat & a sofa with rolled arms, as seen here, are named for the Earl of this?


Machines: In 1888 Thomas Adams installed vending machines dispensing this (Tutti Frutti flavor) on NYC train platforms?

Chewing Gum

Native American Place Names: It's the capital of a state & the seat of Laramie County?


Medical Drama: After 17 seasons on "Law & Order", S. Epatha Merkerson got into a new line of work, running Gaffney Medical on this NBC show?

Chicago Med

Horn: You'll find Cape Horn at the southern tip of this country?


Companies In History: This company still markets bananas from Guatemala; when it was United Fruit Co., it helped kill a 1950s land redistribution there?


Molecule: Bears have died from eating too much of this sweet stuff; it contains theobromine, an alkaloid that's toxic to animals?


Outbreak: A 19th century pandemic of this water-borne disease began in the delta region of the Ganges River?


Frog: A genus of frogs is called this type, presumably because they croak in unison like a group of actors speaking together in a play?


People: This country superstar's hits include "A Better Man" & "Killin' Time"?

Clint Black

Medieval: No camel riding per the Pact of Umar, limiting the rights of these 2 non-Muslim groups in newly Muslim-controlled areas?

Christians & Jews

Lit: Anne Sexton's poem about this "Eve" mentions 12 grandchildren at the family reunion & "the bulbs of the tree"?


Islands: The migration of the red crabs is an annual spectacle on this Indian Ocean island named for a holiday?

Christmas Island

Party: Combining a holiday & a month, it's the title of a Preston Sturges film, or a party theme illustrated here?

Christmas in July

Fashion: In fashion as boots, loafers or slippers, this big-soled style shares its name with a line of soups?


Lawyer Billboards: Ask Sextus Roscius The Innocent Have Nothing To Fear When I Spin My Oratory?


Law Slaw: In legalese, CC can refer to cepi corpus ("I have taken the body") or this federal venue for appeals?

Circuit Court

Company Names: The name of this tech company is a shortening of the metropolis where it was founded by 2 Stanford computer scientists in 1984?

Cisco Systems (San Francisco)

Law Slaw: Political advertising was at the heart of the 2010 case pitting this group against the Federal Election Commission?

Citizens United

Hoppy: A predominantly western U.S. steakhouse chain, or one who seizes somebody else's land for mineral rights?

Claim Jumper

Onomatopoeia: "The Bells" pairs clamor with this word that also starts with "C-L-A"?


Lawyer Billboards: Socialists...Science Teachers...Accused Murderers...No Cause Too Unpopular!?

Clarence Darrow

Musical Instruments: The basset horn is a type of this; Mendelssohn wrote a piece for basset horn & regular this?


Literary Character Names: "You were never there", a girlfriend tells this hero of Bret Easton Ellis' "Less Than Zero"; other people just seem to mold him?


Shakespeare Speaker: "O happy horse, to bear the weight of Antony!"?


Buildings: Demolished in 2019, the Pennsylvania headquarters of Bethlehem Steel was built to have the maximum number of these offices, a symbol of prestige?

Corner Offices

Art: "Child with Toy Hand Grenade" from 1962, a famous image by this woman who often photographed social outcasts?

Diane Arbus

Laundry: Backpacking tip: sinks are everywhere but dryers can be tough to find, so bring a rope & you'll have one of these?


Books: Tracy McCubbin's "Make Space for Happiness" is about "How to Stop Attracting" this--it's in the way & dragging you down?


Heirs: This man who served closely with J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI was a beneficiary of & the executor of Hoover's will?

Clyde Tolson

4, 4: It's defined as a short period of very chilly weather that occurs rather suddenly?

Cold Snap

Lit: Wordsworth & this sometime friend & writing partner were the big stars of the early 19th century Lake School of English poetry?


Continental Geography: Until a 1903 secession, this country's contiguous territory spanned 2 continents?


Butte: Crested Butte is this state's "Last Great Ski Town" as well as its wildflower capita?


Broadway: A 2021 revival changed the gender of bachelor Bobby, baby in this Sondheim show?


In The Novel: High-ranking Father Latour passes away in a Santa Fe cathedral?

Death Comes for the Archbishop

Fire: An ode Emerson wrote for this town where he lived includes, "Oh tenderly the haughty day, fills his blue urn with fire"?


Sound: Partly located on Long Island Sound, this state's panhandle is where you'll find Stamford & Darien?


Finance: This word with a "solid" center is an industry's phase when many companies become few: carmaking around 1910, cannabis today?


Cases: Anderson v. Dunn gave Congress the power to punish nonmembers for this offense; Steve Bannon faced it in 2022?

Contempt Of Congress

3 Consonants In A Row: Job of the person hired to renovate your house, perhaps after you find an architect?


TV Connectors: Axe____Rock?


University: Cereal grain+12th letter of the alphabet?

Corn L

Space: The Wilkinson Probe monitored fluctuations in the residue of the Big Bang known as the CMB, short for this?

Cosmic Microwave Background

Nobel Scientists: James Peebles' work was in the physical type of this -ology, checking off little items like the origin & structure of the universe?


Middle O: It's a small collapsible bed?


Pop Music: "Don't Get Above Your Raisin"' is a song from Flatt & Scruggs; it's also the name of an episode of this Ken Burns series?

Country Music

Nationally Monumental: This Idaho national monument with a 4-word name, has lava flows, making it unearthly; even President Coolidge said, "This place is weird"?

Craters of the Moon

Lake: Gustave, a huge one of these said to have killed hundreds of people, lived along the shores of Lake Tanganyika?


Arts: The title of this play by Eugene O'Neill refers in part to a pair of trees that surrounds the Cabot farmhouse?

Desire Under The Elms

Eponyms: Plagued by debt, the man for whom this fuel is named disappeared from the deck of the SS Dresden in 1913?


American Poems: In an 1847 poem this character sees her town of Grand-Pré burned, but finally reunites with her beau for a kiss before his death?


Greek Gods: Zeus has huge daddy issues in therapy, having overthrown & confined dad, this titan, in Tartarus; also, that dad ate Zeus' siblings?


Vegetables: This variety of squash seen here has a body part in its name?


1, 2, 3: In 1969 this sweet-sounding trio gave us "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" & an appeal to Nos. 2 & 3; 1 says he's sorry; please sing together again!?

Crosby, Stills and Nash

5, 5: Literally a gem that's part of royal regalia, it's come to mean the absolute best part of something?

Crown Jewel

Essay: The title of David Foster Wallace's "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" refers to a 7-night one of these?


Carats: Part of the British regalia, the Great Star of Africa was once part of this diamond named for Sir Thomas?


Pop Music: To tweak an '80s lyric from this band, lovin' would be easy if your colors were those on Ghana's flag, red, gold & green?

Culture Club

Words: It can mean to restrain, or it can be found along a street?


Sports: A 4-man team called Wild Card 1 swept to victory at the 2022 Tim Hortons Brier, Canada's championship of this?


Sports: Most of the material used to make the moving objects in this sport comes from a Scottish quarry on Ailsa Craig?


Hair: The outer covering of a hair shaft is called this, like the area at the base of a fingernail?


Leaders: From 1960 to 1977, Greek Orthodox Archbishop Makarios III was president of this island nation?


Mystery Title: A Tea Shop Mystery: the alliterative "Death by" this Indian variety?


"D" science: Still mysterious but described as a "repulsive force", it makes up 70% of the universe, way more than the same-named "matter"?

Dark Energy

Iraq: Iraq once produced most of the world's supply of this fruit & is replanting after millions of palm trees were destroyed?


Room: This large upholstered couch that shares its name with the largest of the Quad Cities along the Iowa-Illinois border?


Baby Names 1922: Both Harry & this brother, soon to combine in a gift basket company?


Senior: When this Old Testament king is "old & stricken in years", even the fair maiden Abishag does not rouse his interest?


Peaked At 91-100: "The Hearts Filthy Lesson" only went to 92 for this legend; "Suffragette City" never even cracked the chart?

David Bowie

Quotes: Herbert Hoover, drawing a laugh in 1936: "Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national" this?


"D": This 8-letter adjective can be used to describe an extremely rich & satisfying dessert?


Revolts: The -ists named for this month failed to topple the czar in 1825 but inspired the name of a 21st century band?


Sports: The NHL's Selke Trophy goes to the forward who's best not at scoring but at this?


Halfway: Half-timbered houses as on Funen Island, are a nostalgic symbol of this country, & are seen on tins of its butter cookies?


Cabinet Department: The National Reconnaissance Office?

Department of Defense

Eponyms: This manufacturer who died in 1868 is remembered for his short-barreled pistols small enough for a pocket or boot?


"D" science: Embryonic stem cells divide & give rise to more specialized ones, like neurons for the brain, this process?


Chemistry: A cup of instant coffee is a solution & adding water is this process, the opposite of concentration?


It Has A Name: In pickleball a drop shot is a soft, short shot from the back of the court; this other 4-letter "D" shot is hit from closer in?


Family: Following their birth in 1934, these Canadian quintuplets became a media sensation?

Dionee Quintuplets

Dedication: Douglas Adams dedicated this title guy's "Holistic Detective Agency" "To my mother, who liked the bit about the horse"?

Dirk Gently

Dirty: For a traditional Cajun dish, add chicken liver or gizzards to this, making it "dirty"?

Dirty Rice

Taglines: Jantzen swimwear:"____ into life"?


Party: Mississippi governor Fielding Wright ran for veep on its 1948 ticket that carried 4 states?


Geo: 18 miles wide at its narrowest, the Bab-el Mandeb Strait separates these two nations, one in Africa & one in Arabia?

Djibouti & Yemen

D to O: Room 222 at the Strater Hotel in this Colorado city was where Louis L'Amour wrote many of his Western novels?


Best Sellers: A magazine writer uncovers long-held secrets in "The Seven Husbands of" this fictional movie star?

Evelyn Hugo

Dance: In square dancing, this repetitive call means pass your partner, back to back!?


D to O: It's the proprietary name for an acoustic guitar with a metal resonator built into its body; it's popular for country music?


TV Drama By Episodes: "Victory of the Daleks"?

Doctor Who

Words That Should Rhyme: A female rabbit & an oxford?

Doe & Shoe

Fast Food: A Meatzza Pizza & a Chicken Habanero Sandwich?


Opera: "The Libertine Punished" is part of the full title of this Mozart opera?

Don Giovanni

Brain: I interviewed neuroscientist Sophie Scott, who studies the science of laughter, truly the best medicine, because it releases serotonin & this other neural transmitter that can create a sense of euphoria?


Travel: Some business road warriors bring an electronics version of this handy toiletries carrier named after Charles Doppelt?

Dopp Kit

Literary Title Character: Lord Henry tells him, "to get back my youth (I'd) do anything... except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable"; Wilde!?

Dorian Gray

American Women: Many of her photos were published in the 1939 book "An American Exodus: A Record of Human Erosion"?

Dorthea Lange

Old Technology: Fed with a long sheet of paper, this type of printer you're hearing now has lingered with businesses like airport car rental?

Dot Matrix

Letters: In French, W has this name, which makes more sense?

Double V

Geo: It's the capital of the Isle Of Man?


2022 Hits: After being on soundtrack hits from the "Descendants" franchise, she had a hit with "Boyfriend"?

Dove Cameron

Laundry: Concerns of the 1950s included segregation, fear of nuclear war & itchy, stiff clothes; in 1961 this brand came out to address one?

Downy Fabric Softener

Books: Joe Friday was on the hunt for Nimoy, who played an armed robber & car thief on this TV series in the 1950s?


Attorney General: Former A.G. Roger Taney was Chief Justice for this enslaved man v. Sandford?

Dread Scott

Law Slaw: Instituted in 1970, the legal classifications of these go from Schedule 1 to Schedule 5?


Wine: Sauvignon blanc tends to be "sec", a synonym of this word meaning with no perceptible sugary taste?


Art: This bandleader's classical-influenced 1940s compositions "Black, Brown & Beige" & "Liberian Suite"?

Duke Ellington

Line In The Sand: A passage in this novel relays, "Gurney saw Fremen spread out across the sand there in the path of the worm"?


Repetitive Music: A few years before this band had its first Top 10 hit in 1983, it played a gig at a club called Barbarella's?

Duran Duran

Eating Idioms: I'm pulling away in a footrace, so "eat my" this that I've kicked up?


Dirty: Synonymous with handheld vacuum for many, it's been picking up spilled cat litter & coffee grounds since 1979?

Dust Buster

Dutch: The painters of Rembrandt's time, or a brand of cigars with Rembrandt's "Syndics of the Drapers' Guild" on the box?

Dutch Masters

Campaign Slogan: His mid-century second term bid used the slogan "Peace, progress & prosperity"?

Dwight Eisenhower

Soil: Called soil heroes, these annelids have a downside as they eat everything: organic leaf matter, the nutrients in compost...?


New Year's Eve: Before a 2011 NASA mission mapping the Moon's gravity, Montana 4th graders named the two spacecraft, & this one entered lunar orbit on New Year's Eve; Flow took a bit longer?


Middlemarch: The name of this character writing about world myth has become synonymous with dry, out-of-touch scholarship?

Edward Casaubon

Book Of The Year: The Hundred Years' War novel "1356" features this heir to the English throne, known for armor not suited for hot, sunny days?

Edward the Black Prince

Not Chicken Feed: African this-eating snakes can smell whether a prospective meal is rotten or far along in development; it won't eat either?


In The Nation's Constitution: "On its land, Moses grew up, the light of God appeared, and the message descended on Mount Sinai"?


Holidays Around The Globe: One and a half billion Muslims mark the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with this holiday; fittingly it rhymes with "feed"?


Film: Elsie Fisher had actually finished middle school when she played vulnerable young Kayla in this 2018 Bo Burnham film?

Eight Grade

Historical Fiction: Marie Benedict tells of Mileva Maric, a physicist in her own right, who lived in her husband's shadow in "The Other" this surname?


Autobiographies: In this first lady's autobiography, she tells of the time after her husband's death when she became a U.N. delegate?

Eleanor Roosevelt

Science: An Ammeter, which seems like it should be called an amp meter, measures the flow of this?

Electric Current

Same First & Last Letter: This term for a privileged, high status group within a society is from Old French for "chosen"?


People: Sir Walter Raleigh, nice photo of you with this woman--must be from before you impregnated her lady-in-waiting Bess Throckmorton?

Elizabeth I

African-American: A-tisket a-tasket, in 1959 she won a Grammy for her basket, the first African-American woman to do so?

Ella Fitzgerald

TV 2022: "The Girl from Plainville" starred this actress as a young woman in the aftermath of a troubled relationship?

Elle Fanning

Scary Movie: In 1984, a house in Hollywood got the cinematic address 1428 this for the first time?

Elm Street

Model: Seen here, this supermodel played Ben Affleck's other girl in "Gone Girl"?

Em Rata (Emily Ratajkowski)

6-Letter Verbs: There are 3 Es in this verb meaning to come into view or rise from water?


Ship: An Australian river got this name in 1770 after then-lieutenant James Cook repaired the same-named ship there?


US Territories: On Aug. 6, 1945 this plane took off from a now-abandoned airfield on Tinian in the Northern Mariana Islands?

Enola Gay

Middle O: In geologic time, it's less than a period but greater than an age?


Terms: Traditional news media are said to be the "fourth" this, while nontraditional media are the "fifth"?


Home Computing: Cat 6 is one type of this cable to connect a computer to the Internet; flat ones are easier than round ones to run under the rug?


History: The job of emperor of this country was long dominated by the Amhara, who also gave their name to a major language there?


Women Authors: This native of Jackson, Mississippi wrote the novel "Delta Wedding" about a southern plantation family?

Eudora Welty

Alex Trebek: Alex' favorite parody of himself was this fellow Canadian on "SCTV" who spoofed him as Alex Trebel, host of "Half Wits"?

Eugene Levy

2 Words, Rhymes With Delight: Speed up the process of getting the nitroglycerine explosives?

Expedite Dynamite

Novel: Craig Alanson created this series of novels, exforce for short, as a "military space opera"?

Expeditionary Force

Sew: Dating back hundreds of years is the simple fastener known as a hook & this body part?


Adverbs: Meaning in a loyal manner, it's how the incoming U.S. president vows to "execute the office"?


Seasons: Duck hunting season (not wabbit season) starts in Louisiana & Minnesota?


Hills: "The Beggar's Opera" of 1728 contains the ballad that rhymes, "If with me you'd fondly stray over the hills &..." here?

Far Away

Paris: Named for an orphanage's red-clad kids, the Marché des Enfants Rouges is one of these in the 3rd arrondissement?

Farmer's Market

Non-Fiction: Get insights into your own mind in Daniel Kahneman's 2011 bestseller "Thinking" at these 2 opposites?

Fast & Slow

Symbols: Found throughout the Middle East, the Hamsa symbol of protection is also called the Hand of Her, a daughter of the Prophet?


Compose: By Claude Debussy: "Prelude to the Afternoon of" this mythical creature?


History: 1763:The Treaty of Paris ends this country's claims to most of North America east of the Mississippi?


TV Drama By Episodes: "Sophomoric","Senioritis" &"Ben Don't Leave"?


Recast Roles: Jack Lemmon to Tony Randall to Thomas Lennon?

Felix Unger

Festival: Each year at a festival in Pamplona comes the religious procession honoring this saint?

Fermin (Festival Of San Fermin)

Not Chicken Feed: Black-footed these little weasels eat mostly prairie dogs & add insult to injury by taking over their burrows?


Epic: Compiled from old folklore, songs & oral poems, the Kalevala is the national epic of this country?


Science: It's the process by which an atomic nucleus splits into 2 smaller nuclei, or how certain single-celled organisms reproduce?


Catch 2022: On a Middle East trip, Joe Biden greeted Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with this gesture?

Fist Bump

"in the": Misfiring muskets gave us this idiom for someone promising, yet ultimately unsuccessful?

Flash In The Pan

Onomatopoeia: These 2 words that differ by one vowel combine to mean a change of heart?

Flip & Flop

Television: According to his '60s theme song, he lived "in a world full of wonder, flying there under, under the sea"?


Baby Names 1922: This name of the then-first lady, Mrs. Harding?


Museums: The Bargello in this city has had many uses over the centuries; for a while, it was Leonardo da Vinci's dad's office?


Cook: No surprise, the King Arthur brand of this put out an "All-Purpose Baking Cookbook"?


Confusing: Meteorological words for befuddlement include hazy, cloudy & this superlative that often comes before "notion"?


How I Win This: Be last off the Battle Bus & land by a quiet spot instead of the Citadel; have a wide range of weapons & a medkit; use headphones?


Don't Fall In: Kids, don't fall in a big hole being dug for this base of a building; here's the 90-foot deep one for L.A.'s Wilshire Grand?


Cliche: This simile compares someone who looks not at all tired to a flower with white rays & a yellow disk?

Fresh As A Daisy

Festivals: The USAFF stands for the U.S. Association of these "edgy" festivals of which Tucson & Cincy are but a few of the participating cities?

Fringe Festivals

Phrase: When singing "America The Beautiful", you end with these 5 words?

From Sea To Shining Sea

3-Named People: Many students learn the history of African Americans from John Hope Franklin's antonym-titled history "From ____ to ____"?

From Slavery To Freedom

Poet Ryme Time: New Englander Robert's expenses & payments?

Frost's Costs

Sports: The U. of Denver won the 2022 NCAA men's hockey championship alliteratively called this, ahead of Minnesota State, Minnesota & Michigan?

Frozen Four

Science: If you've taken biology, you've probably studied Drosophila, these alliterative winged insects?

Fruit Flies

Loud: By the numbers, this "humorous" NHRA dragster can hit 300 mph & 140 dBs in under 4 seconds?

Funny Car

What's Up: In 2022 you were on the U.S. team that made the first nuclear this reaction resulting in a net energy gain... congrats!?


Measuring Up: As well as the respiratory organ of a fish, it's a measure equal to 4 fluid ounces?


3-Letter Responses: When it comes to food labeling, the word bioengineered is frequently replacing these 3 letters?


Homophones: A particular manner of walking & a waiting area inside an airport terminal?


Wrong Answers: We were going for Hippocrates & a contestant came up with this 5-letter ancient who greatly influenced medieval medicine?


Wordplay: Rhyming pairs:Banjul & Lusaka are the capital cities of these 2?

Gambia & Zambia

Words: A quick look at something, perhaps the goose of the same name?


Potpourri: The name of this London airport goes back to Anglo-Saxon words meaning "goat farm"?


Bible Books: "Let there be light"; Jared begat Enoch... "begat" appears a lot, actually?


Best: The "best of all possible worlds" was a philosophical tenet of this German who advised Peter the Great?

Gottfried Leibniz

Company Names: GEICO's name goes back to its original customer base, military personnel & these people, the G-E?

Government Employees

Writers Middle Name: Of H.G. Wells; his first name was Herbert?


Nobel Prize: This Dublin-born playwright got the nod in 1925 for works marked by idealism, humanity & stimulating satire?

George Bernard Shaw

Won The Battle, Lost The War: The British won the 1776 battle of the Manhattan fort named for this foe, who'd laugh last 7 years later?

George Washington

Leaders: After helping to establish this as an independent country, Eduard Shevardnadze became its president in 1995?


Southern College: To aid transport in poorer nations, in the 1920s grads of this college built makeshift buggies celebrated in their fight song?

Georgia Tech

Tech: If it were founded today, National Geographic might be National this "Geo-" adjective, tech including 3D mapping & remote sensing?


Poetry: The "Terrible Sonnets" of this 3-named 19th c. poet aren't bad but sad, like "No Worst, There is None" & "Carrion Comfort"?

Gerard Manley Hopkins

Brand Names: A neighbor's charcoal drawing of Ann Turner Cook at age 4 or 5 months won a 1928 contest to appear in ads for this brand?


Phobias: Teutophobia?

German people (Germans)

History Comes Alive: (Erik Larson presents the clue.) Do you know monsters when you see them? My book "In the Garden of Beasts" tells the story of Martha Dodd, daughter of the U.S. ambassador to Nazi Germany & her affair with the first head of this political police organization?


Flag: Here's the flag of this British territory; the castle & the key symbolize its strategic importance?


Everything That Goes With It: In the world of nutritional supplements, G&T isn't a refreshing cocktail but this plant & turmeric, its relative?

Ginger & Tonic

Music: Given name Peter, this superstar drummer put the spice into super groups like Cream & Blind Faith?

Ginger Baker

Snap: In addition to the spice in the name, these cookies are made with molasses?

Ginger Snaps

Animal Kingdom: Males of these mammals engage in bouts called necking to establish a social hierarchy?


"give" or "take": To do this, meaning let someone do what they want, is about horses, not kings--no silent "G"?

Give them free rein

Magazine: This fashion magazine originally focused on movie stars & its title included the words "of Hollywood"?


18th C.: The original this singing "club" began with some English guys who sang madrigals after dinner in the 1780s?

Glee Club

It Has A Name: A calotte is a skullcap & also means the circles used for the north & south poles on these?


Fortune: Great renown, it also follows "vain" in a word describing excessive pride?


Christmas Traditions: In Sweden, a Christmas straw one is traditional?


"go": This island on the U.S. side of Niagara Falls is named for a herd of ruminants that roamed there in the 1700s?

Goat Island

Shark: It's not a grotesque elf, it's this type of bottom dwelling shark?

Goblin Shark

Movie Quote: "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"?

Godfather III

Jason Conception: (Jason Concepcion presents the clue.) On the 2022 finale of "ALL CAPS NBA", I sang "We Are The Champions" to introduce clips of this team's victory parade?

Golden State Warriors

Big: A type of birdeater spider able to grow to a legspan of 12 inches across bears the name of this biblical guy?


Magazine: This magazine's institute tests products & awards its vaunted seal of approval?

Good Housekeeping

Numerical: It's really not a compliment if you are called this term from an 18th century story for an extremely well-behaved person?

Goody Two-Shoes

More Than One Meaning: Stuff your face, or a deep valley or canyon with steep sides?


Species: A 2018 survey found more than 1,000 mountain these in the DRC, Rwanda & Uganda--they're increasing but still endangered?


"go": Southeastern Wyoming is the land o' this county that shares its name with an ancient home of the Hebrews?


Art: In 1786 this artist was appointed court painter to Spain's King Charles III?


TV Finales: In a reunion over 40 years in the making, Dolly Parton appeared as an angel named Agnes in the final episode of this comedy in 2022?

Grace and Frankie

Plant: This art of joining 2 plants to grow as one enabled Axel Erlandson to create the "Circus Trees" at Gilroy Gardens in California?


College Football: It's a real cat fight at the Bayou Classic, with the Jaguars of Southern Univ. facing the Tigers of this state univ. of Louisiana?

Grambling State

Rock: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall is sculpted from this durable rock?


Song: "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" is a Grammy-nominated tune by this hard rock band?

Great White

King: Constantine I returned to the throne of this country in 1920 after King Alexander was bitten by a pet monkey & died?


League Of Nations: In 1925 the League headed off a Balkan war between Bulgaria & this neighbor to the south?


Horn: Washington Irving's 1835 "A Tour on the Prairies" describes one of these colorful novices who "knew nothing of the woods"?


2 Words, Rhymes With Delight: "Colorfully" authorize a personal or corporate location on the Internet?

Greenlight Website

Homer: Last name of Homer, a filmmaker himself as well as father of a creative son; in 2015 there was a retrospective of his work in Portland?


"code": Named for its first enforcer, it policed movie production back in the day?

Hays Code

Micro Fish: About an inch in length, the pygmy sunfish, seen here, & named for this coast, is found is Western Florida?

Gulf Coast

Bodies Of Water: Formed in Chihuahua, the Fuerte River of Mexico flows southwestward 180 miles into this gulf?

Gulf Of California

Bodies Of Water: The island nation of Sao Tome & Principe is found in this gulf near the equator?

Gulf Of Gambia

2nd Chapter: An emperor's soldiers provide "An Exact Inventory of What We Found About the Body of the Man-Mountain"?

Gulliver's Travels

Poker Hands: If you need the middle card to make a straight, it's this draw that sounds like a bullet in the stomach?

Gut Shot

Geography: This South American nation, whose name means "land of waters", was visited by Walter Raleigh in 1595, looking for El Dorado?


Comedy: There are plenty of laughs in this 1878 Gilbert & Sullivan operetta set aboard a Royal Navy vessel?

H.M.S. Pinafore

Doctor WHO: In Africa, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti led a WHO initiative to bring antiretroviral therapy to people living with this virus?


Royal Past: Xerxes praised Artemisia, warrior queen of this city, & according to legend gave her a jar that was later found in a mausoleum?


Art & Science: A craft that visited it was named for Giotto, based on the story that 680 years earlier, the painter depicted it as the Star of Bethlehem?

Halley's Comet

Human Body: If I had a malleus, which I do, in my middle ear, I'd also call it this, because of its shape?


Roles: Harrison Ford said this hero's sacrifice for the other characters would lend emotional weight to a 2015 film?

Han Solo

Born Of Died In 1923: Born: Real name Hiram, this country music legend in Alabama?

Hank WIlliams

Safe: Ships threatened by inclement weather often sought "safe" this, now also a term for a protective legal provision?


Wear: You can stand out from the crowd with these wide-legged pants named for a large group of women?

Harem Pants

Celebrities: Lisa Rinna of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" is the real-life wife of this Emmy-nominated actor?

Harry Hamlin

College: One of the Claremont Colleges, it's named for a mining engineer & focuses on engineering, science & math?

Harvey Mudd

January: A false emergency alert that a missile was headed for this U.S. state caused panic there in January 2018?


Poets: His grandfather, his "Battle of Lovell's Pond" appeared in the Portland Gazette in 1820 when he was 13?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Greek Gods: Not content with helping create Hercules' 12 labors & trying to kill him with a storm at sea, this goddess hacks Herc's bank account?


NYC Subway Stops: Give my regards to Broadway, remember me to this square, named for an old-time newspaper, & its stop on the D train?

Herald Square

Politics: Trent Lott's memoir of his life in politics is aptly titled doing this, which might actually be easier with pets than with senators?

Herding Cats

Classic Songs: The shouts of excited children at a 1946 holiday parade are said to have inspired this perennial favorite?

Here Comes Santa Claus

Waters: Joining Tom Holland & Chris Hemsworth for "In the Heart of the Sea", Ben Whishaw played this 19th century author?

Herman Melville

They Make That: Almond Joy & Mounds--the same maker that bought out Peter Paul?


Vocab: This rhyming word refers to any time of great success, not a specific 24-hour period?


Body Language: The fruit of the rose?


Greek: This 400s B.C. physician had a school at Cos where he taught for fees; no word on if he had a loan program?


Lit: In the "Odyssey" Odysseus has a brief but memorable reunion with Argus, one of these, as he returns to Ithaca?

His dog

Capital Offensive: After a rapid offensive, this capital was captured April 30, 1975, leading to a name change?

Ho Chi Minh City

Europe: Until 1806, some German nobles included among their honors the title of "Elector" for their role in selecting this personage?

Holy Roman Emperor

Wear: Named for a town near Wiesbaden, "H" is for this type of hat, seen here?


Historical Movements: The movement for this 2-word autonomy of Ireland within the British Empire was strong from about 1870 to 1920?

Home Rule

Car Maker: Its HR-V is letter perfect?


Nicaragua: Nicaragua's longest land border is with this country to its north?


Tom Joad: Remember Tom if you visit Bakersfield; he did too--specifically the outskirts & this kind of place named for a president?


Rhymes With A Snow White Dwarf: An Uto-Aztecan speaking people of northeastern Arizona?


"Hot": Named for a hotel, an iconic open-faced turkey sandwich with Mornay sauce & bacon is called a Kentucky or Louisville this?

Hot Brown

British History: The Marquess of Salisbury, who retired in 1902, was the last prime minister to lead a government from this body?

House Of Lords

Thanksgiving: Grandma made it in time even after missing her connecting flight at George Bush Intercontinental in this city?


Dr. Seuss: It's the holiday season, so we had to include this book, whose grumpy main character was Dr. Seuss's long-time license plate?

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

VPs: This veep with the monogram HHH worked as a pharmacist before getting a master's in political science?

Hubert H. Humphrey

Watson: At the start of an 1884 novel, he has been adopted by 2 sisters, Widow Douglas & Miss Watson?

Huckleberry Finn

Geography: I want you to show me this city in Vietnam, or at least its arena, where elephant versus tiger fights were staged long ago?


Upset: You can leave in a cab or in an Uber but please, not in this bad mood, also a verb meaning to blow?


Spot: The spotted type of this animal eat every part of the carcass, even parts it can't digest like hair & horns?


What?: The OED calls this palindrome "an expression of interrogation"; it's often used to mean "what?"


Small: The sword-billed species of this tiny bird has the longest bill in relation to its body size of any bird in the world?


Plays: A witch in "Macbeth" uses this rhyming term for tumult; it's also a David Rabe play title?


Science: Deuterium is also known as heavy this element?


Children's Lit: In a Mo Willems tale, the first words little Trixie says are the name of this stuffed rabbit she lost & found?

Knuffle Bunny

Link: To zoom around the web, you can click on a hotlink or this, which also starts with "H"?


Movie Quote: "I mean, what kind of friggin' person bashes in their friend's knee? Who would do that?"

I, Tonya

Sax: In 1985 this Aussie band brought sax-y back, as they knew "What You Need"?


Liz Truss Era: Near the end of September, winds of this hurricane hit 155 mph, driving a storm surge toward Fort Myers, Florida?


Wearing Food: Southern gents like Warren Beatty carry on the tradition of the light-colored suit named for this treat, also called a Good Humor suit?

Ice Cream Suit

January: In 2009 Prime Minister Geir Haarde resigned after the collapse of this European island nation's banking system?


Mountains: Beautiful Kirkjufell, or Church Mountain, is said to be the most photographed mountain in this country?


Franklin: When a friend asked if the Constitution set up a republic or a monarchy, Ben replied, "A republic" followed by these 5 words?

If You Can Keep It

"if": In "Field of Dreams", Kevin Costner first hears this phrase while walking through his corn?

If you build it, he will come

"if": The Department of Homeland Security designates Sept. 25 as awareness day for this 6-word reminder to report suspicious activity?

If you see something, say something

"if": In computer programming, this 2-word "statement" means that when a specific condition is met, a specific action follows?


"i": Clean & tidy, or pure when it precedes "Heart of Mary"?


Wrong Time: Unripe fruit can be called this, which may also refer to your brand of juvenile humor?


Census: 1890: 14.8% are this, highest in history, finding the streets paved with gold?


"i": "Ralph was hopping on one leg when a dingo cried out" is in the past this tense?


Bible: 3 words that fill in the King James Bible quote from Genesis--"There were giants... in those days"?

In The Earth

Delegates: Delegates to the 1919 Congress of the Communist International included Stalin & this rival born Lev Bronstein?

Leon Trotsky

Contractions: It comes before "get this bread" in a forward-thinking money-making meme?


FIlm: 1987: Gary Busey vs. Mel Gibson?

Lethal Weapon

Slogan: "Quality never goes out of style" for this clothing brand?


Bible Books: Chapters 21 & 22 are about the priesthood, the group also alluded to in the book's name?


Begins & Ends with L: This brand of disinfecting wipes claims it "kills 99.9% of viruses & bacteria", including the COVID-19 virus?


Books: Her many cookbooks include one on feeding the one you love, titled "Cooking for Jeffrey"?

Ina Garten

Native Americans: These residential "schools" like the Carlisle Indian School founded in 1879 suppressed the language & culture of Native kids?

Indian Boarding Schools

Sea: Christmas Island & Reunion Island: this ocean?

Indian Ocean

Film: "A Christmas Story" take place in this U.S. state?


Small Town North America: Seymour in this state was the place John Mellencamp was talking about when he sang, "I was born in a small town"?


First Words: It's from the Latin for "beginning", or a letter like the L in Samuel L. Jackson?


What To Do: This "junction", what's your function? As a court order requiring a person to do or to cease doing a particular act?


Add A Syllable: To a word for sensitivity around another person & get this word meaning whole & untouched?


They Make That: Game with its Core X-series processors?


J.C.: He founded a society that strives to "uncover the secrets held within our water planet" & "work to keep it alive and healthy"?

Jacques Cousteau

Fine Arts: The barcarolle heard here is one of the most famous tunes by this German-born French composer?

Jacques Offenbach

Native Americana: Like many names of Native nations, this word used by many indigenous Alaskans means "the people"?


"In" place: In the center of Scotland's Highlands region, this onetime capital of the Picts has the U.K. postal abbreviation "IV"?


Economics: The equation S = I says that in a closed economy with no trade, savings equals this?


Car Before&After: Over in Britain, the maker of the sporty XK-E runs into the maker of the luxury Phantom?

Jaguarolls royce

Wordplay: Change one letter:One is part of the British Isles, the other is an Atlantic isle?

Ireland & Iceland

Fashion: Still a fashion icon at 101, she has produced her own clothing & jewelry lines?

Iris Apfel

Metals: The second-most abundant metal in the Earth's crust, it's number one down in the core?


4, 4: With someone outwardly gentle but forceful, you'll find this "in a velvet glove"?

Iron Hand

Fine Arts: Sir Kenneth MacMillan's ballet "Isadora" is a tribute to this dance innovator?

Isadora Duncan

Geography: In a word for places like the Ryukyus?


Molecule: Menthol & neomenthol are these of each other: the same atoms in the same proportion but different arrangements?


National Anthem: The name of this country's "Hatikvah" means "the hope"?


Fast Words: It's this phrase that says if something isn't done immediately, it won't ever happen; in related news, "my love won't wait"?

It's now or never

Countries: It's home to 58 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, more than any other country; the sites include a volcano & a lagoon?


College Towns: A trip to Taughannock Falls, seen here, should be part of a visit to this college town on New York's Cayuga Lake?


Historical Fiction: "The Personal Librarian" tells of Belle da Costa Greene, a Black woman who passed as white to curate this financier's library?

J.P. Morgan

Fight Song: "Who the baddest? It don't matter 'cause we at your throat", this 3-letter guy raps on "Enemy", his collaboration with Imagine Dragons?


"J": Especially to Brits, it's the skin of a baked potato?


Science: In 1957, long before she had her own institute, she met Louis Leakey, who guided her to Gombe Stream to study chimps?

Jane Goodall

History: Not a game show prize, the San Francisco Treaty of 1951 says in Article 1 the state of war between this country & the allies is over?


3 Letters, 2 Meanings: A glass container, or to shock?


"J": Josiah Wedgewood introduced this ceramicware, named for the stone it resembles?


Movie Quote: As rendered by IMDb, spoken by Quint: "Aaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaahhhh!"?


Spanish Words: The boss, the head guy; it's what a Kansas City Chief player becomes in Spanish media?


Attorney General: "These ears are just decorative", said Kate McKinnon while playing this Attorney General on "Saturday Night Live"?

Jeff Sessions

Pop Culture Reunion: In the reunion movie "10 Years", she played the girlfriend of her then-husband?

Jenna Dewan (formerly Jenna Dewan-Tatum)

Dance: In 2001 she released a song called "Dance with Me"; in 2019, she gave the same order in "Baila Conmigo"?

Jennifer Lopez

Weather: (Ginger Zee presents the clue.) Ironically, propeller planes were the first to encounter this atmospheric region of high-speed wind that affects weather across the globe?

Jet Stream

Song Titles: Tom Petty:"It's Good To Be ____"?


Music: 1995's Grammy-winning Record & Song of the Year?

Kiss From A Rose

Captain: In the 1950s Captain Hyman Rickover selected this future president for his new nuclear submarine program?

Jimmy Carter

Book Sequels: Possessive title of Louisa May Alcott's sequel to "Little Men"?

Jo's Boys

Days Of Yore: In 1429 Charles VII granted nobility, arms & the surname du Lys to her family?

Joan of Arc

Part: After a groundbreaking choice to cast her on "Doctor Who", she said "The gender question is now going away"?

Jodie Whittaker

Pacino: This college football coach facing scandal?

Joe Paterno

Broadway: One of August Wilson's plays to explore the Black experience in America is called this man's "Come and Gone"?

Joe Turner

Random Facts: When he was VP of the U.S., a Colorado town bore his name; when he became a Confederate general, it changed its "kin" to "ken"?

John Breckinridge

J.C.: "The Enormous Radio" is among the 1979 Pulitzer Prize-winning "Stories of" this writer?

John Cheever

Science: The law that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of those of the component gases was stated by this Brit in 1801?

John Dalton

History: This man who served 37th president Richard Nixon later wrote a biography of 29th president Warren G. Harding?

John Dean

Part: Michael C. Hall embraced that "unique" accent when portraying this president on "The Crown"?

John F. Kennedy

Senator: In Pennsylvania, he's newly elected to serve with Bob Casey?

John Fetterman

Tree Anatomy: Rounded projections from the roots of cypress trees are called these, like big leg joints?


3-Named People: Elected to Congress in 1830, he wrote, "My election as President of the United States was not half so gratifying"?

John Quincy Adams

Portrait Of A Lady: This 3-named American painter who lived abroad considered his portrait of "Madame X" to be his masterpiece?

John Singer Sargent

Captain: A bit of a stickler, this captain, leader of the Jamestown colony, said, "He that will not work shall not eat"?

John Smith

Celebrity: His HBO series teaches viewers "How To" do things, like cook the perfect risotto?

John Wilson

Place: ...otherworldly objects: this NASA space center in Houston has a large cache of Moon rocks from the Apollo missions?

Johnson Space Center

Phrase Connectors: The time is out of____venture?


Books: An ambitious bird tries to fly free over the ocean rather than squabble over food scraps?

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

In The Bottle: Bottled sand art available for purchase in this Middle East kingdom; the city of Aqaba is famous for it?


Movies & Lit: Ridley Scott's first feature film, "The Duellists", was based on a story by this author to whom Scott's film "Alien" also pays tribute?

Joseph Conrad

"J": Julia Ward Howe hymned, "Be" this joyous word, "my feet!"?


Baroque: Like Caravaggio, Artemisia Gentileschi painted this biblical woman "Beheading Holofernes"?


Shakespeare Play: "As he was valiant, I honor him; but, as he was ambitious, I slew him"?

Julius Caesar

Quotes: Martin Luther King said, "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward" this outcome?


Wear: Seen here is this beautiful garment of the Middle East & North Africa (Female Outfit)?


Star: Harry Truman once worked in the mailroom of the Pulitzer-winning Star of this city?

Kansas City

Stores: Fabletics, co-founded by this actress?

Kate Hudson

Show Biz: As this actress was born in Springfield, it was natural for her to lend her voice to "The Simpsons" in "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy"?

Kathleen Turner

Grand Ole Opry Members: This Down Under man will be the judge of that! That, being "American Idol", from 2013 to 2016?

Keith Urban

Music: On "Black Panther: The Album" in 2018, this rapper gazed at "All The Stars" with SZA?

Kendrick Lamar

River: During the annual Great Migration, herds of wildebeest & zebras cross crocodile-infested rivers in the Masai Mara in this country?


Second Cities: Mombasa on the Indian Ocean is this country's main port?


Dance: In 2011, she released an album of remixes titled "I Am the Dance Commander + I Command You to Dance"?


London Locales: To fight malaria, this former royal estate helped move quinine-producing cinchona plants from South America to India?

Kew Gardens

Places Named For People: Shahr means "city" & after 1979's Iranian revolution, a place was redubbed this last name "Shahr" to honor the new leader?


Nat Geo Egypt Treasures: He was laid to rest in the grandest of the pyramids, but a tiny ivory figurine is the only complete sculpture known of this pharaoh?

Khufu (Cheops)

Lit: The hero of this Stevenson novel finds himself on a ship he had no intention of sailing on--yup, he's been this title?


Mountains: Though it's near the equator, this highest African peak has glaciers above the 15,000-foot level?


TV Final Episode: When this show ended on April 10, 2022, one of the 2 female leads was dead. Which? Well, the show didn't live up to its title?

Killing Eve

Word: In a word meaning to lightly rap on something or disparage someone?


Party: Millard Fillmore had awful branding with this party in 1856; the American Party was its much better alternate name?

Known Nothing Patry

Buy: In 2022 this mega-grocer of Ohio was set to merge with another giant among supermarkets: Albertsons?


Iraq: About 20% of Iraq's population is this ethnic group that today administers 3 northern provinces there?


Flyover Countries: We hope you enjoyed your time in Iraq; now take in the Persian Gulf on our left as we cross this small emirate & land in Saudi Arabia?


Inspiration: Marie Duplessis, a courtesan & the lover of Alexandre Dumas fils, inspired the character of Violetta in this Verdi opera?

La Traviata

World Cinema: The 2007 biopic called "La Môme" in France, meaning "The Kid", was released in the U.S. under this other French title?

La Vie En Rose

8-Letter: Pooch-y peninsula?


South America: Seen here, the ñanduti style of this 4-letter fabric is a treasured construct of Paraguayan crafters?


Book Royalty: Alison Weir's "Innocent Traitor" is a historical novel of this teen who had a solid week-&-a-bit run as queen in the 1550s?

Lady Jane Grey

South America: This huge body of water by Venezuela's northwest coast is called an estuarine lake, as it mingles with the Caribbean?

Lake Maracaibo

US Bodies Of Water: Continuing a downward trend, in July 2022 it was at 27% capacity, its lowest level since 1937 when it was first being filled?

Lake Mead

Wrong Answers: "Who is Linnaeus?" said the script but someone wrote this other "L" scientist, who thought acquired traits can be inherited?


5-Letter Places: I'll lei it on you--Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison bought 98% of this island in 2012?


Ex-State Capitol: Settled by Pennsylvania Dutch, this city has had many titles: county seat, state capital & on Sept. 27, 1777, our nation's capital?

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Human Body: It's about 5 feet long & its name refers to its wider diameter, not its length?

Large Intestine

3-Named People: 2022 is the 150th birthday of Ralph Vaughan Williams, the British composer of beloved works like this bird "Ascending"?


Butterfly: Of a butterfly's 4 life cycle stages, the caterpillar is this stage?


Hegel: Opera lover Hegel befriended Anna Milder-Hauptmann, the first to sing the role of this woman who disguises herself as Fidelio?


Literary Title Character: This last name of Arthur is the title of a Pulitzer-winning novel & precedes "is Lost" for a 2022 sequel?


Rubber: Cultivated rubber trees are "tapped" about once every 2 days, yielding around a cup of this sap each time?


Left: You raptured while I stayed in my airplane seat in chapter 1 of this 1995 book that launched a series?

Left Behind

5, 5: Rhyming "avian" term for a good lawyer?

Legal Eagle

Condition: A form of pneumonia that can be spread by air conditioning got this name from a 1976 convention where it was first identified?

Legionnaires' disease (It was an American Legion convention; that's why)

Wine: The droplets that form on the side of a glass & slowly move down after a wine is swirled are known as these body parts?


Word History: Originally liquid poured out as a sacrifice to a deity, now it's just a fancy word for an alcoholic drink?


i before e: This word for a feudal superior often preceded "lord" & means loyal?


Lit: "When ____ last in the dooryard bloom'd, and the great star early droop'd in the western sky"?

Lilacs (Walt Whitman)

Flowers: This fragrant flower "of the valley" is said to have sprung from Eve's tears as she left Eden?


No. 1 80s Album: Oh what a feeling, his "Dancing on the Ceiling"?

Lionel Riche

Science: Methane is cooled to -260 degrees Fahrenheit to be suitable for shipping as LNG, short for this?

Liquified Natural Gas

Cars: The 2005 Chevy Corvette C6 introduced a new GM engine with a capacity of 6.0 of these metric units?


"Little": The star Polaris is at one end of it?

Little Dipper

Novels: Celeste Ng burned up the bestseller lists with this, her second novel?

Little Fires Everywhere

Writers: Geraldine Brooks' "March" is narrated by the father from this classic 1860s novel?

Little Women

Learned Leagues: Contestants in LearnedLeague, a web-based trivia game, are called these South American animals?


Radio: Beginning in the 1930s, a station in this little grand duchy used huge transmitters to attract half of Europe's listeners?


Tattoos: Centenarian Whang-od Oggay is a renowned tattoo artist of the Kalinga people of this largest Philippine island?


Animals In French: Homard?


USA: From c. 1640 & built using dovetailing, the USA's oldest of these 2-word symbols of hardy pioneer life is in western New Jersey?

Log Cabin

Knight: A giant swan dominates the ballet "Bacchanale", in which a king transforms into this Wagner title knight?


Poetry: Sylvia Plath's "Parliament Hill Fields" is set in this city that she loved & where she died?


Fast Food: A 2-piece Pacific Cod Meal, including hushpuppies?

Long John Silver's

Superlative: In TV ads the Maytag repairman was the this "guy in town"?


Geo: MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech called for freedom to ring from Stone Mountain in Georgia & this mountain in Tennessee?

Lookout Mountain

Line In The Sand: In this 1954 novel, a tale of survival, the "littluns" build sandcastles; Roger & Maurice revel in "kicking them over"?

Lord Of The Fries

Mermaids: We don't know how many mermaids live in the Rhine River, but the most famous one is this temptress?


Transportation: The 1912 Classic Six was the first production car to bear the name of this man born in Neuchatel Canton, Switzerland?

Louis Chevrolet

Left: "With four hungry children and a crop in the field... you picked a fine time to leave me", this woman?

Lucille (Kenny Rogers)

Word Phrase & Origin: Nothing to do with a gospel writer, this word meaning "tepid" comes from Old English?


Handle: New students at Stephen F. Austin University decorate axe handles in honor of this nickname for both its students & sports teams?


Ends in "x": There's a big bovine at the end of this 6-letter word for a big clumsy man?


New Year's Eve: (Ryan Seacrest presents the clue.) On December 31, 1229, it was celebration time for the Spanish mainlanders as this island, named for being the largest of its group, was conquered by King James of Aragon?


Literary Character Names: wizardingworld.com tells us this villainous last name means "bad faith"?


Geographic Pairs: By ferry, the distance between these 2 paired Mediterranean islands is about 40 miles from Alcudia to Ciutadella?

Mallorca (Majorca) & Menorca (Minorca)

Spanish Words: The title of a 2020 bilingual Black Eyed Peas song, it means an attractive woman, whether she's a mother or not?


Name's The Same: A cocktail, an island & a WWII venture originally called "Development of Substitute Materials" all bear this name?


Word Origin: This Sanskrit word referring to a spoken word or phrase comes from a word for "to think"?


4th & Goal: Greek scholars celebrate the fourth of this month as Exelauno Day because exelauno means to do this "forth"?


Science Words: This word for a plain of lower elevation on our moon means "sea" in Latin?


Texas: This Texas place of 1,600 people where the movie "Giant" was filmed is a center of minimalist art?


Book About Her: Subtitled "Coming of Age in America": this anthropologist?

Margaret Mead

Symbols: This gospel writer is represented by a lion?


Romans: They were the 2nd Triumverate?

Mark Antony, Lepidus & Octavian

Playwrights: In "Shakespeare in Love", Rupert Everett has an uncredited role as this contemporary of Shakespeare?


Food & Drink: Invented by German scientist Justus von Liebig from brewer's yeast, this spread big in the U.K. is an acquired taste & 100% vegetarian?


Book Tour: This author's "Six Weeks' Tour" in 1814 with Percy tells of Europeans who in acts "hideous to English eyes, kissed each other"?

Mary Shelley

Lit: This Englishwoman wrote 1823's "Valperga"; her first novel also had a one-word title but is more famous?

Mary Shelley

BID: In 2018 Vineyard Wind, based in this state, successfully bid $135 million for a lease on a wind power area off the coast?


Non-Fiction: Cathy O'Neil's "Weapons of" this punning kind of "Destruction" looks at how algorithms & big data control us?


Name A Past Tense Verb: After a swim, the dog's fur was all TV creator Stone-d?


4-Letter Geo: U.S. island bearing the name of a Polynesian demigod?


Prize: This German physicist doesn't look too happy, even though he devised quantum theory, which won him a Nobel Prize in 1918?

Max Planck

Music w/ Questlove: Working backward in an amazing career--played with Fab 5 Freddy, performed civil rights-themed music & pioneered bop with Bird & Diz, every drummer owes a debt to this man?

Max Roach

African-American: A Florida educator & college founder, she is the first African American to represent a state in Statuary Hall?

McLeod Bethune

Shark: The largest shark to ever live, it was an estimated 52' long & had a name meaning "big tooth"; it died out about 3 million years ago?


Sports: She won both the Golden Ball as top player & the Golden Boot as top scorer of the 2019 Women's World Cup?

Megan Rapinoe

Politics: A bit of a maverick herself, in "Bad Republican" this political daughter writes of not fitting in?

Meghan McCain

First Lady Firsts: She's the first first lady born in continental Europe?

Melania Trump

Song: This word for a song's main tune is from the Greek for "song"?


Nimoy: It's the last name of David, the very bad father of Patrick in novels by Edward St. Aubyn?


Adverbs: 2 rhyming words:One is how "We Roll Along" in a musical title; the other is old-timey for truly & certainly?

Merrily Verily

Mystery Title: Agatha Christie:"Murder in" this ancient region?


Poetry: A book by Herbert J.C. Grierson about John Donne & other 17th c. poets helped popularize this philosophical adjective for them?


Link: This hypothetical creature represents a bridge between us & our evolutionary ancestors?

Missing Link

Native American Self-Names: Ca.'s Gabrielinos got that name after the San Gabriel Arcángel one of these, which their labor built; their self-name is Tongva?


1st Album: With help from Timbaland, her "Supa Dupa Fly"?

Missy Elliot

Rank: Bahadur Shah II was the last of the Muslim rulers of India that gave us this word in English that now means a tycoon?


Art: Vasari stated that this famous portrait was commissioned by the subject's husband, silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo?

Mona Lisa

Day: In 1916 Congress moved the start of the Supreme Court's term from the 2nd this day in October to the first, where it has remained?


Proof: A deviation from an established norm is often said to be "the exception" that does this?

Proves The Rule

Move: Seems like 1960s world's fairs had to have one: Seattle, New York & Montreal, where the first half of the word was "Mini"?


BID: Bayer's acquisition of this U.S. seed giant was not without headaches, as the bid had to go up to $66 billion?


Europe: Crna Gora is what locals call this peak-strewn Balkan country whose name refers to one of those peaks?


1970s Movies: A 1975 premiere of this comedy advertised free coconuts for the first thousand in the audience?

Monty Python & The Holy Grail

Everything That Goes With It: Since the 1950s this family status has gone before apple pie to signify the traditional American values?


King: This country's King Mohammed VI has a law degree from Mohammed V University, founded by & named for his grandfather?


Buildings: A statue of this angel tops many Mormon temples; the one atop the D.C. temple is 18 feet tall?


Soccer: Now the reigning champion, France took the Cup in 2018 by defeating Croatia 4-2 at Luzhniki Stadium in this world capital?


Bring: In Exodus 25 the Lord tells him, "Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering"?


Egypt: Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi, Alexandria's largest of these buildings, was designed in current form by Italians & inaugurated in 1945?


Lit: The Duke of Ferrara is the possibly murderous narrator of this Robert Browning poem?

My Last Dutchess

Valleys: Full of biblical sites, Israel's Jezreel Valley is bounded to the west by this mount with Haifa on its slopes?

Mount Carmel

Same Role: My dear guests, Ricardo Montalbán & Michael Peña were your host?

Mr. Roarke

Geology: Also a word for a resident of Russia's capital, it's the most common form of mica?


NYC Subway Stops: If you want a day at the museum, take the C train to 81st Street to enjoy this "Night at the Museum" museum?

Museum Of Natural History

Patent: Jacob Gulden patented a device for filling several bottles of this at once; his name is still on America's oldest brand?


Homophones: Zero & a clove hitch?


Health: Named for a French physician, this disorder of the inner ear can cause vertigo & hearing loss?

Ménière's disease

Small Town North America: The claim to fame of Viking, Alberta is it grew the six Sutter brothers who combined to play almost 5,000 games in this league?


College Towns: Boulder, Colorado is a mecca for atmospheric research & this 4-letter cyclone-tracking agency has a lab there?

NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

Safe: The OED's first attribution regarding this cautionary acronym dates back to 2002 & a Dave Matthews Usenet newsgroup?


Lawpeople: In 2022 Keechant Sewell of the Nassau County police became this higher-profile department's first female commissioner?


Documentary Subjects: This photographer & advocate for marginalized folks & against opioid companies goes in front of the camera in a 2022 doc?

Nan Goldin

Native American Place Names: This island seen here is about 30 miles south of Cape Cod?


TV Catchphrase: Mork:This double-talk Orkan signoff?

Nanu Nanu

Titles: Author Richard Wright played the role of Bigger Thomas in a 1951 film based on this novel of his?

Native Son

Unfriend: With our feud I dub thee this, a word derived from a vengeance goddess; Roman soldiers worshipped her with fervor?


Art: Curators deal with the fragile tubing of Bruce Nauman's work in this medium of nighttime signs, like "Double Poke in the Eye II"?


John Green: With a mission to increase awesome & decrease suck & to champion causes to help others, fans of my brother Hank & I & our VlogBrothers videos are called these from the misreading of the name of a video game?


Book Royalty: Look for leaping flames on the cover when you seek out "The Splendor Before the Dark", Margaret George's novel about this Roman emperor?


Short A: This state whose residents insist on the flat "A" once considered the name Washoe, which has its own pronunciation issues?


Geo: One of mountain climbing's Seven Summits, Jaya Peak is on the Indonesian part of this big island?

New Guinea

To The State's Left: The Maine way to the left is into this state; head to the right & you've left the country?

New Hampshire

Along The Mississippi: 2022 saw the completion of a project deepening the river from 45 to 50' from its mouth to the Huey P. Long Bridge in this city?

New Orleans

American Streets: Seen here are some buildings with history on Chartres Street between Iberville & Bienville Streets in this city?

New Orleans

Hobby Supplies: Calligraphy enthusiasts may spring for special wipes & pliers for this 3-letter tip of the pen?


City: Petroleum products have been sent downstream from Bamako, the capital of Mali, on this river with the name of a neighbor nation?


Wordplay: Add 2 vowels:2 Neighbors in West Africa?

Niger & Nigeria

Recast Roles: Anne Parillaud to Peta Wilson then to Maggie Q?


Bible: Genesis recounts that this mighty hunter built the city of Nineveh?


Book About Her: "I Put a Spell on You": this "High Priestess of Soul" & civil rights activist?

Nina Simone

Element: Swedish chemist Carl Scheele proved that air was made of 2 gases: "fire air", oxygen, & "foul air", this element?


State Capital: "The Renaissance City" & "PVD"?


Elemental Hit Parade: Just out of the Hot 100 at 102 comes this element named for a very rich Swede?


Same First & Last Letter: Use your this & tell us this slang term for your head; it can also mean a small mug or cup?


Henry VI: In 1450 Henry lost this duchy in northern France to the French following the Battle of Formigny?


Direction: Sorry, Hitch! A young extra puts his fingers in his ears before a "surprise" gunshot in this 1959 movie thriller?

North By Northwest

Sound: The Neuse & Tar Rivers drain the central part of this state & flow into Pamlico Sound?

North Carolina

Six Pack: The 6 historic counties that make up this U.K. division include Armagh, Antrim & Tyrone?

Northern Ireland

Homophones: Zero & a clove hitch?


Wine: Musical term for subtle flavors or aromas; a Stag's Leap Cab is said to have them of tobacco & mulberries, with hints of pencil lead?


3-Letter Palindromes: Hildegard of Bingen was a noted one?


Where In The House: It's the room where Peter Pan visits the Darling children?


Orgs: President Biden did not like its autumn 2022 production cuts?


Supreme Court Cases: 2015's him v. him upheld the right to same-sex marriage?

Obergefell & Hodges

Animal Kingdom: O. vulgaris, a species of this cephalopod, can change its skin color thanks to pigment-bearing cells?


Dr. Seuss: Travel is the theme in what our teams came up with for this book that says, "You can steer yourself any direction you choose"?

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Climate: One climate provision in 2022's big Democratic bill provides money to protect these "O.G." forests?

Old Growth

Library: NYC's Riverside Branch pioneered open these, despite librarians' fears that patrons would steal the books?

Open Stacks

Counting: 18th century composer Luigi Boccherini numbered his works using this Latin word but Yves Gérard's numbered list is much better?


US State Names: 5 U.S. states have 6-letter names; only these 2 west of the Mississippi River border each other?

Oregon & Nevada

Marsupials: The nail-tailed wallaby rotates its forelimbs while hopping, leading to the nickname this musical instrument grinder?


Big River: The name of this great river comes from words meaning "place to paddle" in the language of the Warao of Venezuela?

Orinoco River

Heirs: Chuck Collins decided an heir to this meat fortune is not what he'd truly like to be, gave away his legacy & fights inequality?

Oscar Mayer

Geography: Check out Akershus Fortress, begun in 1299, & a major landmark in this world capital?


Birds Near Water: Also the name of a Marine Corps aircraft, this raptor is alternately known as a fish eagle?


Geology: A horseshoe lake is also called this kind, from a type of collar worn by a different draft animal?

Oxbow Lake

Derby: Teddy's daughter, Ethel Roosevelt Derby helped preserve his legacy & was known as "The Queen of" this Long Island bay?

Oyster Bay

Nobel Scientists: Aptly, 3 scientists shared the 1995 chemistry prize for work on this atmospheric gas made of 3 oxygen atoms?


League Of Nations: In the early 1920s the League managed to get more than 400,000 of these from 26 countries repatriated from foreign captivity?


Saints: A follower of St. Francis & a patron of the poor, St. Anthony of this city?


In The Nation's Constitution: Its territories "shall comprise... the provinces of Balochistan, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa..."?


Health: If left untreated, a detached one of these membranes at the back of the eye can lead to blindness?


Corporate Structure: A Chicago building is named for this product, & to play on an old commercial, you're soaking it in?


Anatomical Etymology: The name of this organ that produces digestive juices comes from words meaning "all flesh"?


Nat Geo Egypt Treasures: Looking ready to begin, a statue of a scribe from about 2400 B.C. holds a representation of a scroll of this material in his lap?


Anagram: A chef's finishing touch: REPLAYS?


Word Origins: Originally relating to a story of suffering, this word now more commonly refers to strong emotion of any kind?


Science: He had a pretty good 19th century run, including saving France's beer, wine & silk industries?


"P": In 2022 the founder of this outdoor brand transferred ownership to a trust & a nonprofit that will combat climate change?


Patent: Mary Carpenter earned 17 patents, including for a sewing machine & won a big lawsuit over this, the violation of patent rights?

Patent Infringement

Bible: This "Apostle of the Gentiles" frees a slave girl who was possessed with a spirit?


Buildings: World's fairs have had great buildings, such as the American one of these at Expo 67 & the China one at Expo 2010, now an art museum?


Hello Goodbeye: These 2 words go with a chest thump or 2 & making a "V" with index & middle finger?

Peace Out

Micro Fish: The plumage of its caudal fin got the fish seen here, from Papua New Guinea, named after this male bird?


Carats: Not as iridescent as the true kind, the type of this gem formed in a conch has examples over 20 carats?


Loses A Letter: A natural gem loses a letter & becomes the sound of a bell?

Pearl & Peal

History: These 2 men who explored the Arctic in 1909 are buried next to each other at Arlington?

Peary & Henson

County Seat: Tucson:Of this county/people/type of cotton?


Tree: The endangered Torrey species of this evergreen family is found only in Southern California?


Ornaments: Working from National Geographic photos, Don Featherstone designed the first of these lawn ornaments in 1957?

Pink Flamingos

TV Time: This show calls itself "the origin of Batman's butler"?


Business: In 2018, Indra Nooyi, the first woman CEO of this soft drink co. stepped down from the role after 24 years with the company?


2-Word Science Terms: Copperheads belong to this group of snakes named for the heat-sensitive depressions on each side of the head?

Pit Vipers

ACC School: The founder of what would be this univ. petitioned the Pennsylvania state assembly & got the school started in a log cabin in 1787?


Onomatopoeia: You might hear this hyphenated term "of little feet"?


Best Sellers: A 2022 biography of this LIV Golf participant made news pre-publication with its quotes from him?

Phil Mickelson

Black History: The Boston Women's Memorial includes a bronze of this 18th century poet who wrote "On Being Brought from Africa to America"?

Phillis Wheatley

Web: NASA's astronomyPicture of the Day revealed that this largest moon of Mars may eventually disintegrate; scary indeed?


State Capital: Pueblo Grande Museum & Archaeological Park & the Thunderbird Arts Center?


Words: This adjective means relating to speech sounds?


Comedy: In the 1930s, a Laurel & Hardy short film about trying to deliver one of these up a long flight of stairs won an Academy Award?


i before e: Pipe up with this 4-letter word that means "mottled"?


Unions: It was a marriage of true minds when this pair wed in France on July 26, 1895; the bride wore a dark blue dress she could use in the lab?

Pierre & Marie Curie

Word Phrase & Origin: This "porcine" term derived from the way bags were carried on shoulders?


Relative: Music man Mark Ronson has sisters who are twins, fashion designer Charlotte & her?

Samantha Ronson

Supreme Court Cases: 1896's him (train passenger) v. him (judge) was decided 7-1 for the wrong guy?

Plessy vs. Ferguson

2 Vowels In A Row: It means a farm laborer & follows "Piers" in the name of a 14th century poem with a double-diphthong title?


Stuffed: A soft stuffed toy won as a carnival prize is called this; kids call it that too, & sometimes add "ie"?


Geology: Rocks formed by heat at great depths within the earth can be called abyssal or this, after the Roman god of the underworld?


Symbols: On a floor plan you're looking at this kind of door that slides into the wall & basically vanishes when it's opened?

Pocket Door

P.J.: Alexander Pope wrote of this literary term, "with her lifted scale, where, in nice balance, truth with gold she weighs"?

Poetic Justice

Measuring Up: Used in typography, a pica is equal to 1/6 of an inch or 12 of these units?


Latin: From the Latin for "backward", this prefix became a word meaning from an earlier time, but maybe in a hip way?


Bible Books: "I am... the beginning and the ending"; there is serious omega?


Boundaries: After World War I, the Curzon Line was proposed as the boundary between Russia & this newly reconstituted nation?


Animal: Ursus maritimus, this animal is amazing both on land & at sea, able to run up to 25 mph & prey on beluga whales?

Polar Bears

Medical Drama: After racing a rival to a cure, Dr. Albert Sabin got an oral vaccine for this approved in the U.S. in 1961?


Newsmakers & Writers: Josh Gerstein of this news organization-o got the big leaked Supreme Court draft opinion story of the year?


Ornaments: Both tam o' shanters & Balmoral caps are adorned with these double-speak fluffy balls?


P.J.: One legend says she reigned between Leo IV & Benedict III & was ousted from Rome after giving birth?

Pope Joan

Poet Ryme Time: "Cantos" man Ezra's drinks for everyone in the group!?

Pound's ROunds

Spanish Art & Artists: Francisco de Zurbarán liked to paint Francis, his namesake; the patched robe shows Franciscan monks' vow of this?


Fashion: Last name of Italian fashion designer Miuccia, who works for her family's fashion house & founded its sister line Miu Miu?


Wrong Time: Founded to combat polio, the March of Dimes today tries to combat this type of birth?

Premature Births

Add A Syllable: To a synonym for befitting or correct to get this synonym for a possession?


Egypt: After the tumultuous Arab Spring & an election win by the Muslim Brotherhood, this former general became president in 2014 & still is?

President El-Sisi

Science: Water boiling & turning into steam is an example of an isobaric process, meaning this remains constant?


Fight: Rachel Platten's "Fight Song" appeared on the 2014 "How the 'A' Stole Christmas" episode of this show & then became a Top 10 hit?

Pretty Little Liars

Riley: Actress Riley Keough's maternal grandparents are who?

Pricilla & Elvis Presley

Literature: Published in 2011, P.D. James' final novel, "Death Comes to Pemberley", was a sequel to this novel from 200 years earlier?

Pride & Prejudice

Part Of The Job: Francis Mulcahy, Brendan Flynn?


Fabrage Egg: The Blue Serpent Clock Egg of 1895, with the snake's tongue indicating the hour, is owned by this ruler of Monaco?

Prince Albert II

"arm": This 2-word term for a perfect, idealized suitor is modeled on a royal character in a 17th century fairy tale?

Prince Charming

Alaska: Named for a son of King George III, this sound with Valdez as a main port, was the site of the Exxon-Valdez oil spill?

Prince William Sound

Royal: The first televised British royal wedding united this princess & photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones in 1960?

Princess Margaret

Tech: Paul II, pope from 1464 to 1471, set up Rome's first of these new machines?

Printing Press

Numbers: In 2016 Kellogg's discontinued this "Product", the most delicious cereal it ever made?

Product 19

Legal: Rhyming with "offer", in criminal law it's an offer of evidence by a defendant that may lead to a reduced sentence?


Shakespeare Speaker: "We are such stuff as dreams are made on"?


Huff & Puff: This scaly fellow lived in Honalee & was known to like "fancy stuff"?

Puff The Magic Dragon

TikTok: Sadly, in 2022 it was a final "no bones" for TikTok star Noodle, this breed of dog, who passed away at 14?


Heavenly Bodies: Regularly emitting radiation, it's a rapidly spinning neutron star, some rotating 700 times a second?


International Film: There's Bollywood, but there's also Pollywood from India & Pakistan, with hits like "Carry on Jatta" in this language?


Arts: The title character of "Petrouchka" is one of these that comes to life & is immortal--terrifying!?


Spanish Words: This versatile & filling food is as common in El Salvador as the taco is elsewhere?


Long Hall: Some of what we know about Viking longhouses & their great halls comes from the Eddas & these, like the Grettis one?


Cliches Rephrased: Chef's or nicoise Monday & Saturday?

Salad Days

Surnames: This 7-letter German surname is the equivalent of blacksmith or metalworker?


Quarters: "The Big One" was a name under consideration for this creation by 1970s fast food franchisee Al Bernardin?

Quarter Pounder

Lit: Acclaimed as "The One-Eyed!" & "The Bandy-Legged!", this character in a 19th century novel is elected "Pope of the Fools"?


What?: It's the word of incomprehension invariably used by the character Manuel in "Fawlty Towers"


Geography: One of Canada's oldest cities, it's called the Gibraltar of America because its huge Citadel overlooks the St. Lawrence River?

Quebec City

Book Royalty: This Carroll royal "had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. 'Off with his head!"'?

Queen Of Hearts

"Q": Astringent pear-like fruit (6 letters)?


Letters: Many Brits put an "intrusive" one between words that end with a vowel sound & words that start with one?


Native American Self-Names: The Wichita call themselves Kitikiti'sh, meaning this animal's "eyes", because of tattoos around their own eyes?


Movie Legs: All 4 of them, the "Million Dollar Legs" in a 1939 film don't belong to co-star Betty Grable but to one of these?

Race Horse

Math Class: This symbol with a "way out" name tells you to take the square root of the number inside it?


Corporate Structure: Here's Marc Benioff, head of this company that provides software services, at a topping-off ceremony for its San Francisco tower?


Health & Medicine: Though it's actually named for a person, you can still get this type of food poisoning from the fish that's in its name?


Element: While working with pitchblende in 1898, the Curies discovered polonium & this other element?


South America: Light & water conditions cause amazing effects on Colombia's Caño Cristales River, called the "liquid" this 7-letter word?


Dickens: Mrs. Gargery in "Great Expectations" was the first to go "on the" this; stay out of her way, Pip!?


Ends in "i": You can call the dish seen here broccoli rabe or this?


Nonpotent Potables: Founded in 1984, this energy drink brand says it sold more than 11 billion cans in 2022 alone?

Red Bull

Morning: Proverbially & colorfully, when this is seen "at morning, sailor take warning"?

Red Sky

Lit: A teen discovers she can communicate via cell phone with her recently deceased boyfriend in Dustin Thao's bestselling "You've Reached" him?


Foot: A hundred bucks should get a quality session of this -ology, a variation on acupressure in which the soles are stimulated?


Fashion: "Bridgerton" popularized this time period "core", which features statement sleeves, bows & corset tops?


Steal: Small for this Dutch artist's works at about 12x10 inches, his 1632 portrait of Jacob de Gheyn was stolen in 1966, '73, '81 & '83?


Artists: Sabena Airlines commissioned a painting by this artist, "L'Oiseau de Ciel", a bird whose body is filled with clouds in a blue sky?

René Magritte

Poets & Poetry: He wrote, "O my luve's like a red, red rose that's newly sprung in June"?

Robert Burns

U.S. History: Civil War generals issued a lot of general orders; this man's No. 9 of April 1865 sent the Army of Northern Virginia home?

Robert E. Lee

Won The Battle, Lost The War: At the Battle of Chancellorsville, he broke a basic military rule by splitting his forces but won anyway, for a while?

Robert E. Lee

Words: Related to the guinea pig, the rock this is found in South America?

Rock Cavy

Condition: Called Sao Paulo fever in Brazil, the disease caused by the tick-borne rickettsia pathogen is this geological fever in the USA?

Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Art: For a sculpture called "La France", he used the features of Camille Claudel, a sculptor who was also his assistant & lover?


1st Album: From 2014, the Grammy-winning Pop Vocal Album "In the Lonely Hour"?

Sam Smith

Baby Names 1922: On the girls' side, this flower?


Africa: Firestone has long been an economic anchor of Liberia, running a 120,000-acre plantation for this product?


Rubber: James Caldwell came up with this snappy "rubber" name that is still on step stools, dishracks...?


4-Letter Geo: Major industrial river valley region of northwest Germany?


Quotations: "Throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet" was part of her dissent of dismantling the VRA?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Supreme Court Justices: Tied for first in her Columbia law class in 1959?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Letters: Now often confused with F, the "long" form of this lowercase letter disappeared from English in the 1800s?


Bible: Despite his own rules against sorcery, this monarch traveled to the city of Endor to consult a witch?


King James: From Deuteronomy: "Of all that are in the waters: all that have fins and" these "shall ye eat"?


Classic Tale Characters: In one 19th century translation, she "perceived the dawn of day and ceased" speaking nearly 1,000 times?


Word History: We didn't have this word for a person who studies the natural & physical world until William Whewell invented it in 1834?


Drinks: A rusty nail is a combo of these drinks?

Scotch & Drambuie

Rhyme Time: Webelo uncertainty?

Scout Doubt

Move: Olympic events include single, double & quadruple these, a word that originally meant oars & now also means the boats?


Life Lines: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans", sang John Lennon in a song to this person he loved?

Sean Lennon

Best: "Uncommonly Smooth" was once the slogan of this coffee company whose original location was Vashon Island in Puget Sound?

Seattle's Best Coffee

February: Feb. 1848:A huge Paris "banquet" (since protests were forbidden) leads to the downfall of the king & the start of the Second this?

Second Republic

Score: A 6-stanza poem of 6 lines each with repeated lines is called this?


Flyover Countries: We've got the wind behind us as we cruise east out of Bosnia & Herzegovina to fly over this country on Romania's western border?


Cities: This major port is the largest city in Crimea?


Election Day: In parliamentary democracies, a party in power can call for these "sudden" elections on a day in advance of the scheduled one?

Snap Elections

Geo: This republic of 115 islands northeast of Madagascar was uninhabited until its 18th century settlement by the French?


Literary Character Names: He's a sensitive member of J.D. Salinger's Glass family; at one point, it's spelled as 2 words like "perceive extra"?

Seymour (See More) Glass

Music: In a 1967 tune we hear his band has "been going in and out of style, but they're guaranteed to raise a smile"?

Sgt. Pepper

Room: For your memorabilia, one of these display cases, that sounds like what a fighter does to warm up?

Shadow Box

Novel Locales: This place from a 1933 novel lies in the Valley of Blue Moon, below a peak called Karakal?


Song: Publishing company Hal Leonard offers "the world's premier destination for digital" this loose-printed music; kind of an oxymoron?

Sheet Music

Business: This oil company wants to be "a net-zero energy emissions business by 2050 or sooner", & become one "of its former self"?


Battle: At Hastings, Harold's infantry held their own until they unwisely advanced, breaking the "wall" of these protective items?


The Civil War: Resulting in almost 24,000 casualties, this 1862 battle in Tennessee has a name from Hebrew that is often translated as "peaceful one"?


"F" In History: Like a university, a river in British Columbia is named for this explorer who reached its mouth in 1808?

Simon Fraser

Lit: In a novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, he says, "I'm your church now! You understand,--you've got to be as I say"?

Simon Legree

People: This Holocaust survivor & Nazi hunter wrote, "Violence is like a weed--it does not die even in the greatest drought"?

Simon Wiesenthal

Health: A recombinant zoster vaccine is given in 2 doses starting at age 50 to prevent this painful disease?


Elegy: William Cowper's "On the Loss of the Royal George" wasn't written for a king, but for one of these, gone with great loss of life?


Animal Kingdom: The name of this insectivore has meant a scolding woman since before Shakespeare used it in a play title?


Onomatopoeia: This 5-letter word that starts & ends with the same pair of letters means "be quiet"?


Short: Shorthair cat breeds with former names of nationalities include the Abyssinian & this one that originated in Asia?

Siamese Cat

Revolts: Much of Rome's grain came from this large island 300 miles away, so it was a big deal when its slaves revolted in the Servile Wars?


Director: Oscar-nominated for films like "12 Angry Men" & "Network", in the late '70s he was tapped to direct "The Wiz"?

Sidney Lumet

People: With her sister Savannah, this actress & onetime love of Jude Law started the fashion line Twenty8Twelve?

Sienna Miller

Mexico: The Mexican Plateau is flanked by two mountain ranges known as this Occidental & this Oriental?

Sierra Madre

Adverbs: In the first line of the novel "Jaws", it's how "The great fish moved... through the night water"?


Nat Geo Egypt Treasures: Bracelets featuring butterflies inlaid with gems, circa 2500 B.C., are made from this metal, at that time, more precious than gold?


"B": In exile in Jamaica in 1815, he wrote a letter outlining unity among the to-be-liberated nations of Spanish America?

Simon Bolivar

Newsmakers & Writers: California Governor Gavin Newsom denied parole to this man guilty of a 1968 assassination?

Sirhan Sirhan

Science: The name of this brightest star in our night sky comes from a Greek word for "glowing"?


Harry Potter: (Daniel Radcliffe presents the clue.) Life imitates art--my relationship on set with Gary Oldman very much paralleled Harry's relationship with this character, portrayed by Oldman, Harry's godfather & the titular "Prisoner of Azkaban"?

Sirius Black

Big: Bearing a name from Tingit, this spruce species of the Pacific Northwest can be 200 feet tall & 15 feet in diameter?

Sitka Spruce

Play: Allison Janney, Ouisa in this play, was in "The Hours" with Meryl Streep, who was in "The River Wild" with Kevin Bacon?

Six Degrees of Separation

Things: It's a fun activity for kids at the shore, especially once they learn the ideal 20-degree angle?

Skipping Stones

Poker Hands: If your 2 hole cards are an Ace & a King, you've got "Big" this, like an oil spill?


Balkan: Lake Bled is in the scenic Julian Alps of this republic?


Outbreak: Variola major is the virus that causes this acute infectious disease?


Native Americana: Tepees are different from other tents because of the upper flaps designed to release this?


Same Role: Don Johnson & Colin Farrell had their vices?

Sonny Crockett

County Seat: Santa Rosa, California: Of this winey county west of Napa?


Animal: Before the arrival of big cats over a new isthmus, flightless 10-foot terror birds were the apex predators of this continent?

South America

Music: "I wish I knew you wanted me", he sings in the 2022 smash "Bad Habit"?

Steve Lacy

Plant: The leaves of this plant native to South America are the source of the same-named sugar substitute?


All Dressed In White: It's white, it keeps you alive, it's an extravehicular mobility unit better known by this alliterative name?

Space Suit

Wearing Food: These shoulder straps for dresses can be seductively slender?

Spaghetti Straps

Shakespeare's Contemporaries: In Thomas Middleton's 1624 "A Game at Chess", the black pieces represented this country that threatened England?


Fashion: The name of this stretchy fiber, big with '80s heavy metal bands, is an anagram of the function it performs?


Math: 4πr2 gives the surface area of one of these 3-dimensional shapes?


Album: "2 Become 1" & "Wannabe" (part of the group name)?


Bug: A computer program that searches & catalogs links on the Internet?


Sculpture: Louise Bourgeois famously created giant sculptures of these creatures partly as an ode to her mother, who was a weaver?


Science: The size of a fist, this organ behind your left ribs fights invading germs in your blood by producing lymphocytes?


Mushroom Stew: Chitin, hard enough to form crabs' exoskeletons, also makes up these microscopic mushroom germinators?


Nationality Rhyme: A nimble Bangkok fellow?

Spry Thai

National Geographic Cites: You get a good look at this city from a gondola as it climbs the former Ericsson Globe, now renamed Avicii Arena?


Along The Mississippi: Have a capital time in this Wisconsin village big on its Swedish heritage that sits on Lake Pepin, the biggest lake on the river?

Stockholm, Wisconsin

Stuffed: Good Housekeeping's "75 Best" affordable these alliterative holiday gifts for 2022 included gear ties & lightsaber chopsticks?

Stocking Stuffers

Verse: From Pablo Neruda: "To survive I forged you like a weapon, like an arrow for my bow, or" one of these "for my sling"?


Flowers: It's a symbol of Ukraine, where a woman told Russian troops to put seeds in their pockets, to bloom from their corpses?


Emmy: In 2022 Lee Jung-jae made Emmy history winning as Lead Actor for a non-English show, this Korean one?

Squid Game

History: In July 2022 the ousted president of this country fled west across the Indian Ocean to the Maldives?

Sri Lanka

Geo: Castries is the capital of this island country between Martinique & St. Vincent whose exports include bananas & beer?

St. Lucia

New Testament To The Map: 3 blocks long, the NYC St. called this Gospel man's Place has been home to Alexander Hamilton's widow, Leon Trotsky & Debbie Harry?

St. Mark's

Ladder: IKEA's Bekväm is this type of ladder: self-supporting, with a top cap connecting the front & rear rails?


Words: Also a printing process, this word refers to a simplified generalization about a social group?


Bird: Lack of a fully developed syrinx keeps this long-necked bird mostly voiceless, perhaps not to wake the baby it's bringing?


Moon: The largest of the Moon's seas is the opposite of tranquility--Oceanus procellarum meaning "ocean of" these?


Beatles: "Glass Onion" begins, "I told you about" this title spot, "you know the place where nothing is real"?

Strawberry Fields

Big: Dubbed "The American Dream", the world's self-proclaimed longest car is a 26-wheeled, 100-foot limousine--naturally, this type?

Stretch Limosine

Baroque: The Asam brothers garnished the exterior of their Munich residence with figures made from this plaster?


4, 4: The horses seen here are on this kind of breeding establishment?

Stud Farm

Thanksgiving: Cousin Eddie didn't eat all of this turkey day fave, though Bon Appétit's "classic herb & fennel" recipe turned out mwah!?


Double Vowels Next To Double Consonants: As a verb it can mean to turn out well or to come next in a series?


Invasion: Mahmud of Ghazna in Afghanistan, the 1st ruler with this title of a Muslim monarch, liked to invade India yearly, 17 times in all?


Micro Fish: About a third of an inch, among the tiniest fish are of genus Paedocypris, in the swamps of this large Indonesian island northwest of Java?


Search High & Low: Low: A good word to describe a pirate's subsurface treasure, or dark, hollow eyes?


River: In 1966 the Po produced devastating floods, like this Florentine river the same year?

The Arno

Opera: A peasant girl named Marenka is the title betrothed in this Smetana opera?

The Bartered Bride

Memoir: One of Time magazine's Most Influential People of 2019, she wrote the memoir "Educated"?

Tara Westover

Valley: A power-generating authority set up in 1933 serves the people of this valley in its name?

Tennessee Valley

Writers: In 1939 he lived on Toulouse Street in the French Quarter & chose the professional name that bonded him to the South?

Tennessee Williams

The Chase: Classic chasers include sangrita, a drink historically made with pomegranate juice & traditionally served with this liquor?


Soil: Seen here, this type of farming to preserve soil & maximize arable land sounds like a backyard patio?

Terrace Farming

USA: Have an electrifying visit to this, "New York's Birthplace Park" at the southern tip of Manhattan?

The Battery

Science: Once a resident of Smiljan, he immigrated to the U.S. with 4 cents & later patented a polyphase system of A.C. dynamos?


League Of Nations: The League's health section helped standardize vaccines for diphtheria, tuberculosis & this, also known as lockjaw?


Honorary U.S. Citizens: A city & a bay in this state derive their names from the most recent honoree, Revolutionary War hero Bernardo de Gálvez?


Warning: In a famous poem, Paul Revere was "ready to ride and spread" this "through every Middlesex village and farm"?

The Alarm

Social Science: It's a social ideal meant to motivate people toward success; a book by a N.Y. Times columnist is subtitled "Waking Up from" it?

The American Dream

One-Syllable Body Part: Named for its shape, it spans from the heel to the ball of the foot?

The Arch

Peaks: 13,165-foot Cloud Peak is the highest peak in this Wyoming mountain range whose name reflects a type of sheep?

The Bighorn Range

Tech: In 1998, Campbell Aird got what was called the first this arm, electronically controlled like on TV's "Six Million Dollar Man"?

The Bionic Arm

Derby: In the 19th century Edward Stanley, the 14th Earl of Derby, was British prime minister 3 times as a leader of this political party?

Tory Party

TV Shows In Spanish: "Belleza y poder", or "Beauty & Power", was what became of this fashion-set daytime soap?

The Bold and the Beautiful

Boating After Meals: After a lovely meal, time for drinks on this place where the controls are; the captain calls it the cockpit?

The Bridge

River: Magdalene Bridge, also called the Great bridge, crosses this 3-letter river in a British university city?

The Cam River

Native American Place Names: For a romantic getaway, some couples head to Hawley or Lakeville in these mountains within northeastern Pennsylvania?

The Poconos

Lead Vocalist Of The Band: Nina Persson, this close-knit Swedish group?

The Cardigans

Doomsday Book: In the opening of this P.D. James novel, "The last human being to be born on Earth was killed in a pub brawl"?

The Children Of Men

Rock: On a historic day in 1976, Joe Strummer met Mick Jones in London, calling their legendary band this came later?

The Clash

Spielberg: Making Whoopi age several decades?

The Color Purple

Non-Fiction: It has the line, "The discovery of America... opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie"?

The Communist Manifesto

Six Pack: The "Six Flags" over Texas refer to the entities that have controlled it; sixth is the USA, this was fifth?

The Confederacy

Big River: Its drainage basin includes parts of Angola, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Tanzania, Zambia & 2 other countries?

The Congo

Words: If you're neglected, you may fall through these; in 2020 President Obama said our health systems allow it to happen to the poor?

The Cracks

Asia: Xi Zhongxun, father of current Chinese leader Xi Jinping, was persecuted during this brutal process of "renewal" that started in 1966?

The Cultural Revolution

Books: A teen who is good with animals & numbers but bad at social situations tries to solve the killing of a neighborhood pet?

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Sequels: Christian Bale stars in this 2012 sequel to a 2008 sequel to a 2005 movie?

The Dark Knight Rises

Sci-Fi & Fantasy: This Joe Haldeman classic tells of William Mandella, who fights the interstellar Taurans for a really long time?

The Forever War

Writers: About Robert Moses & by Robert Caro, this 1,300-page tome is a must-have for bookshelf backgrounds during Zoom interviews?

The Power Broker

State Trees: Massachusetts' state tree is the American species of this tree that can grow 100 feet tall?

The Elm

Lit: Hana reads to Almasy, the title character of this 1992 novel; Hana's lover Kip later wants to murder him?

The English Patient

History: In 1980 South Korea's president Chun Doo-hwan ushered in this; France did the same with its government back in 1958?

The Fifth Republic

Lore: The feathers of this creature of Russian legend that lent its name to a ballet were said to provide beauty & protection upon the earth?

The Firebird

Head Gear: When this item was first worn, by John Hetherington in 1797, its height & luster made women faint?

The First Top Hat

21: The U.S. 21-gun salute is fired to honor our president, a visiting head of state or this symbol of our nation?

The Flag

"F": A high point of the opera "Lakmé" by Léo Delibes is this "duet"?

The Flower Duet

Waist Up, Neck Down: The formation of solid deposits also called choleliths is a common occurrence in this organ?

The Gallbladder

Movies: Laurence Olivier & Ernest Borgnine were considered for the lead role & Sergio Leone to direct for this film that turned 50 in 2022?

The Godfather

Areas: Paris' Latin Quarter is found there?

The Left Bank

Novel Notes: King kills; executing executioners; Coffey coda?

The Green Mile

Women Of Science: Eunice Foote's "Circumstances Affecting the Heat of the Sun's Rays" foreshadowed the study of this effect?

The Greenhouse Effect

Dinosaur Names: The Euoplocephalus was named for this "well-armored" body part (kephale in ancient Greek)?

The Head

Bodies Of Water: In ancient times the Dardanelles Strait was called this & was associated with the story of Hero & Leander?

The Hellespont

Leader: As shown in a 17th century painting, Jesus is taken before Caiaphas who is this religious boss, kohen gadol, in Hebrew?

The High Priest

Eating Idioms: The phrase "eating high on" this comes from the best cuts of meat being on the upper leg of one?

The Hog

Nicole Kidman: Getting nose-y: "Leonard, always the years between us. Always the years. Always, the love. Always..." (& we have a movie title!)?

The Hours

Landmarks: The holiest shrine in Islam is this one located in Mecca's Great Mosque?

The Kabba

Musical Instruments: Big in '80s music videos, this portmanteau word means a synthesizer worn with a strap over the shoulder?

The Keytar

Children's Lit: In this 1930 book with the refrain "I think I can", the protagonist is female & the unhelpful other locomotives are guys?

The Little Engine That Could

Latin Kids Books: A French fable:"Regulus"?

The Little Prince

Street: Alliterative & splendiferous name for part of North Michigan Ave. in Chicago--actually just 13 blocks, but with 60 hotels?

The Magnificent Mile

Book: "The Grasshopper Lies Heavy" is an underground novel in this Philip K. Dick book set in a conquered America?

The Man In The High Castle

Movie Quote: "Fred C. Dobbs ain't a guy likes bein' taken advantage of--do the mug in, I say"

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Science: This region of the inner Earth is prone to hot spots; volcanoes can form above them?

The Mantle

State Trees: Wisconsin & New York are both represented by the sugar species of this tree?

The Maple

Gods: A magnificent jade head unearthed in 1968 in Belize, is of Kinich Ahau, the sun god of these people?

The Mayans

Lit: In a Wilkie Collins novel, one of Alex' favorites, Colonel Herncastle foolishly steals this title gem from the head of a Hindu idol?

The Moonstone

Bug: The name of this radio storytelling project evokes summer nights spinning yarns under a porch light?

The Moth

Words With One Consonant: Here's a gaggle of this 4-letter Hawaiian goose?

The Nene

Titles: In 2020 Colson Whitehead won a second Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, for this novel?

The Nickel Boys

Titles: 2 sisters are separated in war-torn France, each on her own dangerous path, in this avian-titled bestseller by Kristin Hannah?

The Nightingale

Islands: Scotland's Shetland Islands form part of the border between this sea & the rest of the Atlantic?

The North Sea

Non-Fiction: In "Disappointment River", Brian Castner retraces Sir Alexander Mackenzie's 1789 search for this waterway?

The Northwest Passage

Climate: This climate region is defined as being between about 23.5 degrees north & south of the equator?

The Tropics

President's Memoirs: "On the first intelligence of Forrest's raid I telegraphed Sherman to send all his cavalry against him"?

Ulysses S. Grant

No Good: Vincent Gigante long feigned insanity, walking NYC in his pajamas & earning this mafia-related nickname; lose the opening "G" sound?

The Oddfather

The Office: A platonic female best friend & confidante to a co-worker; it was the title of a 1930 book & movie?

The Office Wife

Rubber: This civilization of Mexico created an early version of rubber & has a name from the Aztec language meaning "rubber people"?

The Olmec

1890s: Returning after a 1,500-year break, these opened April 6, 1896?

The Olympics

Musical Instruments: Mozart called it "the king of instruments" & played it at Salzburg Cathedral?

The Organ

Hegel: Hegel thought understanding comes at the end of a process: this bird "of Minerva spreads its wings only" at dusk?

The Owl

South America: This name for a huge flat region of plains in Argentina is also used for a stretch of desert in Chile?

The Pampas

Harry Potter: (Daniel Radcliffe presents the clue.) I starred on the London stage & on Broadway in a revival of "Equus" opposite Richard Griffiths, who played this awful relative of Harry Potter?

Vernon Dursley

River: The Camargue, a wild & wildlife-rich region of France, is in the delta of this river that rises in Switzerland?

The Rhone

Jason Conception: From 2017 through 2020, I hosted the Emmy-winning series "NBA Desktop" for this sports & pop culture website with a name that means "a skilled player competing incognito"?

The Ringer

Chemistry: In chemistry it describes a substance that evaporates readily; it's the V in mVOC, smelly compounds produced by molds?


Space: A cluster of young stars, this group of astronomical siblings includes Electra, Maia & Alcyone?

The Seven Sisters

Chemistry: Named for Luigi Galvani, galvanic cells are also known as this type of cell, named for another Italian?


Machines: A company called Dominion filed suit claiming it was defamed by news reports about these machines?

Voting Machines

Landmarks: What has the face of a man but the body of a recumbent lion, is 240 feet long & is carved out of limestone? This?

The Sphinx

One-Syllable Body Part: Macrophages destroy old or damaged cells when blood passes through this organ?

The Spleen

River: Good Catholics know South Bend, Indiana is named for a curvature of this river?

The St. Joseph

Song: The music for this came from a festive British song titled "To Anacreon In Heaven"?

The Star-Spangled Banner

Park: On July 5, 1986 800,000 hit Central Park to enjoy the N.Y. Philharmonic & the reopening of this tall landmark off downtown?

The Statue Of Liberty

Sequels: Margaret Atwood won the Booker Prize for this sequel to "The Handmaid's Tale" that's narrated by Daisy, Agnes & Aunt Lydia?

The Testaments

TV: In the HBO version of this novel, Rose Leslie is Art Institute student Clare, involved with a chronologically nonlinear guy?

The Time Traveller's Wife

British Landmarks: Like Sir Thomas More, 3 16th century English queens are buried at this location?

The Tower of London

Myth: Fish were thrown into a fire on August 23 during a festival honoring this Roman god of fire?


Asia: Seen here in late 1979 is this building in Tehran that was at the center of news for the next year plus?

The U.S. Embassy

TV Switch: After a big time jump in season 9 of this show, we find a new actress playing young Judith Grimes & she's there to help the survivors?

The Walking Dead

TV Drama By Episodes: "The Midterms" &"The White House Pro-Am"?

The West Wing

Compose: By Hector Berlioz: "Symphonie fantastique" , ending with their Sabbath?

The Witches

Hobbies: Once a day you might spend a little time doing this New York Times puzzle; many like to start with "adieu"?

The Wordle

"World": On June 29, 2016 Liberty Park opened at this downtown New York building complex?

The World Trade Center

Animal Phrases: The losing party has gained control:"The ____ has turned"?

The Worm

Superlative: Nobody wants to be called this 5-letter superlative; change its only vowel to a "U" & it becomes a sausage?

The Worst

Superlative: A book of records came about after a Guinness executive wondered if among game birds, the one he had just missed shooting was this?

The fastest

Rhyming Phrase: The late princess Lee Radziwill was often called a member of this group living life at a speedy pace, on planes or not?

The jet set

Laundry: Thousands of home fires a year could be prevented by cleaning out this mesh item after each dryer load?

The lint catcher (the lint trap)

Law Letters: T: A civil wrong causing injury for which a remedy may be obtained?


Misery: Amnesty International says sleep deprivation or prolonged solitary confinement are forms of this?


Phrase: Someone being thoroughly tested is "put through" these steps?

Their Paces

Common Bonds: Chair, tide, spirits?

Things That Can Be High

Titles: About the Doolittle raid: ____ ____Over Tokyo"?

Thirty Seconds

Medical Folks: Pernicious anemia was once called by the name of this 19th c. doctor for whom a disease of the adrenal glands is still named?

Thomas Addison

Name's The Same: Name shared by a Victorian novelist & an 1805 flagship captain whose name is heard in a famous phrase?

Thomas Hardy (Nelson's famous last words to his flagship, to his captain were, "Kiss me, Hardy")

"T": Doorway part brides have been carried over(9 letters)?


Onomatopoeia: "Bible" can precede this word, also a Disney rabbit?


Day: Maundy derives from Latin for "command"; Maundy this commemorates the Last Supper & Jesus' commandment to love one another?


Mystery Title: Richard Osman's heartwarming mystery featuring 4 elderly sleuths: "The" this "Murder Club"?


Asia: The plateau of this disputed land is the major source of the rivers of South & East Asia?


Potpourri: Toss across is basically this pencil-&-paper game but with bean bags?


Wet: I knelt next to one of these teeming-with-life small basins of water left by the receding ocean?

Tide Pool

Handle: Get a good grip on this boating device that sounds like a farmer but is used to steer the rudder?


Loses A Letter: Wood used for carpentry loses a letter & becomes a device to record duration?

Timber & Timer

Country Songs: Inspired by an Oz character, Miranda Lambert sings, "Hey there, Mr." him, "Take it from me, darlin', you don't want a hear?

Tin Man

Alley: In the early 20th century, the sound of pianos being played gave this New York City area around Broadway its name?

Tin Pan Alley

Anagrams Of Each Other: Metallic strands on a Christmas tree & to heed?

Tinsel & Listen

"tip": In Brit slang, to be honkers is to be swizzled, sloshed or this?


Shakespeare Speaker: "My Oberon! What visions have I seen! Methought I was enamoured of an ass"?


Elemental Hit Parade: Grandpa's hip enough to know nothing can replace this metal at No. 22?


Also An NFL Team: Rhea & Mnemosyne were female ones on Hesiod's list of 12?


Double Z: To be "in" one of these is to be in a state of nervous excitement or agitation?


Baseball Term: & Here's the non-pitch... synonyms for this include to resist or refuse?

To Balk

Sew: It's to use long, temporary stitches to hold something together, not to keep it moist?

To Bastle

Triple Rhyme Time: To rent a group of singing Franciscans?

To Hire A Friar Choir

Words With One Consonant: To droop or dangle; a body part such as your tongue may do it?

To Loll

What?: Testifying before Congress in 2019, Robert Mueller asked several lawmakers to do this, including Devin Nunes with a near 100-worder?

To Repeat The Question

Rhyming Responses: To confiscate by force & to goad (or to backcomb your hair a bit)?

To Seize & To Tease

Body Language: To apply this body part to "the line" or "the mark" is to observe the rules?


Word History: It sounds odd now that in "Dracula" the count says, "You will need, after your journey, to refresh yourself by making your" this?


2022 Hits: A groove from 1981's "Genius Of Love" by this Talking Heads side project found its way into Latto's "Big Energy"?

Tom Tom Club

Plant: Practitioners of this 7-letter bushy art have been called tree masons & leafage sculptors?


Shakespeare's Contemporaries: The title character & kids are murdered in John Webster's "The Duchess of Malfi", considered one of the greatest plays of this type?


TikTok: The 12-3-30 viral workout had people walking on this at a 12% incline at 3 mph for 30 minutes?


Quarters: In 1283 England decided this crime of trying to overthrow the king got you drawn & quartered (& maybe beheaded too)?


Fortune: As a noun, it can be buried, hoarded wealth; as a verb, it's to cherish something, like a memory?


Write Place: This classic 1934 novel opens, "I am living at the Villa Borghese", Henry Miller's name for Paris' Villa Seurat?

Tropic Of Cancer

Geo: This geographical line runs around the globe at approximately 23 degrees 27 minutes south latitude?

Tropic Of Capricorn

College: "Hairy" last name of Medford, Massachusetts' Charles, benefactor of a university there?


Wear: As part of France's energy sobriety policy, President Macron began wearing this "reptilian" pullover to stay warm?


John Green: The title of my novel about Aza & how her OCD affects her life comes from a philosophical joke in which the Earth is flat & resting on the shell of a reptile, & what is that reptile standing on? It's these all the way down?


Shakespeare: In this comedy, Olivia loves Cesario, who is really Viola in disguise?

Twelfth Night

Home Computing: A good webcam is vital both for work meetings & for when you become King Bozomeme on this gamer livestreaming service from Amazon?


University: Like a road with half the traffic going in one direction & half in the opposite?

Two Lane

Letter: The author of "As I Lay Dying" added this letter to the family name?


Hair: The name of this pouffy hairstyle comes from the French for "to puff"?

a bouffant

Europe: Northern Ireland is also known by this 6-letter name, referring to a people that once lived there?


Case: Majuscule?

Uppercase (Letters)

Geography: Ancient Mesopotamian city of 3500 B.C., in ruins today & known as Tell el-Muqayyar?


Museums: The Tango Museum, where the classic "La Cumparsita" was born, is not in Argentina but in this country to the east?


Lit: "The deep and dank tarn at my feet closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the 'House of ____!'"?


Acts Of Congress: You can't profit by pretending to have earned military honors under the "Stolen" this brave quality "Act"?


Medical Folks: Named Australian of the Century in 1999, Victor Chang helped develop artificial heart these to keep blood flow in the right direction?


Anagrams Of Each Other: A quantity that has both magnitude & direction, & describing secret operations?

Vector & Covert

Misc.: This Italian's 1867 opera "Don Carlos" was written in French, & in 2022 the Metropolitan Opera finally sang it that way?


Myth: In ancient Rome, she was not only the literal mother of Virtue but the personification of truth (especially in vino)?


Lawyer Billboards: I Wrote The Book On English Law (My Famous "Commentaries") & I Can Help You!

William Blackstone

5-Letter Word: There are 2 Vs in this word meaning extreme enthusiasm or spirit?


Around The Globe: This ancient Roman road traversed North Central Italy & its name is now paired with Romagna in the name of the region?

Via Emilia

Vegetables: Not surprisingly, Georgia's state vegetable is this sweet yellow onion that first took root in Georgia some 90 years ago?


City: Known in the region as the "River of Nine Dragons", the Mekong flows through this Laotian capital?


Frontier Folk: Horace Vesey, frontier hotelier, ran the Gold Hill Hotel in the boomtown called this "City", biggest in Nevada Territory?

Virginia City

Aunt: Aunt Mary Beton, mentioned in "A Room of One's Own", has been compared to this author's own Aunt Caroline?

Virginia Woolf

Novel: This author innovated stream of consciousness when she penned "Jacob's Room" in 1922?

Virginia Woolf

Home Computing: You can get an encrypted connection to the Internet with a VPN, short for this?

Virtual Private Network

7th Century: Under King Recceswinth, this Germanic people who had made their way to Spain codified their laws in 654?


Radio: Programs on this international network include "Science in a Minute" & "Press Conference USA"?

Voice Of America

Native Americans: Shawnee leader Tecumseh sided with the British during this conflict, helping in the capture of Detroit?

War Of 1812

Which War: Michigan's territorial governor surrenders Detroit without a shot being fired?

War Of 1812

President Speeches: "Let me now... warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally"?


Food & Drink: The tiny round pasta called acini di pepe is a foundation of this celebratory soup, minestra maritata in Italian?

Wedding Soup

Spot: The spot type of this uses heat generated by electricity to join metal sheets together?


Musical Theater: The pair at the center of tumult in this long-running show were originally to be a Jewish girl & a Catholic boy?

West Side Story

Book Titles: Originally self-published in 1970, this guide for job-hunters & career-changers has sold more than 10 million copies?

What Color is Your Parachute?

Drink: Traditional "white" beer is always brewed with this grain in addition to barley?


Elegy: This "Invictus" poet also penned "Margaritae Sorori", an elegy in which death gets (& is) the last word?

William Ernest Henley

Novel: In 1962, one month after publishing a novel about a trip from Mississippi to Memphis, he was dead of a heart attack?

William Faulkner

Nicknames: Born 1860 in the Midwest: "Boy Orator of the Platte"?

William Jennings Bryan

Words That Should Rhyme: A country that supports another one & to waste time by lingering?

an ally & to dally

Movie Titles: Daisy Edgar-Jones plays a rural southern woman suspected of murder in this 2022 film based on a bestseller?

Where the Crawdads Sing

Game: This 5-letter card game of English origin helped construct some bridges--auction bridge & contract bridge?


Small Town North America: This British Columbia town grew up around a mountain that's been home to Olympians & ski bums; the sound made by local marmots led to the name?


Newsmakers & Writers: Profession of Pat Cipollone ("Patsy Baloney" to some), who testified on July 8 to the January 6 Committee?

White House Lawyer

Lit: The title of this Don DeLillo novel refers to sirens & various sounds from TVs & other appliances?

White Noise

National Geographic Cites: In London, it's an area of government offices, & by extension the civil service; in Port of Spain, Trinidad, the prime minister's office?


Peaked At 91-100: Not many could take "The Star Spangled Banner" into the Top 20 twice, but she did; however, "Whatchulookinat" only looked at 96?

Whitney Houston

Body Human: Here's your host's fingerprint down to this third major pattern along with arches & loops?


History: May 5, 1864 saw the start of this godawful battle near Fredericksburg fought partly in a burning forest?


John Green: I wrote alternating chapters with David Levithan for a novel that follows two very different teens--one gay & one straight--who share this same name?

Will Grayson

Country Songs: The Carter Family & other country greats ask this musical question, "by & by, Lord, by & by"?

Will the circle be unbroken

Art: Benjamin West nailed history painting depicting this man's "Treaty with the Indians" on the Delaware River?

William Penn

VPs: Unlucky number 13, this vice president under Pierce died before ever performing his duties?

William Rufus DeVane King

Boating After Meals: After a meal of legumes with friends it might be best to strategically position yourself alee, meaning away from this?


Good Luck: Ancient Romans would hang a tintinnabulum, one of these with bells on it, for good luck & hope for breeze?

Wind Chimes

Rhyming Phrase: The first 2 words repeat in this 4-word cry of victory that involves poultry?

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Skin Care: Used as a remedy for skin ailments by Native Americans for centuries, this plant filed under "W" is still used as an astringent or a toner?

Witch Hazel

Misery: 2 of its 3 letters are vowels, it's a state of misery, & feel free to Bill & Ted up your response?


Presidential Facts: Only 3 presidents have married while in office--John Tyler was the first & he was the last?

Woodrow Wilson

Documentaries: In this 1970 film, Max Yasgur says, "I'm a farmer... I don't know how to speak to 20 people... let alone a crowd like this"?


Water Music: Carly Simon wrote "Let The River Run" for this film starring Melanie Griffith & Harrison Ford?

Working Girl

Souvenir: From Greece, a string of komboloi, or these, used not for religious reasons but to relax & counteract stress?

Worry Beads

Words That Should Rhyme: An injury & a division of a boxing match?

Would & Round

Homophones: To take from someone by force & to take a break?


Colors Of Science: In physics, this type of "body" is a surface that absorbs all the radiation that falls on it?

a blackbody

Starts in "x": Much in the news in recent years, this largest administrative unit of China is the homeland of the Uyghur people?


Southern Lit: In Rebecca Wells' tale of this "Sisterhood", Siddalee Walker returns to uncover some "Divine Secrets"?


Life Lines: Writer Christopher Morley said "There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and" this rhyming word?


Workers: The Norris-La Guardia Act of 1932 outlawed this "canine" contract in which an employee agrees not to join a union?

Yellow Dog Contract

Parks: It's named for a river indigenous people called Mi tse a-da-zi, translated by French-speaking trappers as "Pierre Jaune"?


Apps: The stars aligned, & by the end of 2021, this platform reported it had 244 million cumulative reviews?


Geo: If you know "owt" about England, you know this historic county with its own accent & vocabulary?


Pudding: Lawry's the prime rib restaurant is famous for this British pudding that's a side, not a dessert?

Yorkshire Pudding

Huff & Puff: Bridalveil Fall in this national park is also known as Pohono or "Spirit of the Puffing Wind"?

Yosemite National Park

1980s Bestsellers: This bestseller from Dr. Seuss was billed as "a book for obsolete children"?

You're Only Old Once

Stage Musicals By Song Lyrics: "Little more speed, little more rope, little more wind, little more hope, gotta get this stupid kite to fly"?

You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown

"Z": A Jewish sect opposed to pagan Rome & polytheism was called this, today meaning any fervent supporters?


Non-Fiction: Biologist Robert Sapolsky studies the effects of stress & anxiety in "Why" these African equines "Don't Get Ulcers"?


Dutch: The 12 provinces of the Netherlands include this southwest one that lends its name to a "New" nation of the South Pacific?


World Cities: The name of this city may come from "dur", meaning water, a reference to the Helvetian people's settlement on a lake?


Animals: The exotic pet trade is responsible for the Burmese type of this constrictor becoming an invasive species in the Everglades?

a (Burmese) python

Auction: Coo... coo... cool; the Belgian racing type of this bird is a bit more valuable than one in a city park, going for $1.9 million in 2020?

a (homing) pigeon

Auto: Seen here is an iconic model from this French company, making cars since 1919?

a Citroën

Souvenir: From Ireland, one of these rings; the crown symbolized loyalty, the heart-love, & the hands--friendship?

a Claddagh ring

Mushroom Stew: Named for a French nobleman, it's a preparation of chopped mushrooms & herbs that can be a filling or a topping?

a Duxelle

Venomous Creatures: Deriving its name from a country in Western Africa, this viper can weigh about 20 pounds & has the longest fangs of any snake?

a Gaboon viper

Math Class: One of these is a straight one-dimensional figure that extends infinitely in both directions?

a Line

Women Of Science: In 1823 Mary Anning discovered the first full fossil skeleton of a "sea dragon", this long-necked marine reptile?

a Plesiosaur

Acronyms: Pronounced like a word for a small boat, it's a room where intelligence material can be read without a security risk?


Table: Figuratively or literally, negotiations to reach an agreement (& often thwart a strike) are held here?

a bargaining table

Science: Scientists now believe a species of this flying mammal buzzes like a wasp to deter owls from eating them?

a bat

Where In The House: The 1890s photo "Sabbath Eve in a Coal" this space shows an effort to maintain dignity in low surroundings?

a coal cellar

Friends: "C" is for this word, once one of the divisions of a Roman legion; it now can mean a colleague or a person born in the same year?

a cohort

Machines: A combine on a farm is short for combine this, a machine that cuts & threshes grain?

a combine harvester

3 T's: Sounding like it will hold up to legal scrutiny, this walk is taken daily to keep healthy?

a constitutional

Leader: This type of govt. official sent to a foreign land shares its name with an elected leader in the days of the Roman republic?

a consul

Opera: It's been called the lowest & richest sound among female voices; Erda in "Siegfried" is a notable role for one?

a contralto

Documentary Subjects: A 2009 doc profiles preacher Arthur Blessitt, who walked 40,000 miles across the globe carrying a 12-foot one of these?

a crucifix

Eponyms: St. Benedict of Nursia gave his name to an order of monks & to Benedictine, this type of flavorful potent potable?

a digestif (a liqueur)

"dis": It can be a break or interruption, or the boundary between the Earth's crust & the mantle called the Moho, or Mohorovicic this?

a discontinuity

Middlemarch: With new ideas about ventilation, diet & fever, Lydgate is an idealistic young one of these?

a doctor

Phrase: This phrase is an allusion to a fable in which a canine selfishly prevents an ox from eating some hay ?

a dog in the manger

Finance: To earn trust, many investment companies make it front & center that they're this type of advisor obligated to act in a client's interest?

a fiduciary

Rhymes With A Snow White Dwarf: A passel of puffins or pigeons?

a flock

"arm": Originally denoting a mounted soldier, it's the job title of the person seen here in France (Police)?

a gendarme

Nat Geo Egypt Treasures: A pendant from the tomb of Princess Mereret from around 1800 B.C. features two of these, a fierce hybrid of a raptor & lion?

a griffin

21: In the 19th century this former gold coin of Britain was worth 21 shillings, one more than in a pound?

a guinea

Hot Air: 1,875 watts of electricity power the Revlon Frizz Fighter, one of these?

a hair dryer

"Break": An 1889 Chekhov story is about this, an inability to cope with life due to stress; it's no longer an accepted medical diagnosis?

a nervous breakdown

"P"otables: Grenadine syrup gives the color to this feminine gin & egg white cocktail?

a pink lady

French: The name of this prayer stool is French for "pray God"?

a prie-dieu

"P": Nasalis larvatus is the scientific name of this primate?

a proboscis monkey

Hair: Hair is mostly keratin, which like collagen & elastin is classified as a structural one of these?

a protein (a polymer)

Official State Stuff: As a verb, the name of this cute little bird, California's official one, means "to become fearful"?

a quail

Math: Equal to about 57.2958 degrees, it's the angular measurement made by wrapping half the diameter around a circle?

a radian

Science: Lutetium is used in the process of cracking petroleum, breaking down its large molecules in this type of facility?

a refinery

College: This official's office oversees student records & stuff like adding & dropping classes?

a registrar

Wet: This body of stored water, from French for "storehouse" , was starting to flood as I jogged past it?

a reservoir

Line: A ship's course touching all meridians at the same angle is this line?

a rhumb line

Bridge: Let's grow a bridge--people in India tied & twisted the roots of this tree, Ficus elastica, to create their own bridges?

a rubber tree

Cliches Rephrased: Unhappy Michigan or Utah & their illicit romances?

a sad state of affairs

Word Phrase & Origin: This term for a dashing swordsman comes from his practice of striking his own shield with his sword during combat?

a swashbuckler

Tattoos: Groucho Marx sang about "Lydia the" this circus performer; Maud Wagner was a real-life one?

a tattooed lady

Ancient Rome: Guess you couldn't be a gladiator judge if you were one of the Roman men who cut this off to avoid military service?

a thumb

"ou": This French word originally referred to a bride's clothing, linens & accessories that she gathered before her wedding?

a trousseau

Grimm Brothers: The Grimms had this animal eat 6 baby goats, then get sliced open as it slept, with the "meal" still alive within?

a wolf

Colors Of Science: It's a disease that afflicts cereal grasses, or a diminutive name for a star like the Sun?

a yellow dwarf

Double Z: The place was all this, filled with anticipation & nervous talk?


Adjective: A kind of deep chasm gives us this adjective that can mean "bottomless" or "profound" but also "incompetently bad"?


"A": It's any substance that increases the rate at which a fire burns?


Art Supplies: This kind of paint is a synthetic resin that is dense like oil paint & bright yet translucent like watercolors?


How Dare You: I'm hurt & now slighted by your actions; you've done this idiomatically, which involves a mathematical function?

added insult to injury

Triple Rhyme Time: A dealer working on commission selling yellowish, tight-fitting necklaces?

an ochre choker broker

Biology: A villanelle is a type of poem; this is a structure in a cell with a specific function, like mitochondria or vacuoles?

an organelle

Census: Census talk! 1950:The first post-enumeration survey revealed this shortfall, more than 3 million people?

an undercount

How Dare You: Are you "casting" these 10-letter slanderous remarks in my direction? I thought we were friends!?


Health: Greek for "to breathe hard" gives us the name for this ailment common in children?


Safe: In international law this 6-letter word means temporary refuge given to a foreign national?


Heart: If a patient goes into a-fib, short for this, the rapid uncoordinated heart rhythm can lead to a stroke?

atrial fibrillation

Musical Instrument: These have a tube called the chanter, an air reservoir controlled by arm pressure & an unequaled ability to clear a room?


Words With One Consonant: Let's say hi to this tree of life that stores water & gives fruit in arid lands?


Spineless: Mariners curse the goose type of this marine invertebrate that clings to hulls & anchors?


Learning: "The Chicago Manual of Style" is online to help you format footnotes & these, from the Greek for "book writing"?


Heart: Maybe QB Tom doesn't make some hearts flutter fast enough, as this condition is a resting rate of less than 60 beats per minute?


Strong Words: Often contrasted with "brains", this word meaning muscular strength once meant the rounded muscles of the arm & thigh?


2-Word Science Terms: This 2-word compound is the main component of both limestone & coral reefs?

calcium carbonate

Begin & End With C: Starting & ending with "C", it's the plain yet elegant white fabric?


Building: The Leaning Tower of Pisa is actually a bell tower, this in Italian?


Contradictions: The apostrophe in this contracted rank takes the place of "tai"?


C to D: This large artery that supplies blood to the head & neck also aids in regulating blood pressure?


Henry VI: At age 31 Henry fell into a months-long period of this state, stupor & apathy associated with?


Lit: ?For their gallant verses & loyalty to Charles I, 1600s poets like Richard Lovelace were known as these mounted knights?


When's All This: My chart of the PM's cabinet was knocked cock-a-hoop when Mr. Kwarteng served only 38 days as this chief financial minister?

chancellor of the Exchequer

French Lit: These French-named epic poems, like the one named for Roland, are composed of irregular stanzas called laisses?


Food: Named for a statesman & not a French country house, this thick tenderloin steak served with a sauce is big enough for 2?


Medications: Types of drugs used in this approach to treatment include alkylating agents (mess with cell DNA) & mitotic inhibitors (stop cell division)?


Fashion Etymology: This furry velvety textile used for knits is French for "caterpillar"?


Cream Cheese:Turn cream cheese mayonnaise into sauce parisienne by adding this parsley relative, one of the 4 classic fines herbes?


TikTok: A big food trend a couple of years back was this fluffy baked item made with egg whites, sugar & cornstarch?

cloud bread

Adjective: There's a "Q" in this adjective for an informal way of speaking?


Math: Circles, ellipses, parabolas & hyperbolas are these sections, created by the intersection of a plane with a three-dimensional figure?

conic sections

Warning: This 6-syllable word is a reason for a drug or treatment not to be used, like aspirin for patients with bleeding disorders?


Islands: Corvo Island of the Azores is a home to this diving bird that locals call corvo-marinho?


Crafts: It's the malicious-sounding name for loosely twisted yarn used in fancy embroidery?


Fashion: Usually defined as a divided skirt, this French-named garment was worn by 1930s women cyclists?


Word History: From Greek for "people" & "leader", historically it meant any popular leader as well as one who misleads the people?


Science Words: These treelike fibers usually carry nerve impulses to a neuron's cell body?


90s Vocab: You can spell this word for a type of business with 6 letters or a period & 3 letters?


Squirrel: Like your pal who can bend his fingers back horrifically, squirrel hind leg "wrists" are this, so paw directions can reverse?


Dickens: This word for beer or ale poured straight from the tap debuted in "Sketches by Boz"?


D-Minus: The software that signals a printer leaves the letter D behind & becomes a body of water?

driver & river

E to F: A military supply unit far from the action is in the "rear" this?


Anagrams Of Each Other: Overall instruction received at school & sold to the highest bidder?

education & auctioned

Energy Glossary: A good thing, this word that follows "energy" is calculated as a ratio of the result amount divided by the amount put in?


E to F: This 8-letter word means gushing, perhaps "in praise" of someone?


Chemical Element Names: The 3 elements whose names begin with 2 vowels are iodine & these 2, one synthetic & one natural?

einsteinium & europium

Nutrition: Sodium & potassium are types of these minerals in bodily fluids that help cells with nutrients?


Misc: Only identified around 1920, this condition of uterine lining growing where it shouldn't affects as many as one woman in 10?


French: This 2-word phrase refers to one involved in shameful behavior, perhaps like Dennis the Menace?

enfant terrible

5-Syllable Words: This adjective is used to indicate a novel has been written in the form of letters?


Science: When it comes to blood, this literally means "red cell"?


Weather: (Ginger Zee presents the clue.) In early 2020, I was in Australia to cover its unprecedented wildfires & learn how the hottest & driest year on record had parched giant stretches of these native trees filled with extremely flammable oil?

eucalyptus trees

Endless: In the King James Bible John 3:16 says, "Whosoever believeth in him" will have this life?


Same First & Last Letter: A type of tax, or to remove material, such as from a book or film?


Law Slaw: Evidence that exonerates someone from guilt is called this, which also starts with "ex"?


Ordinal: It means those arriving before all others will be waited upon before anyone else?

first come, first served

Kid Cuisine: History professor Paul Josephson's definitive article on these breaded items is titled "The Ocean's Hot Dog"?

fish sticks

Double Vowels Next To Double Consonants: Anglers know parts of it include the barb, the eye & the bend?


Mountain: Cyprus has a range that the Greeks call Pentadaktylos, which has this anatomical meaning?

five fingers

Plate: Steel plates were sewn into canvas to make these 4-letter vests worn by American aviators during World War II?

flak jackets

12-Letters Or More: For a colonoscopy, you should find this type of 18-letter doctor?


Astronomy: This long word describes the orbit of a satellite that matches the rotation of the Earth?

geosynchronous satellites

13-Letter Words: It's the fear of old people?


Homophones: A potent potable flavored with berries & a class of spirits in Muslim demonology?


"give" or "take": A word now meaning "a spooky spirit" once meant your life force; that's why this expression means "to die"?

give up the ghost

Nutrition: This "index" ranks how much certain foods increase your blood sugar levels?


Things: This herb that was used as a medicine by Native Americans is often paired with echinacea in herbal supplements?


Homophones: A visual aid following "pie" & newspaper slang following "nut"?


9-Letter Words: The Goldilocks Zone refers to planets thought to be this?


Old Words: Meaning to consecrate or make holy, it was around for nearly a millennium before it appeared in the Gettysburg Address?


2 Words, one with "i". one without: If an I gets poked out, one who gets property in a will becomes a third person pronoun?

her & heir

Dante's Circles: Sixth:Religious opinion contrary to Christian church doctrine?


Eponyms: This type of airtight seal comes from the Greek name of the Egyptian god of learning, known for magical powers?


Chemistry: Named for their 2 constituent elements, these compounds such as propane & octane are often used for fuel?


3-Letter Palindromes: It's "here" in French?


"if": In a rousing 1765 Patrick Henry speech criticizing Britain, these 4 words preceded "make the most of it"?

if this be treason

"i": From a Middle French word, it means "not prejudiced against", perhaps referring to an arbiter?


Adjective: Peccadillo, a type of minor sin, is linguistically related to this adjective meaning flawless?


Foreign Words: A criminal who is caught red-handed is caught this way, "while the crime is blazing"?

in flagrante delicto

3 T's: One is said to die this way if they did not make a valid will?


Adjective: Meaning displaying the colors of the rainbow, it comes from the personification of the rainbow?


Ocean: Like coral reefs in tropical water, in northern seas the areas called these forests are home & refuge to a diverse array of life?

kelp forests

Odd Words: Pig Latin & a word for nothing are the source of this 5-letter word meaning "to reject"?


Skin Care: Sebum protects your skin--"J" is for this oil from another plant that balances your complexion by mimicking sebum, adding & decreasing production as needed, & honestly, it's just a fun word to say?


1, 2, 3: This legal trio--& lethal, at the end--can describe just one person who takes the law into their own hands?

judge, jury & executioner

Fashion: Time to combine fashion with sports! This one-piece, sleeveless dress is also a term for a basketball shot?


Same First & Last Letter: Meaning produced by the lips, it's applied to letters like P & B?


Sharp: Small incisions are made with this 2-edged surgical instrument, also the name of a weekly medical journal founded in 1823?


8-Letter Word: If you have plenty of freedom, you've been given wide this term from mapmaking?


C to D: It's French for le duck?

le canard

Loud: A New York Times article was titled "The First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All" these lawn devices that can cause tinnitus?

leaf blowers

Assonance: Gamers know it's replacing letters with similar-looking numbers, like when using 3 instead of "E"?


Women Of Science: Chemist Alice Ball developed an early treatment used for decades for this devastating bacterial skin disease?

leprosy (Hansen's disease)

Drinks: Monkey Wrench is a combo of these drinks?

light rum, grapefruit juice & bitters

Complete The Pangram: For an adult vacation guaranteed to be forgotten, "Pack my box with five dozen jugs of" this general term for booze?


"Little": How did junior know grandpa was arrested? Maybe this idiom about what kids overhear?

little pitchers have big ears

Fighting Words: Being "at" this, also the name of a type of turtle, means you're fighting with someone?


Documentary Subjects: It means excessive talkativeness, it's from the Greek for "word" & it wins Nupur Lala The National Spelling Bee in a classic doc?


Hobby Supplies: You can make knots with rope, cord or string in this craft whose name is from Turkish for "napkin"?


First Letters Overlap: Enraged & a kind of vocal piece that was imported to England from Italy?

mad & madrigal

Science: An Australian study found that forests of these trees that grow around swamps & coastlines expand & contract with a 19-year lunar cycle?


Anagrams Of Each Other: One cherry from a jar & several of the instruments called mouth organs?

maraschino & harmonicas

Bread: Rock on--dark & light rye bread rolled together is deemed this?

marble bread

Science: Liquids & solids are states of this that sit there; swirlons, such as flocks of birds, are parts of the newer concept of "active" this?


Alliteration: In the 10th century Arab mathematician Abul-Wafa wrote about these, saying they're needed by businessmen who go into debt?

negative numbers

Science: Arthur McDonald won a physics Nobel for showing that these really tiny chargeless particles have mass?


Heart: Oddly enough, angina can be relieved by ingesting a powerful explosive--this one that dates to 1846 will make you feel dynamite again?


All: Wrestling gave us this 3-word phrase meaning everything & anything is legal?

no holds barred

Word Phrase & Origin: The belief that members of the highest social ranks are duty-bound to help the poor is the crux of this 2-word French phrase?

noblesse oblige

Confusing: This word sounds like it means the opposite of addition, but it actually means perplexed?


Differs By A Vowel: A tangible item & wretched, like severe poverty?

object & abject

Brit Stuff: At Christopher Wren's suggestion, in the 1670s the ruined Greenwich Castle became the site of a new this, designed by Wren?

observatory (Royal Greenwich)

Score: From the Latin for measuring "a foot & a half long", it refers to using long words?


"off": This 7-letter word for a type of extemporaneous remark ends with a body part?


Warning: It's something that portends a future event, as in the title of a 1976 horror film?

omen (The Omen)

3-Letter Palindromes: The wahoo seen here is known as this to Hawaiian fishers?


First Words: To begin the bidding in a card game or at an auction?


Fish: This colorful food fish of the deep ocean may live to be 150 years old?

orange roughy

Medieval: The innocent-if-you-sink, guilty-if-you-float method of justice was called trial by this, a word meaning any painful experience?


College Talk: Positioning relative to compass points; north-south is one type?


Middle "rth": A prefix meaning "straight", it comes before "-dox" & "-pedist"?


Ends With Same 2 consonants: To put your clothes back on, or to right a wrong?


Vegetables: These root veggies that look like creamy white carrots are in the same family & are often roasted or boiled & mashed?


Science Abbrev: Pa: This unit of pressure named for a 17th century Frenchman?


13-Letter Words: This word meaning the male head of a household is borrowed from Latin?


College: Radcliffe alumna Helen Taussig is considered the founder of pediatric this -ology?

pediatric cardiology

Add A Letter At The Start: Of a synonym for a conclusion to get this word meaning awaiting conclusion?


Anagram: It can have a beach on both sides: SALINE PUN?


Math Class: Add up the lengths of all the sides of a polygon to get this measurement?


"P": These wavelike contractions carry food through the digestive trac?


Religion: It's the term for the small box & leather strap worn by the Orthodox Jewish man ?

phylacteries (tefillin) (set of small black leather boxes with leather straps containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah)

Words From Greek Letters: It's an artistic representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over Jesus' body & is made up of 2 Greek letters?

pieta (pi & eta)

How Did They Die: Charlemagne died from this condition, an inflammation of the membrane that lines the chest & covers the lungs?


Spy: Somehow, after having tea with fellow ex-Russian agents in 2006, Alexander Litvinenko died of poisoning by this?


Acts Of Congress: Love & marriage changed in Utah after the Edmunds Act of 1882 said anyone "guilty of" this could go to jail for 5 years?


Strong Words: Add "ate" to this word meaning strong to get a strong person or ruler?


"tt": In "Jane Eyre", Mr. Rochester is "not fond of the" this "of children", a synonym for "chatter" that also has a double T?


Science Trio: The 3 major processes of the hydrologic cycle are evaporation, then condensation, then this 13-letter one?


Adjective: A synonym for "absurd", it's from the Latin for "with the rear part first"?


Movie Quotes: Oft seen in writing on fact & fiction, "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" includes "When the legend becomes fact," do this?

print the legend

Energy Glossary: The 3 types of heat energy transfer are conduction, convection & this type like that from the Sun to the Earth?


Astronomy: This type of astronomy sprang into being thanks to a 1930s investigation into interference with telephone calls?

radio astronomy

6-Syllable Words: A synonym for "reasonable" begins this psychological term, an attempt to justify a failure or other loss?


Same First & Last Letter: Ridged steel rod used to strengthen concrete?


Anagrams Of Each Other: Baroque: Disavowed a previous statement & a fancy glass bottle for serving liquor?

recanted & decanter

10-Letter Words: There's a "Q" in this word meaning to give something up, like a throne?


Silent: If you're specifically reluctant to speak, you might be this word that also begins with "RE" & ends with "NT"?


The Office: Labor Day 2022 was a dividing line for several big companies when WFH became RTO, short for this?

return to office

Portmanteau: The art of using language to persuade + random bullet bounce?


Strong Words: A poem by Thom Gunn rhymes this word for strong & vigorously healthy with "dust"?


Nonpotent Potables: Meaning "red bush", this caffeine-free South African tea has surged in popularity in recent years?

rooibos tea

Transportation: Forward of the propeller on a submarine, these flat, hinged vertical plates are used to steer the vessel?


Holidays Around The Globe: The temperature during Finland's Midsummer festival is around 210 degrees--OK, inside these, a traditional part of the holiday?


Hoppy: This means 2 very different things;1) to fry something in very little oil &2) any ballet jump, like from 2 feet & landing on 2 feet?


Science: Many elements are named for places--like polonium & this one, atomic No. 21, which honors a large peninsula of northern Europe?


Health: This pain along the path of a certain nerve can radiate from the hip down the leg, but at least it tends to be only on one side?


"Sc": This word for a tiny trace, perhaps of doubt or evidence, is Latin for "spark"?


_s_ss_: In singular form, for a change, this word comes before "tailed" in the name of Oklahoma's state bird?


Latin: This 9-letter word for the sacred writings of the Bible is from the Latin for "to write"?


Military: The lowest commissioned rank in the U.S. Army?

second lieutenant

Fashion Etymology: These decorative spangles get their name from zecchino, a gold coin of 16th century Venice?


Tom Joad: Looking at a Hudson Super Six, named for its six of these, feel the presence of the Joads who converted one into a truck & piled in?

six cylinder engine

"tt": The double T is exactly in the middle of this adjective meaning nervous & easily frightened word?


Health & Medicine: Obesity has been linked to OSA, or obstructive this disorder, where breathing is disrupted while slumbering?

sleep apnea

The Rest, As They Say: An old saying goes, "Guests, like fish begin to" do this; how you waited 72 hours is beyond us?

smell after three days

Science: The existence of holmium was revealed in 1878 via this, the study of light over a range of wavelengths?


NEANDERTHALS: Despite beliefs to the contrary, the discovery & analysis of a Neanderthal hyoid bone suggests that they may have had this ability?


3 Consonants In A Row: This 6-letter word means to bud or germinate?


Fast Words: As an adverb, it means without hesitation, as in "I'll get it to you" this way; as a noun, it's a long part of a closed racecourse?


Tech: These days, more than 70% of Internet traffic is this type of video that typically uses data compression?


Big River: The Yenisei River, one of Russia's biggest, is home to the Siberian species of this big fish?


Science: This phenomenon of current zipping unimpeded through matter is associated with cold; cerium materials may enable it at room temp?


6-Letter Words: It sounds Scandinavian, but this synonym for slender comes from the Latin for "to pluck"?


_s_ss_: It precedes "& light" in a phrase meaning extreme pleasantness?


_s_ss_: It's the "B" in Elvis' classic TCB, mama; thank you, thank you very much?

taking care of business

Words From Greek Letters: To mock or insult someone, especially after beating them in a game?

taunt (tau)

Science: Formed in the 1960s, the theory of this 2-word movement of sections of the lithosphere upended earth science?

tectonic plates (plate tectonics)

Science: In 2016 artificially produced element 117 was officially named this, in honor of the state that contributed to its discovery?


Latin: An unexplored field of study could be described as this "unknown land"?

terra incognita

"x": Data in the form of words?


Mountains: Teddy Roosevelt was on a family vacation in these New York mountains when he got word that President McKinley had died?

the Adirondacks

Union: Promoting non-professional sports & fitness programs since 1888, the AAU is this Union?

the Amateur Athletic Union

Mexico: A Spanish word for "processing fee" gives us this term for low-wage export factories that dot Mexico's border with the United States?

the maquiladoras

Nursery Rhymes: The black sheep's not so bad; he's got 3 bags full of wool for these 3 recipients?

the master, the dame & the little boy who lives down the lane

5 Chances: Horse abuse at the Olympics in 2021 led to calls for the replacement of the traditional riding part of this event?

the pentathlon

"set": Divided into 100 centimos, this former monetary unit of Spain & Andorra was replaced by the euro in 2002?

the peseta

Heavenly Bodies: The Sun's visible surface, which radiates most of its light directly, is called this 11-letter word; get the picture?

the photosphere

Botany: Son of a gun, this female part of a flower is made up of the ovary, style & stigma?

the pistil

Dance: In Wonderland, the Mock Turtle & the Gryphon tell Alice how seals, turtles & salmon partner with lobsters for this dance?

the quadrille

Rhyming Phrase: On stage & film, it's what "stays mainly in the plain"... by George, do you have it?!

the rain in spain

Before & After: A period of need to save up for that falls on the Mexican holiday just after Halloween?

the rainy Day of the Dead

Math: The domain is the set of values that can be input into a function; the set of possible outputs is called this expanse?

the range

Birds Near Water: This bird of the genus Actitis gets its name from running along seashores making short, high-pitched noises?

the sandpiper

Space: Once matter enters a black hole, it falls to the center & concentrates at an infinitely dense point called this?

the singularity

Astronomy: Out at the edge of the solar system, the heliopause is where this stream of plasma from the sun meets interstellar space?

the solar wind

Molecule: A 1998 Nobel rewarded work that revealed nitric oxide's role in triggering this, the expansion of blood vessels?


Main Musical Instrument: Bluegrass legend Alison Krauss?

violin (fiddle)

Medications: This vitamin may be prescribed in the form of medications such as Replesta for rickets or osteomalacia?

vitamin D

Drinks: Lightning Bolt is a combo of these drinks?

vodka & Galliano

Don't Fall In: To geologists a maar is a crater caused by this type of activity; some end up as lakes?


Art Supplies: Seen here, this type of decorative tape with a Japanese name is made from rice paper?

washi tape

Assonance: In a song title from the 1920s, these 2-word noisemakers for nuptials "are breaking up that old gang of mine"?

wedding bells

Alex Trebek: Alex had tons of hardware supplies, including these, also called half-moon keys; he never knew what they were for, though?

woodruff keys

Dragons: In Chinese myth the dragon was benevolent, exemplifying this masculine half of a complementary life force?


Contractions: This double contraction is often uttered after someone brings something to a party after being told not to?

you shouldn't've

Tagline: 2010: "They're taking adventure to new lengths"?


Wine: These compounds in wine that leave that puckery feeling in the mouth mostly come from grape skins?


Class: Members of the class Chondrichthyes include these flat-bodied fish that sound like winter footwear?

sea skates

Cook: In her "Cravings" cookbooks, she shares anecdotes along with some of her & John Legend's favorite recipes?

(Chrissy) Teigen

Poison: The poison whose rapid, fatal effects can be countered with sodium nitrite?


America: The address for the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville is One this Base, 240,000 miles from another base of that name?


Phrase Connectors: The naked____will out?


Bob Dylan Lyrics: "May your heart always be joyful, may your song always be sung, and may you stay" this?

forever young

All: 2 extremities of a boat are in this nautical idiom for including everything?

from stem to stern

Crafts: To make simple candles, pour wax such as paraffin or this animal fat into a container around a wick?


Words From WWI: "Cistern" & "reservoir" were suggested names for a secret invention, but the British preferred this less clumsy monosyllable?

a tank

Word History: Lewis Carroll coined this word, perhaps as a portmanteau of "chuckle" & "snort"?


Cook: Still around today, her original 1896 Boston Cooking School Cookbook contained at least 2 recipes calling for a calf's head?

Fannie Farmer

Lawyer Billboards: Prisoner Release Negotiations &Patriotic Poetry A SpecialtyServing The Greater Washington/Baltimore Area?

Francis Scott Key

Women Authors: A collaboration & romance with Jules Sandeau had something to do with Aurore Dudevant choosing this pen name?

George Sand

Also A Measurement: Mass:A verb meaning to hammer repeatedly?


Celebrity Relatives: This veteran actor co-starred in "The Devil Wears Prada" with Emily Blunt, who has since become his sister-in-law?

Stanley Tucci

Politics: On his third try in 1981, François Mitterrand became the first French president representing this quite gauche party?

the Socialists

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.